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And live on sky:-

Leeds United's Carling Cup third round tie against Manchester United will take place on Tuesday September 20 (7.45pm).

The game has been selected by Sky for live TV coverage.

Ticket details for this game will be available on www.leedsunited.com at some stage on Wednesday August 31.

The last time the two sides met, United were victorious at Old Trafford thanks to a Jermaine Beckford goal.

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Also Max Gradel is going back to france and will have a medical at Saint Etienne on wednesday.

From the OS:-

Leeds United have reluctantly accepted an offer from French club Saint-Etienne for Max Gradel.

The player, who joined Leeds for an initial fee of £200,000 when he moved permanently from Leicester in January 2010, submitted a transfer request earlier on Tuesday, stating his desire to secure a move to his 'native' France and play at the highest level for his career development.

There has been extensive interest in the player, who is out of contract at the end of the season, from both clubs in England and France, however we were reluctant to agree to a domestic transfer that could potentially harm our promotion ambitions.

The player is to undertake a medical examination on Wednesday and the fee will remain undisclosed.

Max has scored 25 goals in 81 appearances for United since joining the club, initially on loan from Leicester City in October 2009.

The player, who won his first international caps while with the club, played a part in the team which won promotion from League One in 2009/10 and also figured prominently on our return to the Championship last season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Striker's excitement at Leeds move...


New United signing Mikael Forssell is hoping his "hunger for goals" will provide added ammunition in the club's quest for Championship success.

The 30-year-old former Birmingham and Chelsea forward has signed a deal until the end of the season at Elland Road.

I'm delighted," said the striker. "I'd had three good years in Germany with Hannover, but I've missed English football and I really wanted to come back here.

"To come to a club like Leeds is fantastic. It is such an historic club, the team is good, the lads are positive, the facilities are unbelievable, and the fans look brilliant.

"I played against Leeds a couple of times for Birmingham and scored in both games - but now I'm on this side and it's fantastic.

"There's big competition for striking places here, but I'm hungry for goals. There's some great players here, and I want to fight for a place to wear such an historic shirt."

Mikael had been plying his trade in Germany for the past three seasons before leaving Hannover in May.

"I've been working hard and training over the summer," he added.

"I played two 90 minutes for Finland at the weekend which felt good so I am happy. Maybe I'm lacking a little bit of match fitness, but a few games and some more good sessions will help."

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Guardian Journalist David Conn & the BBC's "Inside Out" team have completed filming a piece which investigates Ken Bates & his tangled history at Leeds United. Unless Ken manges to halt the broadcast it will be screened before the end of the month.

Think it may only be screened in the Yorkshire region only but don't know for sure , if I find out a fixed date / time for the broadcast I'll post the details.

Edited by repeat_offender
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Membership of the Leeds United Supporters Trust is now FREE. Only takes a minute to register online here Register at Leeds United Supporters Trust

Please consider joining, it's important that fans have an independant voice.


Leeds United Supporters Trust is delighted to be able to offer all Leeds fans (aged 16 or over), FREE membership of the Trust for the duration of the new season. We feel it is vital for Leeds United fans to have an independent voice and the Leeds United Supporters Trust can provide that voice. We urge every Leeds United fan all over the world to join the Trust and make our collective voice heard.

Over the past year the Leeds United Supporters Trust has made great strides, helping to push and challenge on the issues important to Leeds United fans. We now aim to kick on again this season and firmly establish the Leeds United Supporters Trust as the vehicle to give Leeds United fans the representation they deserve.

We will consult our membership on all issues Leeds United and then represent and push the issues that our membership feel are the most important to them. Sitting at the top of our agenda is one simple aim: To represent the views of and help Leeds United fans.

Leeds United Supporters Trust. One Voice, Your Voice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

BBC 1 will screen a programme investigating Leeds United / Ownership issues. To be shown on Monday 10th of October 10.30 ( Yorkshire Region only). Those not in the Yorkshire Region can watch it on Sky Channel 976 or on iplayer.


Guardian journalist David Conn investigates the ownership of Leeds United. Who has really owned the club for the past six years and are the fans getting a good deal?

