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About palmy_cammy

  • Birthday 29/03/1987

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  1. I remember being at Hampden for a Scotland game a while back and one of the electronic advertising boards had gone wonky and was brightly flickering between all the colours of the rainbow. It was distracting from miles back in the stand so I’ve no idea what effect it was having on the players.
  2. Open University was the sponsor in 96/97 on a blue Le Coq Sportif home shirt (check the link in my previous post).
  3. I don't think Dickson will be signing for anyone any time soon. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68316673
  4. I'm pretty sure that was the home kit. The away kit was the yellow and blue one below. Going by http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/Scottish_Football_League/Queen_of_the_South/Queen_of_the_South.htm they had the same kits for two seasons 94/95 and 95/96. Initially sponsored by Fiat then the Open University.
  5. Inspired by the old Matchwinner kits from the 90s?
  6. If either of your laptops are bluescreening when they “crash” you can run BlueScreenView then fire the error codes into Google to find possible causes. Always worth doing general housekeeping such as installing Windows and driver updates and running a System File Checker (SFC) scan. https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html https://www.howtogeek.com/222532/how-to-repair-corrupted-windows-system-files-with-the-sfc-and-dism-commands/
  7. I completely understand what you are saying but your initial post queried why he was appealing to some Queens fans. You’ve answered that yourself with your last sentence above.
  8. A manager successfully using a budget to achieve an objective? It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off. I don’t think anyone was desperate for McCall, but I also don’t really see why his reputation for requiring a sizeable budget is used as a stick to beat him with either. There are clubs out there who have sizeable budgets who require managers with track records of achieving success with sizeable budgets. It probably meant he was a non-starter for Queens, but I doubt Clyde regret their decision in hiring him, and I doubt they care that avoided the drop in a non-miraculous way.
  9. I don't think what McCall did previously at Queens is all that relevant in this conversation as the landscape at Palmerston is considerably different to then. It was also a very long time ago. He joined the same year Lewis Gibson was born! I think what makes him appealing is his experience. Queens have been burned by their last two rookie appointments, and Falkirk have shown that a wise old head is the way to go in this division after working their way through their own equivalents of Gibson and Bartley the past few seasons. McCall's stock is also high again after his achievements at Clyde. I would imagine you are right that he would require a sizeable budget meaning he probably isn't a realistic target. I think he probably is the best available candidate and in an ideal world the club would provide him with the budget he wanted to get out of the hellhole that is League 1 so they can try and rebuild the club to recent "glories". There isn't going to be a "Falkirk-sized club" in the league next season so it is very much open to the most ambitious club but I don't see that being Queens considering the off-field state of affairs. Given his ties to the new board of director, and the previous board's preference to go for managers that fall on their lap Murphy seems the likely choice. I don't think he is a particularly exciting appointment but he has probably done just about enough at Annan to suggest he might be capable enough to put together a solid squad that can "punch above their weight". Unfortunately for Queens based on their current status that might only equate to a mid-table finish in League 1. Until the off-field situations are resolved I think Queens are looking at a medium-to-long term project to get back to the Championship. I don't know if Murphy will be the man for that, but he may be a good enough option to steady the ship until the direction of the club is clearer.
  10. There’s no chance he is leaving now having almost secured the “third best defensive record in League 1” trophy. I presume an open top bus is being arranged? https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/local-sport/queen-south-boss-relieved-side-32693705
  11. I don’t think the first team training away from Dumfries is a factor in the terrible home form for the reasons stated. Most teams train at an alternative training ground rather than their home stadium anyway. The only real difference being Queens don’t own their training ground and it is outside their home town. That being said, fans lap up performative actions and a “rallying call” from the manager saying he was determined to fix the appalling home form and had organised extra sessions at Palmerston to remedy it would likely be well received even if it had no basis on fact. Sadly Bartley seems to have no interest in appeasing people, and instead prefers to antagonise and alienate. He also probably thinks there is nothing wrong with the home form anyway. Moving forward I think moving training back to Dumfries would be a quick win for the new Board at trying to repair the disconnect between fans and club. Unless I’m missing anything obvious, the main argument for training in the central belt was to attract a better standard of player. A quick glance at the squads from the past few years would show a glaring weakness in that argument. I thought the longer term vision when KGV was acquired was to turn it onto a doonhame version of La Masia?
  12. Typical Queens vs Falkirk thread with everyone posting a load of crop.
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