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Whether he's right is the issue though, it's his job and he's calling it differently depending on the team and he's actually sent a guy off because he doesn't know the rules. As for all this "oh well, you can't blame the ref, we're just like the Irish" bollocks, as the ref fucks us again, is probably part of the reason these guys are so comfortable just giving the decision to the Irish team. We should pillory this c**t.

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Nobody said you can't blame the ref. We're just saying he's not against us he's just making right shite decisions and they're playing to him better than we are. And the Irish fans comment was only a joke.


Let's not grumble too much, we've just blasted Leinster for a BP win with out core of the squad on Scotland duty.


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Whether he's right is the issue though, it's his job and he's calling it differently depending on the team and he's actually sent a guy off because he doesn't know the rules. As for all this "oh well, you can't blame the ref, we're just like the Irish" bollocks, as the ref fucks us again, is probably part of the reason these guys are so comfortable just giving the decision to the Irish team. We should pillory this c**t.

Well I'm no gonna labour an argument cos I do see what your saying. I just don't think hes as bad as some of the pro 12/14 guys. We could have been much smarter but all told I'd have been delighted with a bonus pt win over leinster which denies them a bonus. That first forty min was crazy but brilliant.
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it is the TMO's fault they did not get a bp


Postby ribs » November 3rd, 2017, 10:28 pm

what a bullsh*t decision to end the game! that wouldn't have been pointed out if we hadn't a chance of stealing a losing bonus. I call that a crooked TMO


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Other than the second yellow I don't think the ref was too bad, every ref makes an arse of the scrums which makes me think it's more an IRB thing (love them or hate them they should get guys in like Moore, Wright, Dallaglio etc who know what it's about and help them see where they're going wrong at scrums and sort out the squint put-ins/line outs while they're at it). Some of the penalties were for daft things and for not listening to the ref and there were a few calls that went against both teams over the whole game. As I say though that second yellow was a shocker.

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