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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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I agree with a lot of what you're sayin but what is their to be jealous about? They're not "achieving" anything and they've just lost their daughter. Snidey and sickening, maybe, but certainly not jealousy.

Good point. I should have said that their is a worrying smugness in some of the postings, implying almost an element of pleasure in the suffering of these parents.

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Guest Ron Burgundy

It's the "bit weird" bit that may be the crux of this whole matter Mr Freud. Why is it that even you find them "weird" despite fully backing their actions.

In this instance I am going with nothing but pure instinct (big mistake perhaps) but there was something weird going on with that particular bunch of holiday makers.

All this talk of a pact, stories not matching and a refusal to speak to anyone without Gerry's permission is all a little worrying. It seems perfectly clear they were away from the children far longer than they admit so if they are willing to "do anything" for her safe return the truth would be good start.

A pseudo religious machine has swung into action with regard to this mob but I do wonder how long they can keep their pact?

Edited by Ron Burgundy
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It's the "bit weird" bit that may be the crux of this whole matter Mr Freud. Why is it that even you find them "weird" despite fully backing their actions.

In this instance I am going with nothing but pure instinct (big mistake perhaps) but there was something weird going on with that particular bunch of holiday makers.

All this talk of a pact, stories not matching and a refusal to speak to anyone without Gerry's permission is all a little. It seems perfectly clear they were away from the children far longer than they admit so if they are willing to "do anything" for her safe return the truth would be good start.

A pseudo religious machine has swung into action with regard to this mob but I do wonder how long they can keep their pact?

That was the general concensus when the story first broke, just look at the first couple of posts in this thread, for instance. There's just something not right and a bit dodgy about it.

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Passionate stuff Pinky, and I wouldn't disagree, but remember most of the folk calling for the heads of the McCanns don't have kids and therefore don't understand the feeling of sheer terror and impotence when there's anything wrong with them that you can't do anything about.

Absolutely spot on Monster.

If my wee boy went missing I would do everything in my power to make sure that the abduction stayed in the publics mind.

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Passionate stuff Pinky, and I wouldn't disagree, but remember most of the folk calling for the heads of the McCanns don't have kids and therefore don't understand the feeling of sheer terror and impotence when there's anything wrong with them that you can't do anything about.

It's really dissapointing Monster, but if you notice, the real source of my anger is against a small minded, rumour mongering little c**t who doesn't seem to have the first whiff of human decency about him.

It's good of you to make allowances-seriously. SO far as I'm concerned, anyone who can't place themselves in these peoples shoes-even to a limited extent, and instead would rather think the worst of them becuase, for example, they were made to feel uncomfortable before a family film comes on at the cinema are pretty much irredeemable.

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It's really dissapointing Monster, but if you notice, the real source of my anger is against a small minded, rumour mongering little c**t who doesn't seem to have the first whiff of human decency about him.

It's good of you to make allowances-seriously. SO far as I'm concerned, anyone who can't place themselves in these peoples shoes-even to a limited extent, and instead would rather think the worst of them becuase, for example, they were made to feel uncomfortable before a family film comes on at the cinema are pretty much irredeemable.

I think it was ColinM who posted on another thread about how this forum is so popular it really does reasonably represent society as a whole. I'd agree with that, and as such there are going to be fuckwits who type without really considering what they are saying.

I wouldn't bother too much about young folk who have verbal (or keyboard) diarrohea in this case - they really haven't a clue. And, as far as I'm concerned that's the whole point - nobody has a clue about the McCanns really, and maybe we'll never find out. But while we are waiting I'm certainly not going to publicly castigate them.

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I think it was ColinM who posted on another thread about how this forum is so popular it really does reasonably represent society as a whole. I'd agree with that, and as such there are going to be fuckwits who type without really considering what they are saying.

I wouldn't bother too much about young folk who have verbal (or keyboard) diarrohea in this case - they really haven't a clue. And, as far as I'm concerned that's the whole point - nobody has a clue about the McCanns really, and maybe we'll never find out. But while we are waiting I'm certainly not going to publicly castigate them.

Ach fair enough. I'm afraid I can't be quite so philosophical about this. I'm going to stay away from this thread. It's just fucking depressing.

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I think it was ColinM who posted on another thread about how this forum is so popular it really does reasonably represent society as a whole. I'd agree with that, and as such there are going to be fuckwits who type without really considering what they are saying.

I wouldn't bother too much about young folk who have verbal (or keyboard) diarrohea in this case - they really haven't a clue. And, as far as I'm concerned that's the whole point - nobody has a clue about the McCanns really, and maybe we'll never find out. But while we are waiting I'm certainly not going to publicly castigate them.

Exactly. Unless it comes out (which I'm sure it won't) that the McCanns were actually behind the whole thing all along then how the f**k can people be like this?! Have a little common decency and compassion for your fellow man people.

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Guest Ron Burgundy
Exactly. Unless it comes out (which I'm sure it won't) that the McCanns were actually behind the whole thing all along then how the f**k can people be like this?! Have a little common decency and compassion for your fellow man people.

i agree, but at the same time they are saying they will do anything, but this appears not to include telling the whole truth about what went on that night.

The conflicting stories of the people present are nothing short of astonishing and then the friends being flown back to portugal to have a face to face to face with the Murat character where they stopped just short of hanging him on behalf of the mccanns.

if you have absolutely nothing to hide and nothing to lose then why are they systematically creating a mechanism around them that appears on the face of it to be restricting the facts from emerging.

