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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Having checked a Lottery ticket I found in my room from a few weeks ago, it turns out I'm not now a millionaire. Not even slightly. :(

Shocking, I know. I felt it must have been my turn to win it by now. :(

Damn! I feel cheated about shagging you on a promise now! <_<

You've made me seem cheap! :(

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In case anyone hadn't noticed, I can't sleep. I went to bed about half ten or something like that, got all snuggled in and comfy, Adam came to bed and started talking about Tom Sellick. Tom fucking Sellick! :angry:

That was me awake, and I finally ended up giving in and getting out of bed.

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In case anyone hadn't noticed, I can't sleep. I went to bed about half ten or something like that, got all snuggled in and comfy, Adam came to bed and started talking about Tom Sellick. Tom fucking Sellick! :angry:

That was me awake, and I finally ended up giving in and getting out of bed.

Maybe he fancied a Magnum :P

Get my coat shall i ?

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Everytime I get on a bus the same annoying occurance happens.

The bus is reasonably quiet with lots of spare seats, when at one point the bus stops at a stop where only an old women is waiting to get on. The cenile old bitch takes so long to get up the steps and count her change (why not do it before) and by the time she's done there's 40 people waiting to get on and you end up sitting next to some obese w****r.

GRRR old c***s, hate them. :angry:

Im not sure what it is about folk on Edinburgh buses they never have their fares ready.Also last week when it was very hot some of their personnel hygiene left a lot to be desired.

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My Admin Officer almost wetting himself with excitement over the three new photocopiers we had delivered today.

"Ooh look at the mechanised trolley they're using to get the copiers' up the stairs"

"They've got an add on paper bin that can take 5 reams of paper so we won't have to refill them so often. Here, let me show you how it works"

"They can do 45 copies per minute, much faster than the old machine"

"Ooh look at the automatic stapler feature"

"I've put the instruction manual in the draw above the A4 tray - see?"

It's a fucking photocopier man, get over it! :angry:<_<

Just logged on this morning and got this office-wide email from him.....


Just to let you know that the new copiers are now installed. The controls are the same as the last ones. The only difference is on the general office copier which now takes 2500 sheets of paper at a time in the paper deck so please come and ask how to load the paper.

I will possibly end up giving him a smack! :ph34r:

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No really, I am impressed. It must be a pretty big copier? What make is it? I want to see it quite badly.

:lol::lol: Gods, you're sadder than him! The build up to this has been going on for two weeks.....


For your information, the three photocopiers will be being replaced over the course of the next week. You will notice that there will be boxes placed to the side of the existing copiers, these have to be uplifted at the same time as the old copiers.


If you really want to know they are Canon iR 3245 models...


full specification details HERE!

Feck, you've got me at it now!! :angry:<_<:(

Edit: And now Reina's at it too! I'm beginning to wish I hadn't moaned in the first place now! :rolleyes:

Edited by Kilt
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