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Interesting article about a pompey fans visit to ER last saturday:-

What on earth is happening at Leeds? I was at Elland Road last Saturday among 600 Pompey fans and the change in atmosphere since last season was palpable. Last year, the atmosphere impressed with fans in good voice and scarves whirling. This year, though, Elland Road is not a happy place, evidenced by the draconian, 1980s style crowd control methods and the strangely messianic images of the club’s chairman in his seat flashed onto the big screen above our heads. It somehow felt we had intruded onto someone else’s battlefield. Ken Bates seems to be stirring up something of a furore among the Leeds faithful since somehow finding the cash to name himself owner of the club at the end of last season. In a flurry of accusations regarding, “The scaremongering arising out of the football governance enquiry” in The Guardian last May, the suggestively pictured Mr Bates did the right thing and married his name to the club. All very well and good you might think – at least he’s made an honest club out of Leeds and maybe now it will be a case of happily ever after.

Since then Mr Bates has seemed keen to stamp his authority on the marriage. He is unhappy with media intrusion into the matter and, having taken a side-swipe at the already banned Guardian’s David Conn, ’the ‘international enemy of Leeds United’ last May, in August he banned the BBC from reporting on the club. Clearly Mr Conn, the Guardian and the BBC really shouldn’t be delving into the arrangements behind Mr Bates’ ownership. Nor should they be trying to unravel the strange obfustication of that ownership before the forced marriage. Indeed, how very dare they? Speaking on Yorkshire Radio back in May, Mr Bates was insouciant about that Government thing. To him it was, ”as trivial a hearing that I have ever heard, all obsessed with the ownership of Leeds United, which of course was stirred up with people who claim to be interested in Leeds United but they are not, they are actually more interested in causing trouble. ” That’s the coalition for you – bunch of bother causers.

Yorkshire Radio is the in-house station for Leeds United. Mr Bates doesn’t talk to anyone else other than LUTV, their in-house TV channel, it seems. But don’t worry if you can’t tune in, there are transcripts of his interviews on The Square Ball and interesting reading they make. Particularly the way the interviewer acts as Bates’ straight-man when he wants to jibe at the BBC or other enemies of the ‘Republic of Leeds United.’ Causing trouble in the ‘Republic’ appears to be a cardinal sin, and questioning the chairman seems to be taken as a manifestation of that sin. So the BBC deserve all they get really, given that there is a documentary on the ownership of Leeds United due to be screened in the next couple of weeks. But Mr Bates doesn’t stop at controlling the media, he appears to be worried about the behaviour of the citizens of the ‘Republic’ as well.

There has been unrest amongst the fans of late. Leeds are a shadow of the team they were last season and, judging by evidence of last Saturday, the football has suffered due to the sale of some decent players. Unlike Pompey though, Leeds do not have a CVA to service, but some ambitious building plans. There is a raft of development at the back of the East Stand where a hotel and leisure centre is planned. Many fans feel that the money currently being used to service the club is being ploughed into this development. This, when coupled with the sharp rise in ticket prices this season, doesn’t seem to be an unreasonable conclusion to arrive at. It’s a Chelsea Village comes to Leeds idea – Mr Bates has form on this kind of thing. One might think that such a development would create income for the club in the future but such hope has been unfounded at Chelsea where the current Chairman describes the returns on such a development as ‘slim’ and, given the current economic situation, it might be a hope too far. Indeed the whole arrangement at Chelsea is now proving outdated according to recent reports. Leeds United do not actually own Elland Road, it belongs to a BVI registered company, Teak Commercial Ltd, and the club rent both Elland Road and their Thorp Arch training ground from the company for circa £2m p.a. The owner of Teak Commercial is – unknown. Teak Commercial was established on the 25th January 2005 and acquired Elland Road on the 16th March 2005. Just to remind you, Mr Bates became chairman on 21st January 2005.

Leeds fans were already protesting against Mr Bates’ economic policy in August this year, before their defeat at home to Middlesbrough. This earned them a rebuke from their Chairman who referred to them as ‘morons’. On other occasions, fans that have objected to his rule have been called ‘sick-pots’ and ‘dissidents.’ An underclass in the ‘Republic’ is beginning to form. Ticket pricing across the Championship is a bit of an issue this season across the board. We have our own problems at Pompey, where a £30 entrance fee for Category A matches is much contested as not being value for money. However, at Leeds we were charmed to be graced with the Category A status and then staggered to find we had been allocated the most expensive seating at the ground at £36 a go, £27 for concessions and £25 for children. This is for an area of the ground that Leeds have found difficult to sell to their own fans in the past – could it be that this is being regarded by the club an easy earner by allocating the area to fans who have no choice?

