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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I recieved a letter from SAAS regarding my travel expenses claim:

Thank you for your application etc:

Travel Expenses Approved: £566.40 ("Ya fucking beezer" was the cry from a delighted Muff.)

LESS DEDUCTIONS ("Shit", exclaimed a perplexed McMuffin, the wind clearly knocked from his sails.)

Travel Allowance Deducted: £155.00

Residual Contribution Recovered: £411.40


A hail of profanity spewed from his mouth, furious that they bothered to send such a fucking stupid letter.

Obviously they don't want to give me money for the daily Charing Cross - Queen Street train that I allegedly ride, nor the 6 day singles on the train to and from Inverness, but that's neither here nor there :ph34r:

"Dear Mr McMuffin

Thanks for your application. Unfortunately for you, we're not stupid, and we're giving you f**k all.


Mr Travel Expenses"

I'd have preferred that.

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ive been workin in bars long enough (i should really do something with my life) that certain things have turned from observations...to slight annoyance...to mild aggravation...to just despising whoever commited the offence.

heres my list of things that piss me off in bars (which will probably grow as time passes and i become even more jaded and cynical than i am now)

1. People that leave their empty glasses at their tables when they leave or come to the bar for more drink (its not hard to bring them with you), also i find that these people are generally the ones who get annoyed when you have to leave the bar to collect glasses bacause people aren't returning them.

2. People that order their round a drink at a time as if i can't possibly remember more than 3 drinks at once, this is even more annoying when they choose to order guinness as the last drink and then they satnd there wondering why they have to wait for like 2 minutes for it to settle...twats

3. People who stand at the bar for ages trying to get your attention to serve them and then when you finally get to them there like "er, a blue wkd and er...mike, what you want?..er oh yeah a stella and er..etc"

4. People (usually the same as above) that order their drinks, get their drinks and then decide to actually fish their money out from their purse/back pocket/handbag/manbag as if its a suprise that they had to pay!

5. when the bars busy people that wave in your face or click their fingers to try and get your attention, then when you serve the person who was there before them next they're all like "eh, it was me next" as if clickin your fingers in my face constitutes some sort of unspoken contract"

6. People that when the round is say £11.56 say " i'll give you £10 cash" ha fuckin ha it wasnt funny the 1st time i heard it and it sure aint funny the 12th time tonight

7. People that refuse to leave after they have had their 15 minutes last orders and 15 mins drinkin up time, "aye im just finishin it pal" your obviously not cos thats what you said 20 minutes ago, your not getting a lock-in your fat, ugly and you smell bad now piss off!

8. Sometimes when your busy and you run out of glasses so someone keeps serving and the other quickly gets some glasses done and all you can hear is "you serving mate?" or "2 vodka cokes mate" if you brought your glasses back to the bar the problem wouldnt arise in the first place!

9. when serving someone says "2 pints of tennants when your ready pal" as if they are the 1st person to say it and it somehow means they can magically jump to the front of the line

people + bevvy = twats

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ive been workin in bars long enough (i should really do something with my life) that certain things have turned from observations...to slight annoyance...to mild aggravation...to just despising whoever commited the offence.

heres my list of things that piss me off in bars (which will probably grow as time passes and i become even more jaded and cynical than i am now)

1. People that leave their empty glasses at their tables when they leave or come to the bar for more drink (its not hard to bring them with you), also i find that these people are generally the ones who get annoyed when you have to leave the bar to collect glasses bacause people aren't returning them.

2. People that order their round a drink at a time as if i can't possibly remember more than 3 drinks at once, this is even more annoying when they choose to order guinness as the last drink and then they satnd there wondering why they have to wait for like 2 minutes for it to settle...twats

3. People who stand at the bar for ages trying to get your attention to serve them and then when you finally get to them there like "er, a blue wkd and er...mike, what you want?..er oh yeah a stella and er..etc"

4. People (usually the same as above) that order their drinks, get their drinks and then decide to actually fish their money out from their purse/back pocket/handbag/manbag as if its a suprise that they had to pay!

