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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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So you have the same problems with squirrels as me then. There are loads of squirrels at our apartments, and one day i was walking along, minding my own business when a piece of bread landed on my head. I looked up to see a squirrel staring at me, with a smile on its face.

I told my wife, and she didnt beleive me. A few days later, and we are both walking out when i got a piece of pizza crust dropped on my head. :angry:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirrels!

Perhaps they could be named after poets instead of Renaissance artists. Like 'Hughes', 'Rimbaud', 'Shakespeare' and errrrr ...'Scott-Heron'.

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Another 2 please-takes today, taking me over my minimum non-contact time. GRRRR!!!! Every cloud though, means they can't take me friday period 6 like last week! Up to Rock Ness early it is then!

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This is not at all petty and probably shouldn't be in here, but I didn't want to start a thread about it.

A young Ayr fan drowned in the river Ayr last night while swimming with friends.


His name was Andy Young and he went to every game, home and away.

Rest in peace.


RIP Andy :(

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Seeing a disabled guy in a wheelchair on a pathway not able to get past a

men at work sign that was placed right across the path,he might have been able to bump it down the cerb but it was a good 5 to 6" drop.....if i was'nt in slow moving traffic

at the time i would have got out and moved it for him....so hopefully somebody out walking has came to his rescue by-now as the guy looked helpless when i passed... :(

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This is not at all petty and probably shouldn't be in here, but I didn't want to start a thread about it.

A young Ayr fan drowned in the river Ayr last night while swimming with friends.


His name was Andy Young and he went to every game, home and away.

Rest in peace.

Heard that last night, he used to pal about with the nephew


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Hrmph! :angry: See if I wasn't up in Aberdeen just now <_< ...on my birthday as well! :(

Edit: Just checked the P & B Home Page - I'm the oldest of the 4 birthday people today! :(:bairn

06:00hrs start this morning, an absolute tosser jabbering non-stop on his mobile phone from Queen Street to Perth - I don't give a shit about your cash flow, the arsey manager in the Stirling Branch, Karen with the attitude in management or your sales figures, you w**k, just SHUT THE FUCK UP!! :angry:

Only good thing is that once I've delivered my training course here I have the afternoon free in Aberdeen to have a peev or two and mebbes will meet up with a surprise guest later on to share them with me! :ph34r::guinness:babe2:thumsup2

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Thankfully, that fly half warded off the hangover! :lol:

My heating's not working, which means I can't heat the water for a bath, and it's pissing me off because I still smell like 3 members of Snow Patrol.

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It's not working!

To be fair, I can think of worse things to smell of that Jonny Quinn. It's quite exciting to be honest. Even so, I still need to wash it off.

If you let the essence infuse you perhaps soon you will be able to pen boring, earnestly sung 'anthems'.

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If you let the essence infuse you perhaps soon you will be able to pen boring, earnestly sung 'anthems'.

I doubt it. I'd probably be more able to come up with incredibly simple and dull drum patterns though.

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I doubt it. I'd probably be more able to come up with incredibly simple and dull drum patterns though.

To be honest, it probably won't work. I had a bath in Pete Doherty's sweat once and didn't inherit any songwriting ability and don't have a supermodel girlfriend. Still, I am now addicted to heroin.

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Thankfully, that fly half warded off the hangover! :lol:

Glad to have been able to help! ;) If I'd known, I would have offered to warm up your shower for you! :o:ph34r: As if I'd get the chance! :rolleyes::(

My moan - what a wierd place Aberdeen is!.....

1. A guy and his girlfriend at the bus station were seeing someone off and decided to get into an argument with the bus, which then ran over his foot. Cue him chasing the bus down the middle of the road in he rush hour traffic. :blink:

2. I met a really lovely person to share a birthday drink with in Aitchies Bar, had a good laugh with her (I think, hope I didn't come across as too 'needy' :ph34r: ) and then she disappeared in a flash excusing herself by saying she urgently needed a shower as she had a whole band's sweat over her. :huh: And she didn't even invite me round for a cup of tea. :(

3. I then ended up over the river Dee (that part of Aberdeen reeks of fish BTW! :ph34r: ) in a bar called The Grampian where I saw the first half of the Scotland game. I asked a guy where the toilets were, he pointed them out, and I suddenly thought I know you. I came back and he said 'Nick? I said Alan? And it was Guinness Alan from Ayr - in Aberdeen! :o Small world or what :huh:

4. Then I had a trip back to Glasgow chatting with a Prison Officer and her friend about our past work experiences. And got home to find no-one, not even my kids, had sent me a birthday card! :( And my cats were only pleased to see me 'cos I fed them their tea. :bairn

It was truly a Salvador Dali kind of day! Surreal, man, surreal!

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