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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Forgive me if I am missing something here, or if it has bee said before - but how do the police/investigative persons know that the DNA found in the rental car belongs to Madeleine? I would imagine Madeleine's DNA isn't on record or anything?

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Forgive me if I am missing something here, or if it has bee said before - but how do the police/investigative persons know that the DNA found in the rental car belongs to Madeleine? I would imagine Madeleine's DNA isn't on record or anything?

I'd also imagine her parents DNA will bear some similarity. :rolleyes:

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Statistically Queens are really, really unlikely to beat Celtic...

Now I don't want to take this off on some irrelevant tangent but you might want to have a look at the all time head to head on that point and then think again.

Realistically Queens are "really, really unlikely to beat Celtic".

Statistically it's about 50/50.

Which is the point I was trying to get across. You can't solve a case with statistics and the fact that a majority of such cases end up with one or other parent involved (if that is the case) doesn't make it so in this case if the facts don't bear it out.

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Depends on the legal system in Portugal, I believe in England the will go ahead without a body, Scotland you need a body!

Also unless anybody can explain away maddies blood in the car with a plausible explanation then you have to say they look pretty guilty just now.

Do you? :o

Someone should tell that Nat Fraser then. :rolleyes:

BBC Clicky

And as for the blood, nobody's said they've found blood have they? They've said they found something which might be her DNA or very similar. Not an astonishing find in a car used by her parents. I'm no scientist but I know DNA is inherited. :rolleyes:

EDIT - Apologies, I replied to a post three pages ago, having looked to see if anyone else had mentioned it over the next page and no-one had. It appears plenty have in the last page.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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You can't solve a case with statistics and the fact that a majority of such cases end up with one or other parent involved (if that is the case) doesn't make it so in this case if the facts don't bear it out.

Well, quite, but it should be the starting point for every inquiry, and is always by far the most likely scenario, however much the "but a parent/uncle/family friend wouldn't do that" crowd don't like it.

It is unfortunately a fact that parents/uncles/family friends do indeed do this. Far more regularly than random prowling abductors/killers do.

All that is being said is that suspicion falling on the parents is a natural part of the inquiry, something the McCann media crew seem determined to contradict.

As is said though, if there is no evidence of their involvement, then that is absolutely fine. Their complete innocence is still entirely plausible. It is unfortunate for them that the "no smoke without fire" lobby will haunt them the rest of their days, even if the DNA evidence proves to be inconclusive or patently wrong.

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All that is being said is that suspicion falling on the parents is a natural part of the inquiry, something the McCann media crew seem determined to contradict.

With all due respect, it may well be ALL THAT IS BEING SAID by you and Swampy, two of the better posters on this site with rational judgement. It is most certainly not ALL THAT IS BEING SAID by certain others who have been only too keen to use the statistics to find the McCann's guilty since the first few days of this enquiry.

I also find it beyond belief that if they had any involvement in Maddy's disappearance that they would have conducted the biggest high profile media campaign in history to draw attention to her plight. It would have been much easier to let a normal investigation take place and slide slowly into the background if they had something to hide. Even if events overtook them they've had ample opportunity since to draw a line under it and didn't.

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Guest Ron Burgundy

yet some find it plausible that the highest level of portuguese police are willing to plant evidence in an attempt to frame a mother for killing her child when the evidence will be scrutinised perhaps more than any case in world history, that seems more ludicrous than a child coming to harm.

~The police even went to the trouble of having the tests carried out in the uk....I would not be surprised to find it was a second test just to confirm beyond doubt, they do have their own labs.

Also the mccannas are free to talk to anyone about what happened that night...their status just allows them the right not to answer questions if they chose..there is nothing in the law to stop them saying what happened.

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Also the mccannas are free to talk to anyone about what happened that night...their status just allows them the right not to answer questions if they chose..there is nothing in the law to stop them saying what happened.

Is it not the case that it is the Portugese police who are forbidden from releasing any information on the case?

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Is it not the case that it is the Portugese police who are forbidden from releasing any information on the case?

I know that they aren't allowed to respond to the "family spokesperson"'s allegations of a frame because of Portugese law restrictions, but I don't know the exact logic behind that.

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I also find it beyond belief that if they had any involvement in Maddy's disappearance that they would have conducted the biggest high profile media campaign in history to draw attention to her plight. It would have been much easier to let a normal investigation take place and slide slowly into the background if they had something to hide. Even if events overtook them they've had ample opportunity since to draw a line under it and didn't.

I agree. that does make it surprising.

There was the semi-recent case though of the woman who murdered her boyfriend, and did the whole tearful plea for someone to come forward, grieving partner thing. Then it was discovered she had murdered him and hid the evidence at the hospital he was taken to. Can't remember her name now.

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And as for the blood, nobody's said they've found blood have they?

I think you'll find that all references to finding blood in the boot came from the McCann camp. doubt we'd even be having this debate if the aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends hadn't decided to cash in in what appears to be a desperate final pay-cheque for them.

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Now I don't want to take this off on some irrelevant tangent but you might want to have a look at the all time head to head on that point and then think again.

Realistically Queens are "really, really unlikely to beat Celtic".

Statistically it's about 50/50.

Which is the point I was trying to get across. You can't solve a case with statistics and the fact that a majority of such cases end up with one or other parent involved (if that is the case) doesn't make it so in this case if the facts don't bear it out.

That's one statistic of many.

I would never dream of saying the McCann's did it because parent-child murders are common.

I don't know if one/both of them did it or not.

On another board that I go to the knvies are already out for them. Trust me, this one is tame in comparison. (And no, it's not the Morton board :P)

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