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I was lucky the half marathon started an hour and a half earlier, the sun coming out from mile 9-10ish. Hats off to anyone completing the 26 today.

I crossed the line in 1:38:22. Properly chuffed as it was much quicker than I expected to go, even with the course's reputation for producing fast times. I'd hoped to keep on top of 8-minute mile pace and clock under 1:45.

Congrats mate - smashing effort. I'll be over the moon if I get near that for Glasgow HM in September.

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Excellent time morrison :D I believe the finish was much better this year. My cousin ran the marathon in 2:57:19 - his first sub 3 hours. So chuffed for him as he's been chasing it for a while.

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Thanks guys, think I'll be hurting for a few days yet! I'm running the Glasgow one as well Dave, will see you there.

Edited to add: How long's your cousin been at the marathons for, Reina? I like the idea of running one at some point, but the training must be brutal.

Edited by morrison
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Edited to add: How long's your cousin been at the marathons for, Reina? I like the idea of running one at some point, but the training must be brutal.

Quite a few years - not sure how many exactly! He runs about 4 or 5 a year as well as other races from 5k right up. He's proper good!

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Cheers. Well done. I was 24th :) need to get my next race sorted.

How long have you been running for mate? I only started doing it seriously in March or thereabouts so really looking to knock my times down a bit over the next year or so.

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Quite a few years - not sure how many exactly! He runs about 4 or 5 a year as well as other races from 5k right up. He's proper good!

Turns out 2009 was his first marathon. So only 3 years. He prefers half marathons and 10k races though.

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I ran the Edinburgh Marathon on Sunday.

It was my first marathon and my aim right from the start of training was to get sub 4hr. My training had gone fairly well but I hadn't put in enough miles. (I'd only done three runs of more than 15 miles the longest being 18 miles).

According to my Garmin my splits were fairly even

Q1 - 59 min 57 sec

Q2 - 59 min 39 sec

Q3 - 1hr 01 min 41 sec

Q4 - 58 min 31 sec

Delighted to make sub 4hr (official time was 10 seconds under 4 hours) and it was a bonus to finish quite so strongly. My last two miles were my quickest.

I though it was better organized than it was when I did the half last year and the finish was much better than in previous years. Well done to the people of Edinburgh East Lothian, the crowds over the last 4 or 5 miles were brilliant. Constant cheering, drinks, sweets and spraying people with water.

I doubt I'll run it again though.

I'm going to stick to Parkruns for a while.

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Well done Ziggy. Fantastic achievement.

How long have you been running for mate? I only started doing it seriously in March or thereabouts so really looking to knock my times down a bit over the next year or so.

About a year I think. Always did a bit but only started focusing on it the past year. My times plummeted to start with but now it's all slow gains. Started running with the local club and it has helped but I still don't get to race as much as I would like. My working life also doesn't help but I try my best to get training in.

Not sure if you run with a club or not but it certainly pushes you on. There are some very quick guys and lassies and I try my best to hang onto their coat tails.

Kind of in limbo at the moment in regards to racing. Don't know whether to focus on long or middle distance.

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I'm not in a club but I'm on the lookout for one. South side of Glasgow if anyone is reading! I run with my old man's club when I visit him in Dunblane (one of whom you must have chased over the finish line by the looks of things) so yeah, it does make you go quicker.

Going to start going to parkrun again to see if that helps my times.

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Did a slow run tonight at 10 min miles for 3.3 miles. I enjoyed it but felt very tired, particularly towards the end. First time I'd 'ran' in 5 weeks though and even then before that I'd been taking it really easy. It felt good to get out again though. I'm thinking about going to the gym on Friday morning before breakfast (I have a night at the Hilton in Glasgow as I'm marking SQA exams this year and have a meeting Friday AM) and maybe a long cycle sat/sun. We'll see. Then really get back into the running and get fit for the GNR.

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I'm not in a club but I'm on the lookout for one. South side of Glasgow if anyone is reading! I run with my old man's club when I visit him in Dunblane (one of whom you must have chased over the finish line by the looks of things) so yeah, it does make you go quicker.

Going to start going to parkrun again to see if that helps my times.


5k is certainly a good distance to train for pace. Good luck finding a club. Sure there are plenty in Glasgow. Might Bump into you on race day

edit: Club session tonight 2 x 1 mile around calendar park flat out with 5 mins recovery. Both my miles were identical at 5:45 min miles. Pleased considering the busy few days I've had .

Edited by young_bairn
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I ran my route last night which is a little over 10k. Only the second time i've run this and knocked 45secs off my previous time with a belly full of bangers and mash, and after a weekend full of beers. Pleased with that, felt very comfortable.

My biggest problem i think is not giving myself enough rest between runs. If I don't get out I start feeling a bit agitated.

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Cheers Reina. Only 4 seconds off the quickest time last night.

Aye runners are a friendly bunch and it's a great feeling giving out and recieving praise because no matter what your level is everybody knows the same pain.

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I ran my route last night which is a little over 10k. Only the second time i've run this and knocked 45secs off my previous time with a belly full of bangers and mash, and after a weekend full of beers. Pleased with that, felt very comfortable.

My biggest problem i think is not giving myself enough rest between runs. If I don't get out I start feeling a bit agitated.

I struggled with rest days for a while. A good alternative is to run a couple of miles at a very easy pace. These are the only runs where I would use an iPod.

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