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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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And here's the justice for the family of the victim,,,,family members arrested and beaten by police,,,,,

The US government has raised concerns about Israel’s arrest of a Palestinian teenager with American citizenship whose cousin was burned to death by extremists earlier this summer.

The State Department says it was never notified by Israel after Mohammed Abu Khdeir was arrested at his home in east Jerusalem on 28 July. It also says Israel appears to be targeting members of the Abu Khdeir family for arrest.

“The US Consulate General in Jerusalem is providing consular assistance … The consulate is also in contact with Mr Khdeir’s family and his lawyer,” State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said Wednesday in Washington, expressing concern “about the fact that members of the Khdeir family appear to be singled out for arrest”.

Relatives say that 19-year-old Abu Khdeir born in Baltimore was arrested at his home after participating in protests following the killing of his 16-year-old cousin on 2 July. Another cousin, 15-year-old Tariq Abu Khdeir of Florida, was badly beaten by police the same week. That beating, captured in an amateur video, sparked international outrage and helped lead to his release.

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Oh dear ,here's the new lessons for Israeli children to learn ,just out this week...(secular country?)

Some history teachers balked this week at a proposed Education Ministry lesson plan that encourages students to be “Jewish fighters” like the biblical Joshua.

The lesson, which was recently sent to history teachers across the country, quotes Simcha Goldin’s entire eulogy for his son Hadar, an Israeli soldier killed during the fighting in Gaza earlier this month. Describing his son as “a Jewish fighter” like Joshua, Simcha Goldin said: “Do as he did. Take the Torah with you day and night and be Jewish fighters.”

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I realise you're just venting your unnatural hatred of "ra Jews", but what do you think Palestinian children are being taught by their elected government? :rolleyes:

The King's laughably one sided take on this would look out of place in a first year politics seminar.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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I realise you're just venting your unnatural hatred of "ra Jews", but what do you think Palestinian children are being taught by their elected government? :rolleyes:

The King's laughably one sided take on this would look out of place in a first year politics seminar.

I think they're being told the exact same thing moron, I see both sides of being guilty of terrorism .

Unlike your one sided view of things .

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I reckon the folk in Israel have to stand firm against any threat.

When we see what them ISIS mob are doing to other Muslims....if I was a Jew, I'd be wanting safety at the first boundary.

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I reckon the folk in Israel have to stand firm against any threat.

When we see what them ISIS mob are doing to other Muslims....if I was a Jew, I'd be wanting safety at the first boundary.

You going for this line again?

Please do explain how ISIS are related to hamas(note them both being muslim groups ain't enough) while your at it explain how bombing civilians can be described as standing firm.

And if ISIS are the problem, why are they "protecting" themselves at the wrong border?

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You going for this line again?

Please do explain how ISIS are related to hamas(note them both being muslim groups ain't enough) while your at it explain how bombing civilians can be described as standing firm.

And if ISIS are the problem, why are they "protecting" themselves at the wrong border?

Oh dear.

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You going for this line again?

Please do explain how ISIS are related to hamas(note them both being muslim groups ain't enough) while your at it explain how bombing civilians can be described as standing firm.

And if ISIS are the problem, why are they "protecting" themselves at the wrong border?

You know that some ISIS terrorists are already operating in Gaza and certain factions there have declared allegiance to ISIS? They also aim to destroy Israel after establishing their caliphate.



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You know that some ISIS terrorists are already operating in Gaza and certain factions there have declared allegiance to ISIS? They also aim to destroy Israel after establishing their caliphate.



and how many calls to destroy gaza from Israelis? Edited by THE KING
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You know that some ISIS terrorists are already operating in Gaza and certain factions there have declared allegiance to ISIS? They also aim to destroy Israel after establishing their caliphate.



The islamic state plan to destroy fucking everywhere. The map of their caliphate is beyond ridiculous, and even if for some reason is was established then they wouldn't stop. IF they were to take syria then they would be a high risk threat to israel, however your articles don't show anything representing a strong network in gaza, and even what does exist(according to those articles) is a watered down version. If the islamic state are the issue then why bomb gaza? Why not the positions the islamic state hold in iraq and syria?

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Whataboutery, all designed to deflect from the Palestinian authorities, the "elected government" torturing and executing it's own citizens before dragging them behind motorbikes through streets filled with cheering crowds.

I don't see the point in that. Surely it would!d be better to do the motor bike thing then shoot them, if they were still alive.

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You know that some ISIS terrorists are already operating in Gaza and certain factions there have declared allegiance to ISIS? They also aim to destroy Israel after establishing their caliphate.



Right enough , If people were trying to wipe you off the map you would fight back wouldn't you?.....

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai said:

We must blow Gaza back to the Middle Ages destroying all the infrastructure including roads & water.

Or as Haaretz puts it:

Interior Minister Eli Yishai on Israels operation in Gaza: The goal of the operation is to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages .

Destroying civilian infrastructure is of course a war crime under the Geneva Convention.

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The islamic state plan to destroy fucking everywhere. The map of their caliphate is beyond ridiculous, and even if for some reason is was established then they wouldn't stop. IF they were to take syria then they would be a high risk threat to israel, however your articles don't show anything representing a strong network in gaza, and even what does exist(according to those articles) is a watered down version. If the islamic state are the issue then why bomb gaza? Why not the positions the islamic state hold in iraq and syria?

Israel is bombing Gaza because Hamas keeps launching rockets at Israel. I'm not saying Hamas and IS are the same but they are on the same scale. They are both jihadist Muslim groups looking to establish countries run by their interpretations of shariah law. IS might be more extreme in their methods but that doesn't mean they don't have the same goals and objectives and it doesn't mean they can't work together.

Why do you think so few arab countries are currently supporting Hamas? They are all terrified of extremist Islam and don't want to support any form of it.

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