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Well one record was broken at Pollok today anyway. 535 runners. It was like the funeral scene in Gandhi. 

Wasn't in from work til very late Friday night so gave it a miss today

Really looking forward to giving it another go but maybe not with 535 people. My best time before was 18:53. Would love to try and beat that but it may be my limit

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Wasn't in from work til very late Friday night so gave it a miss today

Really looking forward to giving it another go but maybe not with 535 people. My best time before was 18:53. Would love to try and beat that but it may be my limit

Aye, I was chatting to quite a few folk and most of them were unaware that there are 2 other parkruns in Glasgow. One guy had driven all the way from the West End to Pollok, when he had a run practically on his doorstep. I think the problem partly lies in that the Pollok one is actually called the Glasgow parkrun.

18:53 is an excellent time btw!

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Aye, I was chatting to quite a few folk and most of them were unaware that there are 2 other parkruns in Glasgow. One guy had driven all the way from the West End to Pollok, when he had a run practically on his doorstep. I think the problem partly lies in that the Pollok one is actually called the Glasgow parkrun.


18:53 is an excellent time btw! 

Yeah I know. Also Pollok is so much better known than the other two as it has been going for over 5 years and the other two only about 8 and 3 months respectively.

I wish more people would give Tollcross a go in particular - it is a really tough and challenging course, but it is the most rewarding and friendliest of the lot. And no Garrowhillclyde did not bribe me to say that lol.

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Yeah I know. Also Pollok is so much better known than the other two as it has been going for over 5 years and the other two only about 8 and 3 months respectively.

I wish more people would give Tollcross a go in particular - it is a really tough and challenging course, but it is the most rewarding and friendliest of the lot. And no Garrowhillclyde did not bribe me to say that lol.

To be fair, they're all friendly. Anyway, I'm doing Tollcross with my boss next Saturday as he lives nearby.

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I'm just dying to know if Ziggy's pal upped his game to the required standard.

Ok then since you've requested it here goes with an over the top run review.......

My pals ran 26 times at Strathclyde and his previous PB was 24:56 (achieved in November) so I thought that his target of a sub 24 was ambitious but I did know that he's recently started running three times a week.

We set off at 7:40 min mile pace and he did that fairly comfortably for the first two miles. After that he started struggling and the pace for the 3rd mile was starting to drop quite badly. I started offering the type of encouragement that only friends can give (ie. bordering on abuse) and I think he appreciated it although it was hard to tell through the groaning.

With 400m I encouraged him to step it up a bit more, he told me in no uncertain terms no. The same thing happened at 200m to go except he was now swearing at me. Then with about 30 metres he put in a bit of a sprint to storm past me to record a new PB by over a minute! He's already talking about trying for sub 23min

Despite the fact that he is claiming it as a "win" over me I really enjoyed it. It was the first time I've ran at anything close to my planned marathon pace in months and it felt really comfortable although the prospect of doing 26.2 at a bit faster than that is a bit daunting just now. Still, it represents a significant step in the road back from injury.

Edited by Ziggy
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Well one record was broken at Pollok today anyway. 535 runners. It was like the funeral scene in Gandhi.

I've just checked and the attendance record was also broken at Eglinton parkrun (my usual parkrun). Although it remains a lot more modest total of 138 runners (previous record was 128).

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I did a ten miler this morning well just shy 9.8 despite first mile being like an ice rink and mile 4-5 being so muddy you could barely walk let alone run. Delighted to come in at 1 hr 11mins 47sec. Delighted at this cause did farteck in Thursday and was fucking sore, and because this was my first ten miler since injury in October at jedburgh.

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17.5km this morning which took 1:32 Great getting up for sunrise and starting to enjoy the longer runs.

Seems like the park runs are getting really popular. Dundee got another record today again. It will hit 200 soon which is getting a bit crowded I'd have thought. Maybe time for a Dundee East run as well?

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Ok then since you've requested it here goes with an over the top run review.......

My pals ran 26 times at Strathclyde and his previous PB was 24:56 (achieved in November) so I thought that his target of a sub 24 was ambitious but I did know that he's recently started running three times a week.

We set off at 7:40 min mile pace and he did that fairly comfortably for the first two miles. After that he started struggling and the pace for the 3rd mile was starting to drop quite badly. I started offering the type of encouragement that only friends can give (ie. bordering on abuse) and I think he appreciated it although it was hard to tell through the groaning.

