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What is the point of labour ?


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Labour in power were always centrist. Atlee, Wilson, Callaghan, Blair. Atlee was probably the most left wing of them all. 

And built the welfare state by stripping the empire for parts. Makes “the Labour Party is now a racist party” fucking laughable. It’s always loved imperialism.
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I dunno, they more or less have all said they hate the leadership. That's pretty much it.  Possibly 7 more votes for May's deal though.
I doubt very much that Umunna will vote for May's deal.

If it wasn't for the nagging suspicion that this is more than just Brexit I'd perhaps be sympathetic - this looks like a band of anti-Corbynistas with very little in common.
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Guest Bob Mahelp
12 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

“The most hideous government in living memory”?  Unless and until the Tories devastate the country with Brexit that title would still go to Thatcher.

Despite the terrible MSM campaign against Corbyn, aided and abetted by many of his own MPs, Labour achieved one of the best comebacks from low polling numbers largely due to Corbyn.


If you want to talk purely about electoral success, let's look at this way.....the party that wins the 'middle ground' in the UK, wins General Elections. And the fact is, that due to English voters, the 'middle ground' in UK politics for the last century or more has generally been slightly to the right. 

Blair was able to give Labour success electorally....for good or for bad..... by claiming that middle ground and staying there.

In the present fevered climate, and given how far right the Tories have swung, it's on the edge of insanity they are still able to claim the middle ground in the UK overall. 

And why is that ? Well, it's mainly because Labour under Corbyn have not the slightest interest in claiming the middle ground in UK politics or attracting the type of voter they'll need to win power. 

I get it that this will appeal to your purer type of Socialist. But there simply aren't enough of them in the UK to get Labour into power, and I would suggest that their number are dwindling. 

Labour under Corbyn will never, ever form a government. Labour with a different type of leader could well be trouncing the Tories in the polls and under certain circumstances may have been able to force a GE already, one in which they could romp home. 

But no, the Labour leadership are still clinging to an ideology which hasn't won a UK election in 3 generations. And their vacuous, baffling, paralysed (in) action over Brexit is just the icing on the cake for many. 

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1 minute ago, NotThePars said:



Apparently this is the registered address for the ultra-Remainer splitters. It’s a fucking Wetherspoons. Genuinely possible they came up with the split pissed down the pub.


Good preparation finding a place with a suicide catcher by the roof.

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Getting busy according to the Telegraph.


A Tory minister and four Conservative backbenchers appear poised to defect to the new Independent Group set up by disgruntled Labour MPs, it has been claimed.

Describing the breakaway group as ‘remarkably sensible people’, the minister told the Telegraph he was prepared to join the new party if the government presses ahead with a no-deal Brexit.

It came as Anna Soubry sparked speculation she is preparing to jump ship after removing a Conservative party slogan from her social media profile.


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Getting busy according to the Telegraph.
A Tory minister and four Conservative backbenchers appear poised to defect to the new Independent Group set up by disgruntled Labour MPs, it has been claimed.
Describing the breakaway group as ‘remarkably sensible people’, the minister told the Telegraph he was prepared to join the new party if the government presses ahead with a no-deal Brexit.
It came as Anna Soubry sparked speculation she is preparing to jump ship after removing a Conservative party slogan from her social media profile.

“remarkably sensible people” has me in stitches.
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I was a member of the Labour Party for 20 years.  It is amazing the amount of people who become Labour MPs and think they can then dictate to the local party who selected them and got them elected.
It is also amazing the number of them who quickly lose focus about what they were elected for.
It is beyond amazing the number of Labour MPs who don’t have a socialist bone in their bodies.  Umunna is simply in the mould of Blair though he will never now get anywhere in politics.
In theory that might be true but the reality is that in many local parties it's often a small clique that controls things. I can understand why a party may want to deselect an MP - where they are clearly going against party policy.

What I don't agree with is when there is organised entryism to oust an MP solely because they are seen as not "left-wing" enough - that's not to say that those within the 7 who were facing deselection didn't deserve it - but I've long been suspicious of local parties who have a sudden increase in "membership" - you are old enough to remember those tactics in the 80s by Militant. It got to the point that there were left-wingers facing deselection because they weren't left-wing enough.

There has to be a balance - how that is achieved is another matter.
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Guest Bob Mahelp

The SNP should throw the cat amongst the pigeons by announcing that they're going to field hundreds of candidates in England for the next elections, on a pro-EU ticket. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

In theory that might be true but the reality is that in many local parties it's often a small clique that controls things. I can understand why a party may want to deselect an MP - where they are clearly going against party policy.

What I don't agree with is when there is organised entryism to oust an MP solely because they are seen as not "left-wing" enough - that's not to say that those within the 7 who were facing deselection didn't deserve it - but I've long been suspicious of local parties who have a sudden increase in "membership" - you are old enough to remember those tactics in the 80s by Militant. It got to the point that there were left-wingers facing deselection because they weren't left-wing enough.

There has to be a balance - how that is achieved is another matter.

Both Labour and the Tories are but one step away from this nutcase extremism. 

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Just now, DeeTillEhDeh said:

In theory that might be true but the reality is that in many local parties it's often a small clique that controls things. I can understand why a party may want to deselect an MP - where they are clearly going against party policy.

What I don't agree with is when there is organised entryism to oust an MP solely because they are seen as not "left-wing" enough - that's not to say that those within the 7 who were facing deselection didn't deserve it - but I've long been suspicious of local parties who have a sudden increase in "membership" - you are old enough to remember those tactics in the 80s by Militant. It got to the point that there were left-wingers facing deselection because they weren't left-wing enough.

There has to be a balance - how that is achieved is another matter.

Supposedly a similar thing is happening in the Tory party to Nick Boles, a bunch of UKIP members joining up to try and deselect him. 

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4 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The SNP should throw the cat amongst the pigeons by announcing that they're going to field hundreds of candidates in England for the next elections, on a pro-EU ticket. 


I'd love to see that happening - there are pockets of England where the Scots have a lot of respect.

Sadly Accrington, Lancs doesn't appear to be one of them.


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3 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Both Labour and the Tories are but one step away from this nutcase extremism. 

Stop reading the Daily Mail. 

I disagree with Corbyn on Brexit and Scottish Independence but he’s not an extremist.  Unless a Labour leader believing in socialism is extreme.


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7 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The SNP should throw the cat amongst the pigeons by announcing that they're going to field hundreds of candidates in England for the next elections, on a pro-EU ticket. 

Dont you might end up running this shitshow. 

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Whatever the motivation, hopefully a wee bit of momentum gathers pace and others follow swiftly. It the outcome, proves to be the end of any further influence and power in British politics for Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell then this little episode can only be a good thing.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
Just now, Granny Danger said:

Stop reading the Daily Mail. 

I disagree with Corbyn on Brexit and Scottish Independence but he’s not an extremist.  Unless a Labour leader believing in socialism is extreme.


You're mis-understanding me again Granny.

I'm talking about the more extreme elements of both parties....and not specifically Corbyn and May....that are having an ever-growing influence.  

The word 'traitor' seems to be in mode with the dafter extremes in both Labour and Tory.

And I dodn't think anyone could ever accuse me of being a Daily Mail reader :lol:

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