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What is the point of labour ?


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53 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

Good to know that you’re happy with Labour endorsing trickle down economics in a time of continued austerity.

Anyway my post was for the attention of H_B, not sure why you’re replying.


You were obviously addressing it to me and again when i've replied went back to the false accusations.

McDonnell isn't endorsing trickle down economics. They are the opposition to the government and have a strategy for getting into politics. People who want to fight every inch of every battle are idiots. Cybernats seem to think that arguing about politics is politics 

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Whatever H_B.

Anyway back in the real world, Corbyn making a complete tit of himself again at PMQ’s just now bringing up tax breaks proposed by the Tories. He is either too thick to understand what McDonnell said or wasn’t aware of it. Not sure which is worse.

The man’s ineptitude is a millstone around the oppositions neck at such a crucial time for UK politics.

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I don’t have a problem with the Labour MPs defying the whip and voting against the Tory tax cuts.  However if you look at the names they include a lot of folk who would oppose Corbyn regardless of what he was proposing.


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28 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I don’t have a problem with the Labour MPs defying the whip and voting against the Tory tax cuts.  However if you look at the names they include a lot of folk who would oppose Corbyn regardless of what he was proposing.


The entire PLP will be voting against the budget.


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I haven't followed this at all but looking at the list of names of Labour MPs who've opposed it...


 Karen Buck, Yvette C, Neil Coyle, Stella Creasy, Mike Gapes, Roger Godsiff, Kate Green, Margaret Hodge, Helen Jones, Liz Kendall, D Lammy, Pat McFadden, Ali McGovern, Ian Murray, Lisa Nandy, Jess Phillips, Lucy Powell, Emma Reynolds, Gareth Snell, Martin Whitfield

... Makes me think that it's probably not as cut and dried as I've been led to believe.

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Basically McDonnell refused to walk into the Tory trap of turning the narrative of the budget into a debate about tax rates for individuals earning circa 50 grand a year. Which then kicked the reserve army of Tories you listed into action to try and ensure that workers earning a good wage are pitted against workers earning medium and low wages. Which obviously has the effect of taking the focus off continued austerity, increasing in work poverty, universal credit and terrible fiscal projections for growth, wages and productivity.



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1 hour ago, JamieThomas said:

My post? Didn't say he was wrong - but as a bloated bourgeois c**t championing the centre right, he can immediately jack in the "comrade" shite.

Oh nah, the one above yours. I agree 100% with you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
29 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

I wonder if Douglas Alexander's view is shared by many within Labour........ 




Who the f**k is this c**t? Oh, the waste-of-skin chair moistener who used to squat on wee Mhairi’s seat until the public got wise to the fact that he and his branch office were a shower of shite. I can’t read the full article and doubt I’m missing much if it came out of the mouth of this vapid and callow nothing.

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