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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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There's a lot of people who don't seem o get their heads round the fact that a lot of muslim extremism agianst the west is based on the fact that we supported the handover of someone elses country to a bunch of people who claimed their imaginary friend gave it to them.

you only have to look across the water at NI to see what happens when you create a diddy country Inside someone else country.

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There's a lot of people who don't seem to get their heads round the fact that a lot of muslim extremism agianst the west is based on the fact that we supported the handover of someone elses country to a bunch of people who claimed their imaginary friend gave it to them.


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Netanyahu, speaking at his weekly Bible-study session, compared political changes in the region to the weekly portion, saying just as a benevolent Pharaoh was replaced by one who enslaved the Jews, leaders around the region are being forced out and that could happen to Abbas as well.

“In this week’s Torah portion it is written, ‘Now there arose a new king over Egypt who knew not Joseph.’ That’s also happening today,” he said from his Jerusalem residence, referring to the Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi, who replaced Hosni Mubarak as Egypt’s leader last year.

“Everyone knows that Hamas could take over the Palestinian Authority,” Netanyahu said. “It can happen after an agreement [with Israel], it could happen before an agreement, as was the case in Gaza.”

Netanyahu was referring to a violent 2007 coup during which Hamas took over the Gaza Strip and pushed out the more moderate Fatah movement.

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Netanyahu, speaking at his weekly Bible-study session, compared political changes in the region to the weekly portion, saying just as a benevolent Pharaoh was replaced by one who enslaved the Jews, leaders around the region are being forced out and that could happen to Abbas as well.

“In this week’s Torah portion it is written, ‘Now there arose a new king over Egypt who knew not Joseph.’ That’s also happening today,” he said from his Jerusalem residence, referring to the Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi, who replaced Hosni Mubarak as Egypt’s leader last year.

“Everyone knows that Hamas could take over the Palestinian Authority,” Netanyahu said. “It can happen after an agreement [with Israel], it could happen before an agreement, as was the case in Gaza.”

Netanyahu was referring to a violent 2007 coup during which Hamas took over the Gaza Strip and pushed out the more moderate Fatah movement.

What on earth are you on about now?

I was laughing at al6x3 for being yet another person (like yourself) completely ignorant of judaism yet thinking they are an expert on it.

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You've said this a large number of times. I've still no clue what you are talking about.

In any event your rambling opinions aren't news (note - not new's) and you do realise that things happen in Israel that aren't actually relevant to Palestine? Just because rabid Israel haters like yourself would like to portray the country's entire existence as revolving around Palestine doesn't make it true.

Let me try and explain it in a way you can understand:

There's only one way to win a war on terror, seperate the terrorists from their recruitment pool.

Just killing terrorists doesn't work. More will pop up and replace them.

You can either commit genocide so there's no pool for the terrorists to recruit from or you can try a hearts and minds campaign so the terrorists can no longer justify their existence.

Israel hasn't attempted either of these in palestine. They are content to keep an entire country as a concentration camp, just because it's less effort than actually trying for peace.

The terrorists they are fighting today are their own creation.

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you only have to look across the water at NI to see what happens when you create a diddy country Inside someone else country.

“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” Winston Churchill

The same thing applies to partition. It never works but there's no better solution. The South of Ireland generally wanted independence, the North didn't. Nobody got exactly what they wanted but it was still the best solution.

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I see that Syrian refugees have reached 3 million and have been taking in by all neighbouring countries ,,,all except one which closed its borders to them..can anyone guess which? Clue,, it's the regions only democracy, a beacon of hope etc...

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Show me where I claimed to be an expert on it?

Here you go. This is ignoring all you're nonsense about Israel itself. You seem very willing to answer questions and make statements about Jews which are just completely and utterly incorrect.

itd be on your birth cert , if its not youd need to be married to one etc....

or sit their "non racist bigot test"


It's a massive unheard voice ,that of Jewish people against Israel's actions and even Israel itself, even the chief Rabbi in Palestine before the creation of the b*****d state was completely against it, and many Jews believe the very idea of a Jewish state goes against the teachings in the Torah.
I mean before we decided to create a Jewish state in Palestine they were looking at Africa , South America and Russia ffs!
The Chosen land my arse.

