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Glasgow Area 5's


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Thought I done okay. Considering being drafted in for the 2324354323542th consecutive time at the last minute.

Scored a couple aswell which I can always be pleased with regardless how shite I play.

I need to keep my water in my hand until the teams are picked, I always put it down at the fucking oppositions goalpost!

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At present. In are Sao Paulo, David W & Graeme P. The latter I've procured early doors with the foresight that we'll struggle for ten.

Shakey was climbing Everest at last check, I've not been able to get through to him on his phone. With a bit of luck he's down, or at least at base camp, and can be in Townhead tomorrow night.

Ryan can/can't make it tomorrow because of his foot? Adam (and brother?) in/out? Milevskiy? (Kylesons is on Holiday I understand). I don't think Dave's available... Thistle Do Nicely I'm not sure of? Kevin can get in touch with him if needs be. (Anyone reading this thread who fancies game, by all means declare interest).

Worst comes to worst I'll send around my draft 'Bodies for Townhead fives' text. See if I can get some non-P&B spares.

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If I can manage to scrounge £3 off somewhere I should be in. Nae post match Burger King this time sadly.

edit; my internet is being a dick, so if you need to contact us you'll probably have to phone/text me

Edited by Milevskiy
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Paulo, David, Adam, Adam's Brother, Graeme P.

We're at five presently. Milevskiy (pending confirmation) would have us at six. MTJ may or mayn't want a game, he asked me earlier. Still awaiting word from Ryan.

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