With 400m I encouraged him to step it up a bit more, he told me in no uncertain terms no. The same thing happened at 200m to go except he was now swearing at me. Then with about 30 metres he put in a bit of a sprint to storm past me to record a new PB by over a minute! He's already talking about trying for sub 23min

Despite the fact that he is claiming it as a "win" over me I really enjoyed it. It was the first time I've ran at anything close to my planned marathon pace in months and it felt really comfortable although the prospect of doing 26.2 at a bit faster than that is a bit daunting just now. Still, it represents a significant step in the road back from injury.


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Aye, I was chatting to quite a few folk and most of them were unaware that there are 2 other parkruns in Glasgow. One guy had driven all the way from the West End to Pollok, when he had a run practically on his doorstep. I think the problem partly lies in that the Pollok one is actually called the Glasgow parkrun.

18:53 is an excellent time btw!

'Glasgow' parkrun may well be changing its name to Pollok soon just because of that very reason. I've been griping about it in Parkrun circles as half our runners are registered at 'Glasgow' so when they get their T-shirt prizes they get delivered to Pollok. Arrggghh.

Yeah I know. Also Pollok is so much better known than the other two as it has been going for over 5 years and the other two only about 8 and 3 months respectively.

I wish more people would give Tollcross a go in particular - it is a really tough and challenging course, but it is the most rewarding and friendliest of the lot. And no Garrowhillclyde did not bribe me to say that lol.

Ha ha Cheers anyway BishyTON. Its remarkable how many times folk have came to Tollcross and only ran it once. Given we go out our way to be welcoming and friendly I can only assume it's 'cos the roller coaster course is not for the faint hearted.

Its amazing to think that Pollok is just a few miles away but yet got 9 times the numbers we did today (61). To be fair I'd hate to see Tollcross even half as busy as Pollok. Crowded starts do my head in. We designed the course specifically with a hill at the start to break any crowds up

One thing that is remarkable is folks loyalty. Was speaking to folk today, one that lives near springburn that said theyd still go to tollcross once springburn starts as it was 'their' run and they had loads of friends there.

To be fair, they're all friendly. Anyway, I'm doing Tollcross with my boss next Saturday as he lives nearby.

Cardinal, give me a shout next week. Will be nice to meet you - I'll be timekeeper next week as I have the Buchlyvie 10K in the afternoon so wont be running.

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Cardinal, give me a shout next week. Will be nice to meet you - I'll be timekeeper next week as I have the Buchlyvie 10K in the afternoon so wont be running.

That's the very friendliness that makes parkruns so good. A lass today was telling me she enjoys running but prefers to volunteer on Saturday mornings, I can see why. It's so friendly. People slapping you on the back and giving you a "cheers mate" even though all you're doing is wearing a hi-vis jacket and giving a bit of encouragement made it worth the while.

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Did my first ever 5k today in 28:39 which I don't think is too bad considering I only started training 2 weeks ago.

Well done, great time for a beginner!

I ran 2.2 miles to town, did an hour of circuits (mostly upper body/core work) then ran home again yesterday. I'm really noticing the difference the strength training is making to my running - not to mention the weight loss (I've lost just over a stone in the last couple of months, which, considering that Christmas was bang in the middle, is not too shabby at all!). I've a couple of races I'm going to sign up for in the next few days, the first one will be at Garioch (Inverurie) in March, but I can't decide whether to do 5k/10k/half marathon. I'm leaning towards 10k at the moment, but I think I'll do a couple of runs through the week this week and make a decision later.

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Thanks guys. My aim is to get it down to 25 minutes. It was a bit uphill and downhill too and I had to stop twice for like 30 seconds, but hope to improve on that this week. After I get below that, I'm going to push for 10k.

When I (hopefully) do the parkrun on Saturday, which is at 9:30, are there any tips in preparing for it? IE what to have for breakfast and how long I should leave it after eating before starting?

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Thanks guys. My aim is to get it down to 25 minutes. It was a bit uphill and downhill too and I had to stop twice for like 30 seconds, but hope to improve on that this week. After I get below that, I'm going to push for 10k.

When I (hopefully) do the parkrun on Saturday, which is at 9:30, are there any tips in preparing for it? IE what to have for breakfast and how long I should leave it after eating before starting?

Well done on your first 5k that's a good time after just two weeks training. I reckon your time will plummet if you stick to it, but don't get carried away.

When it comes to a 5k I don't think food is all that important. What do you normally eat for breakfast? If it is just toast or cereal then I'd just eat that, don't go eating anything unusual or anything too heavy. As for timing I normally would eat breakfast a couple of hours before.

My tip for you would be to get there early enough to do a brief warm-up. It doesn't have to be much, even a 10 minute brisk walk will get the heart pumping a bit.

I'm amazed at the number of people that just get out the car and start running without any warm up at all. It makes the run so much harder.

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