5. when the bars busy people that wave in your face or click their fingers to try and get your attention, then when you serve the person who was there before them next they're all like "eh, it was me next" as if clickin your fingers in my face constitutes some sort of unspoken contract"

6. People that when the round is say £11.56 say " i'll give you £10 cash" ha fuckin ha it wasnt funny the 1st time i heard it and it sure aint funny the 12th time tonight

7. People that refuse to leave after they have had their 15 minutes last orders and 15 mins drinkin up time, "aye im just finishin it pal" your obviously not cos thats what you said 20 minutes ago, your not getting a lock-in your fat, ugly and you smell bad now piss off!

8. Sometimes when your busy and you run out of glasses so someone keeps serving and the other quickly gets some glasses done and all you can hear is "you serving mate?" or "2 vodka cokes mate" if you brought your glasses back to the bar the problem wouldnt arise in the first place!

9. when serving someone says "2 pints of tennants when your ready pal" as if they are the 1st person to say it and it somehow means they can magically jump to the front of the line

people + bevvy = twats

Thank fuck I don't do bar work any more! Another one is when someone is quite clearly on glass-washing duty, and everyone is moaning at them to start serving. It was especially irritating where I used to work, as just about all the punters knew me, or at least my name, it really bugged my tits when it was me that was on the receiving end <_< Also, if someone is solely on glass collecting and goes behind the bar they'd usually have someone shouting on them. The first point you made was an absolute fucking pet hate of mine, and I make a point of taking my glass back to the bar (if I'm not already sitting there).

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Oops, didnt realise that was sore point for some reason. :huh:

*puts on body armour*

I'll explain next time I see you! :lol:

With regard to bar work, the waiting til the last drink to order the Guinness (or John Smith's/Caffrey's for that matter) is definitely the most annoying, but tapping money on the bar or clicking at you comes a very close second.

And you think you get to hear the bad "I'll give you £10 for cash" banter is bad? Try being a woman and hearing some of the comments you have to put up with then.

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I'll explain next time I see you! :lol:

With regard to bar work, the waiting til the last drink to order the Guinness (or John Smith's/Caffrey's for that matter) is definitely the most annoying, but tapping money on the bar or clicking at you comes a very close second.

And you think you get to hear the bad "I'll give you £10 for cash" banter is bad? Try being a woman and hearing some of the comments you have to put up with then.

Waving a tenner is also a bit vexing, though it is quite funny if you grab it from them and serve someone else :lol:

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The first point you made was an absolute fucking pet hate of mine, and I make a point of taking my glass back to the bar (if I'm not already sitting there).

good stuff!, aye whenever im drinking somewhere else I always take my glasses back (and usually my friends ones as well - thats how much it pisses me off!)

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good stuff!, aye whenever im drinking somewhere else I always take my glasses back (and usually my friends ones as well - thats how much it pisses me off!)

It's common courtesy more than anything else, though in my case it's more to do with the fact I frequent several pubs in Linlithgow on a semi-regular basis...

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ive been workin in bars long enough (i should really do something with my life) that certain things have turned from observations...to slight annoyance...to mild aggravation...to just despising whoever commited the offence.

heres my list of things that piss me off in bars (which will probably grow as time passes and i become even more jaded and cynical than i am now)

1. People that leave their empty glasses at their tables when they leave or come to the bar for more drink (its not hard to bring them with you), also i find that these people are generally the ones who get annoyed when you have to leave the bar to collect glasses bacause people aren't returning them.

2. People that order their round a drink at a time as if i can't possibly remember more than 3 drinks at once, this is even more annoying when they choose to order guinness as the last drink and then they satnd there wondering why they have to wait for like 2 minutes for it to settle...twats

3. People who stand at the bar for ages trying to get your attention to serve them and then when you finally get to them there like "er, a blue wkd and er...mike, what you want?..er oh yeah a stella and er..etc"

4. People (usually the same as above) that order their drinks, get their drinks and then decide to actually fish their money out from their purse/back pocket/handbag/manbag as if its a suprise that they had to pay!

