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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Well? What are you sitting here for then? Instead of moaning about it, take some positive action! GRRR! YOU DA MAN and all that shite! Whoopah!


Haha, I've just realised the size of the lump on my ankle is enough to suggest it's broken, I actually tried to walk to the shops and didn't even reach as far as my bed, sorry Breaking Decency.

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Haha, I've just realised the size of the lump on my ankle is enough to suggest it's broken, I actually tried to walk to the shops and didn't even reach as far as my bed, sorry Breaking Decency.

You'd do well against a couple of coppers then eh? Cripple.

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Monster, you're a pain in the arse, I've never seen you and can tell you're a VIP for greggs, just because you're annoying.

I've never seen you and I can tell you're an unevolved childlike being. How can you see your screen with the forehead ridge getting in the way?

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I've never seen you and I can tell you're an unevolved childlike being. How can you see your screen with the forehead ridge getting in the way?

I have no idea what you're talking about, I mean I guessed right in the "you're fat" comment, you are just being silly now.

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That's just because you're a bit of a thicko though, no?

Yeah, which is probably expected considering I'm around half your age, infact when I'm your age I hope never to be on Pie And Bovril and posting away telling people their foreheads are deformed, and having a proud 17000+ posts to my name (well done by the way), because you're a bit of a saddo, no?

Edited by FTOF_PTFC_1
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