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Glasgow Area 5's


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I enjoyed that last night (as I do most weeks), and despite the un-even start to the game, it seemed to get more even as it went on.

David W had some horrendous moments defensively, none more so epically shown as his error for the opening goal 0.004 seconds in. Mind you, what do you expect after he was watching the shambolic Anfield mob in the pub immediately before we started playing. :P

I think Adam Wee was good tonight, with some decent ball control and dribbling. Also, Kev was good too, with improvement visible from even a few months back.

Despite not scoring many (if any :lol: ) goals, I was just as happy with my slide tackle on Greg. It was a ludicrous challenge to make, yet (strangely) it was controlled and not dangerous. (Doesn't sound like one of my tackles lol)

I knew I wouldn't make the ball if I ran due to a chronic lack of pace, but knew if I slid in I could get there. So from about 8 yards away, the slide was put into motion and I got contact on the ball, preventing a pass/shot from Greg. Despite there being little necessity to make the tackle in that manner, I enjoyed it (I love a slide tackle), and glad I got the ball. :lol:

Looking forward to next week. :)

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If you want a game of 7's then Toryglen might be an idea. Shouldn't be more than what you pay for fives, travel could be an issue though.

Hmm a bit dodgy for the ones that dont drive or get a lift. Would probably need to get another local train.

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Hmm a bit dodgy for the ones that dont drive or get a lift. Would probably need to get another local train.

Train from Central to Mount Florida or King's Park with a 10 min walk. Trains through the Cathcart Circle are pretty frequent AFAIK

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They have sevens pitches at crownpoint down the Gallowgate, but its shitey old style sand astro and in a dive of an area, which obviously people without a car wouldn't fancy treking to or from later at night. The only other place I know is goals at Drumchapel, and even then its well away from the town and only the pitches are sevens standards, the goals are five a-side size.

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powerleague is absolutely fine

Yeah, just because we have had ten players listed a couple of days before Monday for the past couple of weeks doesn't mean we would be able to get 14 every week, especially if it's in a difficult area to get to.

I'm in for next Monday, looking forward to it already.

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There more seasoned veterans of GA 5s should be well aware that we've played 6s a few times at Powerleague quite comfortably.

We also managed 7s once on one of the big pitches at the top of the hill (think it was 6v7 actually).

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The goals in that place are fuckin massive. I doubt my heroics this week could ever be repeated on them.

They're just bog standard 7 a side goals! Man up!

I much prefer playing 6's or 7's on a 7 a side pitch than playing 5's on a 5's pitch but for it to work you need to actually have a reasonably rigid team with a formation etc, which isn't exactly feasible with 12/14 loons who have the combined ability of Paul McShane.

I think the powerleague parks are too crowded with 5 on them, I'd hate to see it with 6!

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Supoose this may be a bit off topic but..

The other night (could have even been monday), someone caught their leg in one of the advertising board, ripping their leg open, hospital followed obviously.

Heafty insurance claim has to follow surely?

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