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Well, I like to stick marker pens up my ass when I'm w**king :unsure:


Mariah Carey has a fantastic voice and some of her music is excellent. The four songs I listed above are, IMO, very, very good.

Wondered how long it would take you to get back to me :D

Mariah Carey has one of the most soulless voices I've ever heard. It's like someone has sucked all the emotion out of it. And the songs you list are bland in the extreme.

I thought all her fans were women and gay men :lol:

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Thanks but I'll pass. I realise that it can be hard for some of you guys to say you like something when all your school chums say it's shit but when you grow up you'll realise that you're capable of forming your own opinions. I'll be keeping my Mariah Carey mp3s thank you. Once you're all grown up, I may lend you them if by that stage you've decided to broaden your horizons and listen to some music which you normally wouldmn't.

I defy anyone to identify an artist with a better singing voice than Mariah Carey.

TM, my favourite band of all time is Depeche Mode.

All through my life, I've been slagged off for liking them by friends (some of whom have very similar musical taste to myself). However I have liked them since the early 80's and to me they still make challenging and innovative music. So I'm not exactly coming from the mentality you're suggesting.

As in the previous post, I'm saying I don't like Mariah Carey for her truly soulless delivery. So what if she has a 5 octave range, if there is no passion and sincerity in the voice, then it means nothing.

And finallly, to answer your question... Mark E Smith :D

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