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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Close season on P&B is utter pish, but this thread is hilarious.

Why does everyone always say this? If it is that pish, why not just f**k off until the season begins again?

Personally, I think it is as good as ever just now.

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I'm pretty sure there are neds running around my street with guns.


Yep. I was right. One guy got shot and another guy got stabbed. Doesn't really matter though, the people involved are all fannies.

He's not. He says he is, but he isn't.

I'm just up the road, and I've seen two neds in matching Ford Festers trying to have a drag race from the traffic lights. Sad fuckers.


You've just ruined my credibility! Anyway, looks like I missed out on the fun last night.


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Guest The Phoenix
What the f**k is wrong we you? Have a go at the phoneix next this guy? Why dont you do what your asking this guy to do.


Ignore him, G_Man - I do.

He's special. :(

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Why does everyone always say this? If it is that pish, why not just f**k off until the season begins again?

Personally, I think it is as good as ever just now.

I agree with this.

Back in the day *whistles Hovis tune*, almost every second thread degenerated into a mess with around half a dozen unrelated arguments going on at once. This would continue until violence was offered, resignations were posted and cancer/AIDS/death had been wished on many of the protagonists.

It was great. :ph34r:

That last few weeks have seebn a return to those heady days. Hopefully the season is posponed by a few weeks.

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I agree with this.

Back in the day *whistles Hovis tune*, almost every second thread degenerated into a mess with around half a dozen unrelated arguments going on at once. This would continue until violence was offered, resignations were posted and cancer/AIDS/death had been wished on many of the protagonists.

It was great. :ph34r:

That last few weeks have seebn a return to those heady days. Hopefully the season is posponed by a few weeks.

Absolutely, some of the recent drama has been absolutely top-notch, long may it continue.

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Yeah, but I enjoy reading your very mature responses sometimes. I wouldn't want to miss out on ALL of them just for a few immature ones, would I?

I feel I speak for all when I say, either get your pie out for DB62, or f**k off.


Well played that man.

Ah'm choking fur a ride son. I can pretend to be a man tae if thats yer bag?


You can have all the meatballs you want. Your still a fucking tube. :)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Gan Noel.

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For the record, I live round the corner from there... Our street actually looks quite nice!

What a lovely area!

You do live in Tollcross then! Not Parkhead :P

I didn't hear anything last night, I was in bed for just before 11. Did you see anything, Toma?

Here is a question, if any posters on here witnessed something like that, would you step forward and contact the Police? I have to say, I doubt I would. If a child had died or something as a result of it, I probably would report what I had seen, but other than that, I don't think I would.

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You do live in Tollcross then! Not Parkhead :P

I didn't hear anything last night, I was in bed for just before 11. Did you see anything, Toma?

Here is a question, if any posters on here witnessed something like that, would you step forward and contact the Police? I have to say, I doubt I would. If a child had died or something as a result of it, I probably would report what I had seen, but other than that, I don't think I would.

Why not?

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Not really worth the grief, is it? I've never considered myself a "grass" per se, so I don't think I would start.

In my personal opinion Adam, I don't think reporting something you saw as being "a grass". It's not like you are reporting someone you know, you are merely helping to keep neds with guns off the streets of where your girlfriend and child live.

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Here is a question, if any posters on here witnessed something like that, would you step forward and contact the Police? I have to say, I doubt I would. If a child had died or something as a result of it, I probably would report what I had seen, but other than that, I don't think I would.

If I saw an innocent person being the victim of a crime I would report it immediately, but if it was blatantly just the dregs of society stabbing and shooting each other I wouldn't bother.

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