We did have a nice view of the refurbished East Stand though. Not such a good one of the football, which may have been a blessing, given the mediocrity that both teams served up for the majority of the match – thirty-six pounds’ worth of entertainment it was not. However, we Pompey fans must have given good value for money as there were at least four Police Officers especially assigned to film our antics. The elderly gentleman next to me was most invigorated, apparently they had also filmed him and his equally elderly colleagues getting off the Pompey coach in the car park earlier in the day. I am wondering if we were paying the price for the Manchester United fans’ behaviour a few weeks earlier as the stewards seemed highly vexed by our propensity to stand, sing and jump up and down in support of our team. They certainly seemed keen on getting as many of us out of the ground before the end of the match as they could. Six hundred people must be a difficult number to control. Chants began to swell on the lines of ‘Thirty six quid, we’ll do what we want!’ and acrimony spread as the overt filming became more obvious and intrusive. Leeds fans tell me this unsubtle method of crowd control is the norm.

It does feel as if the well-publicised trouble of the Manchester United and Leeds fans after their Carling Cup match has given the Chairman of the ‘Republic’ a good reason to tighten crowd control at Elland Road. Chairman Bates was quite incensed at this behaviour and used the usual rhetoric to declaim the perpetrators as ‘scum’ who are ‘liars and thugs’ who ‘don’t give a damn about the club.’ The behaviour of fans using the tragedies in Istanbul and Munich to taunt each other was abhorrent, make no doubt. Policing football fans is needed when they behave in this way, of course. What is interesting about Bates’ programme notes for the Portsmouth game where these declarations were printed was his reasoning. No mention of the ethics of such chanting but the question that he wanted to leave fans with was, ‘Who would want to invest in such a club? Consequently the growth of Leeds United will be much slower.’

Just to be clear, in 2007 Bates threatened creditors that he would put the club into liquidation unless he was allowed to buy it back from the administrator. Given the current pattern of investment one is forced to question whether it is Leeds United the club whose growth might be arrested or Leeds United the property asset. There are certainly issues with funding the development behind the East Stand as Leeds Council turned down Leeds United’s request for a £20m loan in August, originally secured in the event of England winning the World Cup bid and requested again despite the bid’s failure.

Awkward questions are being asked by the ‘morons, sickpots and dissidents’ as to exactly where the money is coming from for this development, rumoured to need £7m for its first stage. These are dissidents such as the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust, wonderfully-acronymed LUST, 85% of whose members said they supported the protests against the Chairman. When the club is trading in profit yet the team has declined in quality, the Chairman has sworn under oath that he has put no money into the club and seems anxious about fans repelling investors, questions have to be asked as to the financial security of the club and where the funds for the development are coming from. Short term finance has been quoted as the source and it is possible that increased ticket prices may have been needed to cover this commitment. So yet again, as in so many other cases across the Leagues, fan loyalty is leached so that an owner can profit.

Financial anxiety does wonderful things to the psyche and the events of the Carling Cup game have given Mr Bates the desire to upgrade the club’s CCTV system to ‘concentrate on potential problem areas inside the ground.’ It obviously doesn’t cover the away fans in the West Stand yet, which is just as well, since the police filming last Saturday was highly useful in proving that an ejected Pompey fan accused by a steward of assault had actually done no such thing. The claim that away fans are easier to police in this new position may well be unfounded if stewards are going to be this mistaken in future. Cardiff fans – up at the end of the month for the West Stand – may be less amenable to such treatment.

However, it seems that Leeds are equally as worried about their own fans’ behaviour in the future, despite the lack of potential fixtures against Manchester United. The club has announced ”revised measures” beginning with only season ticket holders and members being allowed in the Kop at the Cardiff City game. So not only hiked prices, but an extra £40 to become a member if you want to stand with the most vociferous and loyal of the club’s supporters, or pay up to £36 to sit in the East or West stand. A Leeds fan I know suggested that ‘The fact that this area of the ground has been the seat of the loudest, most prolonged anti-Bates chanting this season is purely coincidental, I’m sure.’ The club will have a record of all those in this area on their database and so will be able to identify any dissent or ‘thuggish’ behaviour and subject the perpetrators to sanctions as deemed appropriate. Perhaps the provision of rose tinted spectacles in the mode of Red Bull’s treatment of Initiative Violett-Weiss at SV Austria Salzburg might be appropriate.

