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Taylor is absolutely cruising along with Painter standing there helpless. 9-1 to The Power.

Taylor's not scoring as he can, but sods law he's finishing like a demon, Painter must really hate the sight of him.

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13-2 Taylor ... only thing keeping me watching is that I've got it down as 16-6 in a predictor league I'm in. I'm feeling a bit foolish even giving Kev those six legs.

Edited by The Naitch
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I'm going out on a limb here, I think Whitlock is going to beat The Power comfortably tomorrow.

There's no doubt that Whitlock has the game to beat him, but victory would be anything but comfortable.

Edited by The Naitch
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There's no doubt that Whitlock has the game to beat him, but victory will be anything but comfortable.

I just feel tha Phil's mind is not 100% this week, perhaps he's just struggling for motivation so far.

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Predictions for tonight's games ?

Barney 18-16 Wade

Taylor 17-9 Whitlock

Barney vs. Wade is an interesting one as both guys have done just enough to win in their previous matches. Tonight they may well push each other to their best darts. Even if Whitlock plays well, I don't forsee him outdoing what is an on form Taylor.

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