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Forgot about Syed pouring ice down Dereks back. That takes some balls :lol:

It was a bit daft though. He should have poured it INSIDE the shirt, the daft git. Though I can understand they probably wanted to avoid any "shirtlifter" references.

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It was a bit daft though. He should have poured it INSIDE the shirt, the daft git. Though I can understand they probably wanted to avoid any "shirtlifter" references.

Watch it again and listen as the ice gets poured out the bucket. It makes such a plasticy noise it is obvious it wasnt even real ice :angry:

I ran around the living room shouting 'get in there' when Tanya won the boxing, I love her too but probably in a different way to Mrs M.

I now concede it is unlikely to be Ian Beale that has been shagging Kat, I now reckon it is Massood the randy postie.

Edited by monkeyblair
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When Max was outside that flat, I said that it looked like the flat Jean used to live in, the same place where Max found Stacey after she admitted killing Archie. I've not heard Lacey Turner is due to make a reappearance though, so unless they've got another actress playing her or they've managed to keep it a secret until now, it's something else.

It looked a bit to me like they're setting it up for him to be Kat's secret lover, what with him running off to meet someone in secret and the whole conversation between Kat and Tanya, but they did the same with Ray, tried to encourage the viewer to think that, and then it turned out it wasn't. I did see a picture the other day that said it was one of four: Derek, Max, Jack and Michael. Michael is probably the most likely one of the lot. Jack wouldn't spend so long trying to pump Sharon if he was already in a secret affair, I can't see Max doing it to Tanya again, there is no way we'd ever believe that was Derek's hand on Kat's cheek so Michael fits the bill best.

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When Max was outside that flat, I said that it looked like the flat Jean used to live in, the same place where Max found Stacey after she admitted killing Archie. I've not heard Lacey Turner is due to make a reappearance though, so unless they've got another actress playing her or they've managed to keep it a secret until now, it's something else.

It looked a bit to me like they're setting it up for him to be Kat's secret lover, what with him running off to meet someone in secret and the whole conversation between Kat and Tanya, but they did the same with Ray, tried to encourage the viewer to think that, and then it turned out it wasn't. I did see a picture the other day that said it was one of four: Derek, Max, Jack and Michael. Michael is probably the most likely one of the lot. Jack wouldn't spend so long trying to pump Sharon if he was already in a secret affair, I can't see Max doing it to Tanya again, there is no way we'd ever believe that was Derek's hand on Kat's cheek so Michael fits the bill best.

It was leaked in a glossy mag a few months back that it was Michael thats seeing Kat, cant mind which one, the mrs gets quite a few of them, but it was definitely in one of them, i remember reading it and thought, ffs, not another re-story being played out.

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It was leaked in a glossy mag a few months back that it was Michael thats seeing Kat, cant mind which one, the mrs gets quite a few of them, but it was definitely in one of them, i remember reading it and thought, ffs, not another re-story being played out.

I've read a few things in these magazines that end up not being true (when they print them months in advance anyway), but a few of them are, so it's hard to know which ones to believe. I think it's bang on the money this time though.

Regarding the Sharon/Tanya's adopted sister story, I can now confirm that

it's not Sharon. The sister is a new character, thankfully. It wouldn't have added up and it would be just too much of a handy little coincidence if that had turned out to be the case. There is an element of "surprise" in it though. Cora got jungle fever, she got jungle fever.

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My theory is that it's Derek. The creepy, older guy that Kat's uncle was when he abused her, and she feels so worthless that she sleeps around with that type in some sort of Stockholm Syndrome-esque manner to appease her uncle.

Weird and perhaps sick, but this goes further than just an affair. You can see how haunted her eyes look every time she's been rattled.

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My theory is that it's Derek. The creepy, older guy that Kat's uncle was when he abused her, and she feels so worthless that she sleeps around with that type in some sort of Stockholm Syndrome-esque manner to appease her uncle.

Weird and perhaps sick, but this goes further than just an affair. You can see how haunted her eyes look every time she's been rattled.

Is there something we should know about you unsure.gif

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According to the morning papers, its goodbye in November to

Chistian and Syed

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