Whatever the reason, fans at Elland Road seem to be beginning to view going to the game as a chore rather than a pleasure and, whilst we at Portsmouth only have to visit Elland Road once a year, they have to step into this world every other week. Bates is seen by many as alienating and eroding both the core and casual support of the club ‘in pursuit of perceived financial gain’, as one message board contributor succincntly put it this week. Leeds United are no longer selling out their ground – even the visit of their deadly rivals Manchester United could not fill the seats. Population of the Republic is declining as opposition to Mr Chairman Bates increases. Control the media, rigorously police the people and get rid of the dissidents … now I’m sure that rings a bell somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is that why his assistant Ian Miller has been doing the post match stuff on the football league show.

Just out of curiousity. Any Leeds fans south of the border know if BBC Late Kick-Off regional football league shows are going to be screened again this season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rachubka looks like he is heading for the exit door very fast after last nights howling performance.

Blackpool had 4 shots on target and he spilled 3 of them to let blackpool go 3-0 in less than 30 mins.

Was replaced at half time by 18yrs Alex Cairns.

Another of Grayson's wonderful signings that hasnt worked out.

If grayson doesnt free him then it tells us all we need to now about grayson and the club.

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Rachubka looks like he is heading for the exit door very fast after last nights howling performance.

Blackpool had 4 shots on target and he spilled 3 of them to let blackpool go 3-0 in less than 30 mins.

Was replaced at half time by 18yrs Alex Cairns.

Another of Grayson's wonderful signings that hasnt worked out.

If grayson doesnt free him then it tells us all we need to now about grayson and the club.

Went from having 1 of the best keepers in the league in Kasper to that clown :(

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From the OS:-

Leeds United have signed Reading's under-21 international goalkeeper Alex McCarthy on loan.

Alex met his new team-mates for the first time on Friday and will go straight into the squad for Sunday's game at Leicester City.

With Andy Lonergan expected to be sidelined until next month with a broken finger, Simon Grayson moved to secure additional goalkeeping cover in the wake of Wednesday's 5-0 drubbing at the hands of Blackpool.

The 21-year-old goalkeeper, who was man of the match at Elland Road last season when United drew 0-0 with Reading, has only played once this season, and his parent club are hoping the move will give him the chance to play regular, competitive football.

United manager Simon Grayson said: "I'd like to thank Brian McDermott for allowing Alex to come to us. They are keen for him to play games and hopefully his loan spell here will help with his development.

"We allowed Billy Paynter to go to Brighton last week for very similar reasons and you hope that moves like this suit everyone concerned, both clubs and the player.

"Alex is a good, young goalkeeper. He's played with England under-21s and I'm sure our fans will remember him from the game at Elland Road last season when he showed all his qualities with a really strong performance."

Reading manager Brian McDermott said, "Throughout the season we have had a number of clubs interested in taking Alex on loan into League One, but those opportunities were not right because we feel Alex is right up there as one of the top young 'keepers in the country.

"It has been unfortunate for Alex because in him, Mikkel Andersen and Adam Federici we have three number one goalkeepers.

"Leeds have come in, they asked to take Alex on loan and I feel I need to do the right thing by him, playing four games in the Championship is in the best interests of the club and Alex in both the short and long term."

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From the OS:-

Former Leeds United manager Jimmy Adamson has sadly passed away at the age of 82.

Jimmy, who made over 400 appearances as a player for Burnley, managed United from October 1978 to October 1980.

In 85 games in charge, he presided over 31wins and 27 draws, and guided the club back into the UEFA Cup in 1979.

RIP Jimmy.

Edited by 55022
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  • 2 weeks later...

Andy O'Brien spits out his dummy:-

From the bbc website:-

Leeds manager Simon Grayson says Andy O'Brien refused to play in the win over Burnley and will never appear for the club again.

Grayson said the defender, who has been heckled by supporters, told him on Friday he did not want to play against the Clarets.

"It came as a shock, especially after I have backed him publicly and privately over the last few weeks," Grayson said.

"He won't play for this football club again as long as I am here."

We will decide internally what happens now and make a statement next week[/indent]Simon Grayson

O'Brien, 32, has made three Championship appearances for Leeds this season, returning to the side in the win over Leicester on 6 November.

Speaking after Leeds' 2-1 victory over the Clarets, Grayson said: "Andy came to me on Friday and said that he no longer wanted to play for this football club.

"I said I needed him to and I thought he played well.

"As manager, I have the right in the early parts of the season to take players out of the team and bring others in.

"I have said that Andy had trained well and did enough to get back into the team against Leicester.

"I don't want to say too much about the circumstances just now but we will decide internally what happens now and make a statement next week.

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