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5 True Statements About Yourself...


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1)I was the front page spread of the Daily Record as the result of 'old school' football violence

2)I had swine flu for 6 weeks at the start of the year

3)I have had a mid-life crisis

4)I haven't eaten meat since 1985

5)I was told by a psychic a couple of years ago that my life was about to change completely,this after she had

given me several uncanny predictions previously.It hasn't happened and the likelyhood of it changing now

has all but disappeared,so same woman,job,car,house as before. :death

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I am a Fuckin Idiot.

I don't know when I'm onto a good thing

I am useless with money

I have prolly wasted my life by not giving a f**k about anything, but I'm too lazy and not bothered to change it

I have too many moans, but strangely I'm happy

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Well having posted 3 years ago I'm quite glad they weren't as cringey as they could've been. Why not update?

1) I'm at Dundee Uni studying Psychology. Despite the fact that I'd have far more chance of getting a job if I studied business or engineering, I love studying the subject and wouldn't change what I'm doing right now. People make comments but I'm happy to be doing this at this point in my life, so I'm sticking with it and I'll just wait and see what happens.

2) I'm a huge believer in trusting my gut instinct. There's been a few key moments where it has guided me in life, particularly in coming to Dundee to study. Something I can't quite explain but it's always served me well. As a result I have met my long term girlfriend, met many great friends and love the city.

3) I like exploring new places I've never been to before, especially in Scotland. Shame is I don't really have reason to visit said places other than football, but playing the same teams over and over puts paid to that. I prefer away games to home games. The travelling is expensive, but it's going to a different part of the country cheering your team, in a lot of cases being the underdog. It's great.

4) I love celidhs. A great social occasion, if you're with a group of your mates it can be a superb night. I have been to countless celidhs, and all have been really enjoyable. I also love scottish music, which may be tied into this. I unashamedly listen to Take the Floor from time to time.

5) I dislike clubs. Going to one every once in a while is ok, but they are mostly horrific. Especially paying nearly a tenner to get in before being subjected to sharing a sweltering dance floor with arseholes. I prefer a night in with the missus or if I'm with friends then a few pints at the pub will do me just fine, or watching a film.

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1. I genuinely think I will be famous one day
2. I've played guitar with Brian Fallon. I nearly cried due to the fact that 17 out of my top 25 most played on I-tunes are Gaslight Anthem & Horrible Crowes songs. It was the greatest day of my life.
3. Me and a pal played at a school concert and received a standing ovation. Unfortunately the girl of my dreams did not tell me how much she secretly loved me and she didn't wan't to be my girlfriend. It was pretty much a waste of time.
4. I shat on my next door neighbor's garden.
5. I'm a right dour b*****d

Edited by dan_ict
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1. I've attended every Scotland home game since 1987.

2. I've shared a box of chocolates with Margret Thatcher.

3. In principle I support the IRA.

4. When golfing I've had 7 holes in one, including one against martin laird

5. I think Ben and Jerrys is Shite, the only icecream I eat is Movenpick.

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1.) I have an irrational fear of dead animals, It stems from numerous weird sightings of dead animals including, a dead Alsation hanging from a bin bag on a tree, a bag full of dead rabbits and seeing a dead rabbit's head when I was about five and on my way back from primary school.

2.) When I was 15 I was a really big Marilyn Manson fan. I never really got into the fashion but I still quite like a few Marilyn Manson tunes.

3.) I once went to see Nelson Mandela speak in George Square. Although I was only about 11 It was inspiring.

4.) I used to drink way too much.

5.) Rockness 07 was the best weekend of my life as I met my girlfriend and saw Daft Punk.

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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1. I was once attacked by a reindeer.

2. When I was a child I used to be convinced that pears (as in the fruit) would turn into giant maggots which would seep green blood that would kill me on contact. Although I now know that is silly and wont actually happen, I still eye them with suspicion and don't like touching them if I can help it. I think I like them though, can't really remember, haven't eaten one since I was eight.

3. I consider myself left wing, but hate almost all left wing people I've actually met. I find them whiny, insufferable and often naive of the real world.

4. I get obsessed with things for a couple of months, then lose all interest in them, often for years.

5. I spend hours on end on wikipedia, reading things which I would find utterly dull if I read them in a book.

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1. I hate nightclubs. I've not been to one in about 5 years. I am pretty tight-fisted and nearing the slippers and pished-drawers age but I refuse to pay close to £10 for over-priced drinks, shite music and a crowded/sweaty/smelly room where I can hardly move. If I meet some old friends from school who somehow want to go to a club after a few pubs, i'll always end up going home early and rubbering the nightclub.

