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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix

If nothing else, The Gray Ghost gives good copy.

Thats right, weird boy.

Your first sentence normally ends in "head" rather than "copy".

As for your second, if I were Steven, I'd hunt you down and give your fat ass a good kicking.

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Your first sentence normally ends in "head" rather than "copy".

As for your second, if I were Steven, I'd hunt you down and give your fat ass a good kicking.

For what, calling him weird? The Gray Ghost has been called far worse by the likes of you, and feels no compulsion to hunt people down. It seems a little weird to want to do so. Are you too a weirdo?

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no, i'm just really disappointed with myself because i liked that girl and i did f**k all about it and now college has finished so i wont see her again

um. this should be a RTBC surely.

well not the not doing anything, but she did have a boyfriend so you've avoided a kicking there :D , and you'll never see her again so you can constructively move on. :D

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no, i'm just really disappointed with myself because i liked that girl and i did f**k all about it and now college has finished so i wont see her again

You should have at least asked her, now you will never know and it will eat at you for a while, but you will get over it and next time the situation arises you will hopefully realise that it is better to know one way or another whether she reciprocates your feelings. There is absolutely nothing to lose in asking another human being whether they like you 'sex-wise'-it may hurt for a while if she says no, but another opportunity will come along.

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Guest The Phoenix
For what, calling him weird?

No, on reflection, just for the satisfaction it would give him and many others besides.

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Guest The Phoenix
He can occasionally be found working in the ASDA at the Jewel in Edinburgh if you wish to track him down.


TGG stacking shelves? :unsure:

Well blow me over with a feather duster. :lol:

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Absolutely belting hangover and the guys from Sky and drilling and hammering in the next room. Between 12 and 5 they said. I expected a 3pm visit. I should have gotten up at around 11 to make myself presentable, but no. I decide to leave it until the fucking doorbell goes.

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Workmates (I use this term loosley) thinking its funny to pour month old milk into my cabinet

Those silly buggers! I hope you turned round to face them and with a cheeky smile said "Oh, you lot, I'll get you back one day!".

Monday, when they've forgotten about this whole episode, that's when you stab them.

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Those silly buggers! I hope you turned round to face them and with a cheeky smile said "Oh, you lot, I'll get you back one day!".

Monday, when they've forgotten about this whole episode, that's when you stab them.

I actually laughed as I imagined that there, well done

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I actually laughed as I imagined that there, well done

I'm trying to figure out if the milk just rested at the bottom of the cabinet; if it slowly seeped out of the side; or if it all flowed out in a massive smelly torrent when the guy opened it. The third of these is by far the funniest but I'd take any of them.

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I've had a hard on now for about 15 minutes, and I can't get rid of it. It's really annoying me, as I don't want to get out from behind my desk until it subsides. <_<

Ew! You're in your 30's! No one wants to know about that stuff from you anymore! :P

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Ooh that's incitement to violence. I'm away to the Complaints Forum ;)

You're probably an English b*****d, and I bet you're black too. Did you get free internet with your free council house, you damned scrounger?

Bring back the birch.

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