5. when the bars busy people that wave in your face or click their fingers to try and get your attention, then when you serve the person who was there before them next they're all like "eh, it was me next" as if clickin your fingers in my face constitutes some sort of unspoken contract"

6. People that when the round is say £11.56 say " i'll give you £10 cash" ha fuckin ha it wasnt funny the 1st time i heard it and it sure aint funny the 12th time tonight

7. People that refuse to leave after they have had their 15 minutes last orders and 15 mins drinkin up time, "aye im just finishin it pal" your obviously not cos thats what you said 20 minutes ago, your not getting a lock-in your fat, ugly and you smell bad now piss off!

8. Sometimes when your busy and you run out of glasses so someone keeps serving and the other quickly gets some glasses done and all you can hear is "you serving mate?" or "2 vodka cokes mate" if you brought your glasses back to the bar the problem wouldnt arise in the first place!

9. when serving someone says "2 pints of tennants when your ready pal" as if they are the 1st person to say it and it somehow means they can magically jump to the front of the line

people + bevvy = twats

Amen brother.

So glad I dont do it anymore.

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Waving a tenner is also a bit vexing, though it is quite funny if you grab it from them and serve someone else :lol:

To be fair, I kinda do that, although only so that I dont have to go digging into my wallet...

Is it alright if I have it folded in my hand, and have my hand resting on the bar?

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To be fair, I kinda do that, although only so that I dont have to go digging into my wallet...

Is it alright if I have it folded in my hand, and have my hand resting on the bar?

I'd probably chaff it anyway, but aye, that's fair enough ;)

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ive been workin in bars long enough (i should really do something with my life) that certain things have turned from observations...to slight annoyance...to mild aggravation...to just despising whoever commited the offence....

...people + bevvy = twats

What bar do you work in crawf?

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worked in lots of places throughout the Lothian and Borders region, hotels/cocktail bars/ old mans pubs

to quote Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson - "Same rules apply!"

Fair enough.

I'm looking for a bar job in Glasgow, so anybody who works in one if you're looking for staff gimme a shout!

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Had my hair permed today. It always takes it a fortnight or so to settle and looks a little scary just now. To the point where, when I got on the webcam afterwards with my other half, he wanted to know if it had all gone horribly wrong :( . 'Fraid not. This is normal for day 1. Oh, how glad I am that I'm not in Glasgow for a match any time in the next few weeks! <_<

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Most of those are fair enough, but I take issue wit hthe glasses hting. Because I'm getting old I generally only go out on weekends now, and when I do, the pub is often packed. Carrying glasses up and putting them on the bar just crowds the space onto which the busy bar staff are trying to prepare peoples' orders. Plus I think carrying empty glasses back is for the staff - and I don't mean to make it sound like the kind of drudgery that's beneath me, but rather I think it's better to let them deal with it because in some places the glasses don't go behind a bar but into a kitchen, or are collected in a different way, etc.

I am curious about the full extent of this etiquette. Not curious enough that I'll do anything except just sit with a big mound of empty glasses in front of me, mind you.

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Most of those are fair enough, but I take issue wit hthe glasses hting. Because I'm getting old I generally only go out on weekends now, and when I do, the pub is often packed. Carrying glasses up and putting them on the bar just crowds the space onto which the busy bar staff are trying to prepare peoples' orders. Plus I think carrying empty glasses back is for the staff - and I don't mean to make it sound like the kind of drudgery that's beneath me, but rather I think it's better to let them deal with it because in some places the glasses don't go behind a bar but into a kitchen, or are collected in a different way, etc.

I am curious about the full extent of this etiquette. Not curious enough that I'll do anything except just sit with a big mound of empty glasses in front of me, mind you.

As I mentioned earlier, it's simple courtesy. However, I do take your point about a heaving bar. I was talking more about old man's pubs and the like.

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