2. I didn't have my first w**k til I was 16. Not many people believe this but I have no reason to lie, if I did at 10 or 21 I would say. I had a few wet dreams beforehand that I am sure of, but did not use downward pressure until my middle-late teens.

3. I don't care much for fancy gadgets, iphones, fancy cars etc. I have a 3 year old nano which does me and up to two months ago I was using a Nokia from about 2001 which did the job fine. I am pretty gripit with my cash I suppose but if I want something, I'll buy it but I do not see the need to go out and buy the new £500 phone or an updated tablet or laptop or the 11 plate BM etc. With clothes, if I think its cool, I'll buyt it - be it a £50 jumper or a £3 one from the thrift shop.

4. I'm settling into my late 20s reasonably well. I went through a phase when I was 21/22 of dreading every year after it but I'm now 28 and feel content enough. I can give or take alcohol, I go months or weeks without and find I appreciate it much more when I do have go for a few jars it'll be with friends or family I've not seen in a while and it adds more to the fun. I quite enjoy running boring errands too e.g going down to the supermarket to pickup a few bits of food, magazine, nipping into the library. :ph34r:

5. I hardly watch TV. I'll watch the odd documentary, the news, football and sports and a few films but I download watch most TV shows via the computer or buy the DVD. UK tv on a whole is shite and I cannot stand reality TV or the endless cycle of it X factor, BGT, I'm a tosser get me out of here etc. I can see why TV companies do it. It works and the mass population love it.

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I am a terrible loser at everything, 5's, board games, all sports really. I believe anyone who is playing something and does not want to win or is just playing for fun should not bother in the first place.

My favorite band are the Arctic monkeys but in general I am not a massive fan of that kind of music, I actually love music thats played in clubs, David Guetta etc, reguardless of how bad a name it gets.

I collect football tops and I have about 51 altogether now.

I have not been sober for me than a week for about a year which is worrying.

I love loads of cheesy stuff like JLS, Take that, Marley and me and most things that 15 year old girls love. I never hear the end of this from my mates.

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1. I genuinely think i will be famous one day laugh.gif

2. I've played guitar with Brian Fallon. I nearly cried due to the fact that 17 out of my top 25 most played on I-tunes are Gaslight Anthem & Horrible Crowes songs. It was the greatest day of my life.

I really want to know more about this. Must've been a tremendous experience.

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I really want to know more about this. Must've been a tremendous experience.

It really was. I was over in Nuremberg for Rock am Ring and he was doing an acoustic set in a bar, the "altlier" I think. I was shocked how many people where there. 15-20 at a push. I sat there in awe at how amazing he was. At the end I went over to him for an autograph and to tell him about my man-crush laugh.gif. He seemed happier than me at the fact he had fans here. He asked what my favorite song was. Five minutes later I was playing guitar whilst my musical hero was belting out "We did it when we were young". I've never been happier in my life. A true gentleman Brian Fallon is smile.gif

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1. I am a recreational drug user.

2. I have a criminal record that is the length of your arm that includes firearms and assault.

3. I don't care about racist or sectarian chanting at football games. It doesn't offend me in the slightest and I'm not bothered if it continues.

4. I have done many prison sentence's, the longest being 5 years.

5. I have 3 grandkids.

PS, i C+P the first 3 as i could'nt be arsed typing them out

Just read the whole thread and this is the best post :thumsup2

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Why a wooden cross? That seems like pandering to something which you claim to abhor.

i would be giving Christians a chance to be nearer their so called christ, i would also inject muslims with pigs blood that way they knew if they commmited a sucide terrorist attack their would be no 77 virgins waiting for them in the afterlife :D

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1. I cried when we beat Celtic in 2006, with joy I might add, I was 14

2. I don't have any friends (that I hang about with or know very well) that are female

3. I coach football despite having bad Marfans

4. I seriously contemplated trying to copy Eric Harris because I hated school so much

5. I'm probably the most "hit or miss" person you could meet. I'm either good, or shite at anything.

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1) I really want to learn how to drive. It would be very convenient for me - but I simply can't be bothered taking driving lessons. I would love to drive a scooter too, preferably a Vespa, but the laziness rule applied to that too.

2) I want to be a complete w****r, dress like a c**t, be a complete dick to girls - but I'm far too nice.

3) I've never had a girlfriend before. I've had the opportunity to have one but I've always declined and a few weeks later regret my decision. I really don't know why this is. I have a severe lack in confidence in everything that I do.

4) I complain far too much and never about things that actually matter.

5) I leave everything to the last minute. Absolutely everything. If I need to catch a train I'll always leave the house so I'm there for one minute before it arrives, even if I'm not doing anything beforehand. If I have an essay to hand in it will always be done on the night before (or the bus in the morning).

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