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Monster, I've made numerous posts on this thread about the case - I'm in my late 30's with two kids. I cannot understand a thing that Gerry McCann has done.

If one of my kids had been snatched from me, my other child would have been glued to my side.

I would have been camped out in airports - not in press studios, and certainly not out jogging.

I would certainly have appealed for help - but not for money and I would have been damned embarrassed had we raised £750k and I certainly wouldn't have applied to be able to keep the money and do what I want with it.

I certainly wouldn't be appearing at the Edinburgh Festival.

and I certainly wouldn't have gone to see the Pope.

Ofcourse all that aside I also certainly would not have been in their position in the first place, because I would NEVER, EVER such small children alone, in a strange room, in a foriegn country, while I f**k off out for a meal and a bevvy.

Now I'm not saying McCann murdered his daughter - but since his every action completely alien to me I find it incredibly hard to have any sympathy with him, or his wife and I would certainly like to see them arrested and charged with willful negligence if that is at all possible under UK law when they return.

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I think it was ColinM who posted on another thread about how this forum is so popular it really does reasonably represent society as a whole.

No it wasn't me - there's far more repressed homosexuals on here than in real life, percentage wise. Plus not enough women.

I think the poster that Pink Freud is frustrated with would like to think his posts on the matter are cutting edge Sadowitz-style controversial humour. Either that or he really is just a complete fuckwit.

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I don't have a problem with somebody exploring the avenue that the crime may have been committed by someone rather close to home. Isn't that an established pattern in murder/abduction cases and isn't it standard police procedure to pursue this line of enquiry?

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Monster, I've made numerous posts on this thread about the case - I'm in my late 30's with two kids. I cannot understand a thing that Gerry McCann has done.

If one of my kids had been snatched from me, my other child would have been glued to my side.

I would have been camped out in airports - not in press studios, and certainly not out jogging.

I would certainly have appealed for help - but not for money and I would have been damned embarrassed had we raised £750k and I certainly wouldn't have applied to be able to keep the money and do what I want with it.

I certainly wouldn't be appearing at the Edinburgh Festival.

and I certainly wouldn't have gone to see the Pope.

Ofcourse all that aside I also certainly would not have been in their position in the first place, because I would NEVER, EVER such small children alone, in a strange room, in a foriegn country, while I f**k off out for a meal and a bevvy.

Now I'm not saying McCann murdered his daughter - but since his every action completely alien to me I find it incredibly hard to have any sympathy with him, or his wife and I would certainly like to see them arrested and charged with willful negligence if that is at all possible under UK law when they return.

I dont have kids so I wdont know how I would react for definite but I think I may be more inclined to have Stuarts reaction rather than Mr McCanns.

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I don't have a problem with somebody exploring the avenue that the crime may have been committed by someone rather close to home. Isn't that an established pattern in murder/abduction cases and isn't it standard police procedure to pursue this line of enquiry?

Yes, it is. I don't have any problem with it either.

But simply bleating "It was him! It was him!" without any evidence or even tangible theory (other than "he's acting a bit dodgy") is a bit tiresome.

And Dickson's "certainly not jogging" line is fantastic, Chris Morris level of mock-outrage style humour :lol:

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Monster, I've made numerous posts on this thread about the case - I'm in my late 30's with two kids. I cannot understand a thing that Gerry McCann has done.

If one of my kids had been snatched from me, my other child would have been glued to my side.

I would have been camped out in airports - not in press studios, and certainly not out jogging.

I would certainly have appealed for help - but not for money and I would have been damned embarrassed had we raised £750k and I certainly wouldn't have applied to be able to keep the money and do what I want with it.

I certainly wouldn't be appearing at the Edinburgh Festival.

and I certainly wouldn't have gone to see the Pope.

Ofcourse all that aside I also certainly would not have been in their position in the first place, because I would NEVER, EVER such small children alone, in a strange room, in a foriegn country, while I f**k off out for a meal and a bevvy.

Now I'm not saying McCann murdered his daughter - but since his every action completely alien to me I find it incredibly hard to have any sympathy with him, or his wife and I would certainly like to see them arrested and charged with willful negligence if that is at all possible under UK law when they return.

The whole globetrotting and celebrity thing is a bit distasteful, there's no doubt.

I don't know, maybe they're just trying to keep themselves busy 18 hours a day so they don't have time to think about things?

No it wasn't me - there's far more repressed homosexuals on here than in real life, percentage wise. Plus not enough women.

I think the poster that Pink Freud is frustrated with would like to think his posts on the matter are cutting edge Sadowitz-style controversial humour. Either that or he really is just a complete fuckwit.

It was just such an intelligent post I was so sure it had come from you. ;):D

The poster in question is young and doesn't have the life experience to know when to be cautious, that's all I reckon.

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For what it's worth, I don't agree with those who say that the McCann's were negligent towards their daughter. You can't shackle kids 24 hours a day, they have to be let of the leash now and again. And it's not as if she was abandoned, her folks were close by and had left their daughter in what they considered to be a safe environment.

Just tragic bad luck what happened.

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Guest Five and Twenty Past
You can't shackle kids 24 hours a day, they have to be let of the leash now and again.

In this case, it was the parents who 'were let off the leash' - or should that be 'let go of the leash'

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