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Any places going for a regular game?

I'm studying in Glasgow now and I fancy getting back in to a regular game of fives.

What night/nights do you lot play?

monday nights at the powerleague in townhead.

we're always looking for more players, usually we've got 8 or 9 consistent players every week and the monday afternoon is spent trying to fill the gap with a ringer or two, so if you'd be often available then you're welcome along.

just add your name on this thread whenever you want to play (obviously not tonight lolz).

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That first 20-25 minutes tonight was probably the worst I have ever played I think.

I actually started to get a wee bit upset with people shouting at me but strangely enough it made me concentrate more and play much better even if there was a permanant scowl etched on my face lol.

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That was fucking shite tonight IMO.

And the only reason I ended up shouting was when people weren't doing the most basic things like picking up a man, despite being told to hundreds of times, or complaining and whining about getting a wee kick on the ankle or what not.

It's a mans game, some folk need to get a grip and get on with it.

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Apologies all (Kevin in particular), I was in a foul mood last night. Played rubbish (worst I can remember playing), was absolutely knackered mentally and went over on my ankle after 2 minutes outfield which left me with a shooting pain right through my leg all night.

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That was fucking shite tonight IMO.

And the only reason I ended up shouting was when people weren't doing the most basic things like picking up a man, despite being told to hundreds of times, or complaining and whining about getting a wee kick on the ankle or what not.

It's a mans game, some folk need to get a grip and get on with it.

i'm guessing that last comment was aimed at me,what the f**k did you expect me to say "thanks" ,I took a right sore one on my Right fukin Kneecap.Because I had an bit of an outburst after the tackle doesn't mean it was directed at you,it was the fact a got a right sore one on the knee when I landed

It's a mans game,Yes, so why did you not tell me this on Monday Night

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Right Ladies calm it lol.

Dunno if anybody is trying to get in contact wae me but my phones knackered.

I dont think im gonnae play the night. Ive got big blisters on both my big toes from which blame can be attributed to the fitba boots that I borrowed from Paul. Ive no enjoyed it much the last couple of weeks either tbh.

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or complaining and whining about getting a wee kick on the ankle

No be the first proddy

iI took a right sore one on my Right fukin Kneecap.

And youll most certainly no be the first Fenien.

Sectarian jokes - always the best way to lighten up a thread.

Im up for playing again tomorrow if its on.

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Don't allow Kevin to fool you. It was me who secured the coup that was the presence ChrisyM92 this evening and the other lad Boyce.

By Christ it took some doing as well.

What I'm trying to say here is... Such quality contingency mightn't be available every week. ChrisyM will want a wage for any future appearances I gather and 'Boycey' is, I understand, club contracted to Italian Serie B side AlbinoLeffe so he's really went above and beyond call to fill in this evening. Chartered flights and everything. ( :huh: ?)

On a serious note. Decent enough tonight. A number tired towards the end and we were ragged to say the least without the ball. Fresh blood made it a somewhat more interesting affair I thought. As it has done in the past as well.

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Paul indeed do the donkey work in bringing in these top quality players. It was I however who financed the move. Who do you think flew John Boyce over from Italy? Who was it that paid ChrisyM92s 5 figure salary? It was me with the birthday money I got off my gran.

Was the first ive enjoyed it in a wee while. Pretty decent game I thought. The ringers played surprisingly well. Much needed improvement from myself as well other than a couple of blips.

Edited by Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth
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Don't allow Kevin to fool you. It was me who secured the coup that was the presence ChrisyM92 this evening and the other lad Boyce.

To be fair, he did ask me first. I just burst into life when you asked and thought "f**k it" :lol:

Quite enjoyed that tonight. A little moan at me here and there but thats expected at any level of football at any time. I feel I played very well at the start (creating space, good choice of passing etc and also a couple of decent goals) but as the game got on I tired too much and started to lose it. Didn't help when I went over on my left ankle, twice!

Definetely will play again if needed.

I'm off for a well deserved Magners now. :)

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I'd like to go on record as saying I thought Kevin played very well yesterday, given I've maybe been overly critical of him in the past.

I thought other people tired very early perhaps due to the heat or playong the day before, and I know I played shite, but Paul amongst others should remember that if you "Can't be bothered" (as you said mate), it kinda fucks up the other 4 players in your team and is fucking infuriating for those of us who are trying like bears (as you've complained to me in the past). C'mon lads, we have good games usually, lets keep it going next week eh :)

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I'd like to go on record as saying I thought Kevin played very well yesterday, given I've maybe been overly critical of him in the past.

I thought other people tired very early perhaps due to the heat or playong the day before, and I know I played shite, but Paul amongst others should remember that if you "Can't be bothered" (as you said mate), it kinda fucks up the other 4 players in your team and is fucking infuriating for those of us who are trying like bears (as you've complained to me in the past). C'mon lads, we have good games usually, lets keep it going next week eh :)

Could I ask you to clarify Dave? If your perception of my performance was that it lacked in effort at times then I'm not sure what reaction that merits from me? There was no intentional laze from myself on Monday night. Might I suggest that you've looked too far into or conversely not far enough into the way things panned out on a couple of occasions?

I recall you telling me that I was standing spare only the once. If memory serves? In that particular instance it wasn't a case of me abandoning my responsibilities. I had attempted to position myself at what was there or thereabouts an even distance between two men who were without markers (Kaz & the other Mark? Is it?). I remarked afterwards although I confess it was more a mumble because play had recommenced. As was often such towards the end of this week's game it happened that possession was conceded shoddily at one end of the field and an immediate recompense became necessary. The respective fitness levels of those who made up our five weren't sufficient to wholly maintain the excellent (And it was) organisation which we had been achieving for around about half an hour, maybe forty five minutes; getting up and down the pitch & orchestrating our marking effectively. In my eyes the definitive and only explanation for our fall away.

The decision I made in the above detail was only logical taking into account the mobility of said individuals (similar) and gave me the best chance of intercepting/closing down/dispossessing either should they receive the ball or be passed to. The alternative was of course sticking with one leaving another free and more presentable for a pass. I thought it unwise. But now find myself irked because it's your belief, I presume, that it was me who wasn't finding a jersey or was meandering through lack of will. Au contraire I was doing only what was reasonable to make amends for the fitness of others - Messrs. Boyce & Muir openly admit to their relative lack of by the way and mentioned afterwards to Kevin & myself.

I've had a go at inability before. Like hell I have. It does irritate and even sadden me when it impedes on my enjoyment of the game. Though such plaintiveness is two faced. After all I'm the one consenting. It's me who decides I want to play with person(s) who might be of limited skill. I'm aware beforehand. Relentless in-your-face criticism discourages some (I know it does me) and that's why I apologised profusely after that Jekyllish night of mine. God knows I try not to make it especially virulent when I'm critical. My self control has waned this past year through other circumstances and without doubt it's rubbed off on the football. I'm in the process of rectifying the issue at the moment.

(FWIW; I'd hold my hand up as solely liable for two goals which we shipped on the night. Kevin's shielding of the ball twice deceived me as I opted to dive in leaving him to turn away from me). Edited for typo.

Edited by Sao Paulo
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Erm, I was meaning at the end of the game when I asked why I was the one making a run up the other end of the field and then having to be the one who ran the full length of the pitch to get back and attempt a tackle because nobody was marking up, and you replied along the lines of "Can't be bothered". I may have misinterpreted it, but what I was trying to say in my original post is that if that's what you said, it's a shite attitude, which I'm sure you'd agree with mate. If it was me who misheard, I apologise, simple as.

A lot of sensitive souls amongst our group these days :lol:

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