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It's 10 or f**k all I'm afraid. I purposely left it late to annoy you all.

Actually I never got in from uni till half 6 and we only had 7 definates at that point. I then dozed off.

Just let Shakey know, he is still OK for the 10pm start.

Why is it when we have a 9.30 kick off that there isn't anyone playing until 11? Means we could get an extra half hour!

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Just let Shakey know, he is still OK for the 10pm start.

Why is it when we have a 9.30 kick off that there isn't anyone playing until 11? Means we could get an extra half hour!

Kickabout in the pitch black aye

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Apologies to Fudge again for nearly taking your leg off. I'm still feeling the force of one of Shakey's "50/50 'ave it's" if it makes you feel better ;)

It's no problem.

It's hurting like hell at the minute but there's no swelling which almost certainly means that nothing is broken. Many a jinky winger has had to leave the park after a bit of intentional rough treatment from myself so I can have no complaints when someone catches me accidentally.

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Better game that last week certainly.

Apart from the fact we played with 4 men for 20 minutes :lol:

Don't think I've ever hit more shots with my left foot than my right before but I did last night.

Edited by David W
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It was much closer this week than it has been the past few weeks. Couldn't believe that we got it back to even and then Fudge has to go off injured. :lol:

I was quite angry with how I played last night, I don't know what was going on but I had a stinker. Hopefully not going to repeat itself next week!

After Fudge went off we did start to struggle a bit, but we still managed to play some half decent football even though we were a man down.

Thought the best player on our team last night was either David or Shakey. Both put in fantastic performances and scored a few good goals. At one point Shakey just smacked the ball to "clear" the danger (even though we were just outside their box at the time!) and narrowly missed my head. If I hadn't moved, that would have fucking killed me!

Scott put in a great shift last night as well, probably the best I have seen him play. I was pissing myself laughing when he finally got his goal with about five minutes to go. Coma patients on the 14th floor of the Royal were complaining about the noise shortly after the ball hit the back of the net. :lol:

Fudge also had a good game (well, before Raff's disgusting challenge :P) and it was a real shame when he couldn't continue. I honestly think had Fudge not gone off, we could have won the game.

Well, today was the first time on a Tuesday after Fives where I have woke up and none of my muscles have hurt. However, I did manage to hurt my hip somehow kicking the ball before the game had even started last night.

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It's remarkable how obvious a lack of match practice is. Didnt play any football last weekend. Think that showed tonight. <_<

I'm noticing a pattern, though; my legs always feel like lead after about 5 minutes, then for some reason I actually end up running about more as the game goes on, when it should really be the other way around. Suppose its just "getting into your stride" or whatever you want to call it.

I think I played a bit better once the rain came on, too, although I've no idea why that is.

Next week I'll try to play a bit more simple, made way too many daft errors tonight. Enjoyed my solitary goal perhaps a wee bit more than I should have, has to be said. :lol:

I enjoyed listening to some of the other lads stories, too, some cracking tales I heard last night. Not got too many myself, although the time I ended up getting absolutely trashed on my 16th birthday and inexplicably woke up in the greenhouse in my back garden probably needs to get a mention at some point.

Edited to add, just saw Adams post; aye, I was a bit loud after that goal. :lol:

Nice of you to say I played well, but tbh I pretty much just ran about a lot while constantly fucking things up whenever I got the ball. Like I said, next week I'll make a conscious effort to keep things a bit more simple.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Nice of you to say I played well, but tbh I pretty much just ran about a lot while constantly fucking things up whenever I got the ball. Like I said, next week I'll make a conscious effort to keep things a bit more simple.

Well, I think everyone is guilty of not keeping things simple at times, but I thought you put in a very good shift. I'm the opposite from you, I get tired after five minutes then can't run for the rest of the hour :lol:

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Well, I think everyone is guilty of not keeping things simple at times, but I thought you put in a very good shift. I'm the opposite from you, I get tired after five minutes then can't run for the rest of the hour :lol:

You weren't as bad as you are making out. Some good turns and quick feet (against me anyway, which isn't saying much to be fair :P)

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You weren't as bad as you are making out. Some good turns and quick feet (against me anyway, which isn't saying much to be fair :P)

Oh no, I had a stinker! Every time someone went to my left, I couldn't turn to chase them as my hip was sore. It was brutal. I think that's the first time I just wanted it to be finished, I wanted to go home to my bed. :lol:

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