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Monk seems like a bit of a fanny glad Dekker beat him.

Finishing was immense from Mr Coat

For some reason I'm finding it a bit hard to warm to the young English players like him, Griffiths and Hubbard, all a bit dour and boring.

More Hankey promos despite the fact hes not even playing tonight.

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For some reason I'm finding it a bit hard to warm to the young English players like him, Griffiths and Hubbard, all a bit dour and boring.

More Hankey promos despite the fact hes not even playing tonight.

Sky doing everything they can to kiss his arse. If it means less Taylor promos then I'm for that!

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Does anyone know what the f**k Mr Coat is all about?

Is it a translation thing, or has he got ridiculous clobber?

Wiki claims his nickname is "Mr Cool". Which is still shit incidentally, but not quite as bad.

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Why do they continue to talk up Part? Hes the new Colin Lloyd, living off his past glories and almost finished.

He hasn't brought his impressive form on the floor this year onto the stage at all. I actually think that is down more than anything else to his fitness and the significant weight he has put on in the last year. Appears to visibly struggle from the off with the stage heat.

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Lewis was dynamite last night that's the form that can blitz even Taylor. Whether he can replicate that through the tournament though I have my doubts.

Nicholson and Phillips also very impressive last night.

More Box Office from Hankey tonight, be on your way...

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