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The Neighbours Thread

DA Baracus

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7 Neighbours script staples;

1 - when inside house and about to go out, neighbour MUST be about to knock when you open door and they MUST stumble into house as if taking some herculean effort to chap on said door.

2 - when storyline calls for 2 characters to fall out with each other, they MUST meet at bottom of driveway at earliest opportunity.

3 - when a character is needing money, hard work and belt-tightening IS NOT the answer - instead gambling is the answer, even if character has shown no traits of gambling addiction EVER.

4 - any character who has previously let it be known they aren't great swimmers MUST have a scene next to a swimming pool.

5 - when in hospital, the victims bed MUST be right next to the reception as is the case in all hospitals surely?!

6 - when a character is about to die, said characters' spouse/partner MUST be seen to start talking to someone not previously talked to which then sets up the next relationship.


7 - when storyline calls for a trip into the Bush, any characters involved MUST encounter peril of varying ludicrousness to give viewers impression that Aussie retards CANNOT look after themselves outwith an urban environment.

Neighbours - 25 years and counting.

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I think my favourite trip to the bush was when Phil Martin and Jim Robinson spent an entire episode hanging onto a rock in water that looked about a foot deep .

Neighbours is brilliant

Just caught the end of it today , nice dream sequence, reminded me of Bouncers dream.

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I havent been watching this in a while but i read this week that we finally get rid of her! but then on the column next to it about home and away it also says that belle dies this week. :(

i hate god. giving with one hand and taking away with the other.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I like the way Lucas developed massive gambling problems after playing three games of cards with Jonno.

Donna looks better each time I catch the show.

Ringo is a puff and he's leaving soon. Elle and Lucas leave soon. Might clear the way for some new sexy bitches.

That pube headed dick in the orphan family really does get on my teets.

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I met Donna in real life last Monday - I have to say, of all the women I have ever met, she's probably the best looking. She is fucking stunning.

Did you finger her? You should have told her to visit this thread and maybe she'd have come over for that shagging i'm after giving her.

Welcome back by the way, nobody else would talk to me about Neighbours or Hollyoaks.

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I was in Melbourne last week and there was a "Meet The Cast of Neighbours" night. Was superb, met Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson, Donna (:wub:) and Declan Napier.

I asked Declan if he was gutted that he had to watch Ringo graft Donna while he's stuck with Didge, and he said that he wasn't because "in real life, she las lovely straight hair, a great little tush and, between you and me, she's kinky as shit".

Got a rake of photographs from the night but lost my camera.

Also went to the actual set of Neighbours the following day - worst $50 you're ever likely to spend. Met Janelle Timmons, what a waste of time.

Shame it wasn't Janae you met.


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I was in Melbourne last week and there was a "Meet The Cast of Neighbours" night. Was superb, met Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson, Donna (:wub:) and Declan Napier.

I asked Declan if he was gutted that he had to watch Ringo graft Donna while he's stuck with Didge, and he said that he wasn't because "in real life, she las lovely straight hair, a great little tush and, between you and me, she's kinky as shit".

Got a rake of photographs from the night but lost my camera.

Also went to the actual set of Neighbours the following day - worst $50 you're ever likely to spend. Met Janelle Timmons, what a waste of time.

Shame it wasnt Janae :wub:

edited to add - beaten to it :lol:

Edited by Mr X
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whats going on with zeke?

I only tune in now and then , today he was freaking out about the break on a pram .Having visions etc ..Hes gone mental or something? He still looks like a total cock

The pubeheads sister is my fave the moment.

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