The sky fairy told them.

Interestingly enough most Jews nowadays eat pork

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Let me try and explain it in a way you can understand:

There's only one way to win a war on terror, seperate the terrorists from their recruitment pool.

Just killing terrorists doesn't work. More will pop up and replace them.

You can either commit genocide so there's no pool for the terrorists to recruit from or you can try a hearts and minds campaign so the terrorists can no longer justify their existence.

Israel hasn't attempted either of these in palestine. They are content to keep an entire country as a concentration camp, just because it's less effort than actually trying for peace.

The terrorists they are fighting today are their own creation.

Come on, "hearts and minds"? I don't think the George W. Bush book of anti-terrorism is what Israel should be following.

And what was leaving Gaza in 2005 and giving complete control to the PA if not an attempt at peace? When Fatah controlled it things were good. When Hamas took over things went bad. Whatever Israel has tried to do to solve the conflict in the last 50 years hasn't work. The initiative for peace has to come from the Palestinians (like Abbas, who wants peace). As long as some want to destroy Israel and continue terrorism there will be no peace process. When the terrorists want to destroy your country and murder all your people there is no way to 'appease' them.

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Yes, he did marvelously, a miraculous 96.7% of the vote after the serious opposition were either murdered, gaoled, banned or just decided to boycott the sham.

After the serious opposition had been murdering, gaoling and banning everyone that opposed them when in government until it got to the stage the nation's own judiciary cried "enough!" and the army stepped in largely at their behest.

Islamicists "do democracy" the same way communists & fascists/nazis do it - long enough to attempt to pull the plug on it, something the Egyptians learned the hard way but thankfully for only a year as Egypt's armed forces decided the country hadn't got rid of one dictator to put in an even more evil one who wouldn't have been happy until they'd got a second Yom Kippur War.

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Here you go. This is ignoring all you're nonsense about Israel itself. You seem very willing to answer questions and make statements about Jews which are just completely and utterly incorrect.

those that make me an expert on Judaism? !..if thats your argument then you must be an expert on palestinians you post endless 'facts' about them?

ps which post of mine you highlighted there are completely and utterly incorrect?

Edited by THE KING
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yeah..its almost as if they dont want peace with them eh?

Yes it's almost as if Palestinians firing thousands of rockets into Israel has made Israel not want peace.

those that make me an expert on Judaism? !..if thats your argument then you must be an expert on palestinians you post endless 'facts' about them?

ps which post of mine you highlighted there are completely and utterly incorrect?

Erm... all of them. I don't have to disprove your facts you're the one that's claiming they're true. Where have I posted incorrect information on Palestinians?

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Yes it's almost as if Palestinians firing thousands of rockets into Israel has made Israel not want peace.

Erm... all of them. I don't have to disprove your facts you're the one that's claiming they're true. Where have I posted incorrect information on Palestinians?

rockets comming from west bank?

Facts..how about you being the only person on here who denies israel ethnically cleansed the Arabs out their land?

and still waiting on you telling us how the people of Gaza have self determination. .dont think we haven't noticed that you dodge questions you dont like but I answer yours even when you demand yes or no answers.

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rockets comming from west bank?

Facts..how about you being the only person on here who denies israel ethnically cleansed the Arabs out their land?

and still waiting on you telling us how the people of Gaza have self determination. .dont think we haven't noticed that you dodge questions you dont like but I answer yours even when you demand yes or no answers.

When did I deny they 'ethnically cleansed' Palestinians? I wouldn't used that phrase but I do agree a number (that we don't know) were forced from their homes in 1948. Another number left for other reasons. We know that the two numbers add up to circa 800,000 but we don't know which is which.

The people of Gaza have the right to elect their own government - a right they have exercised.

So how about we go back to the issue of you spreading lies about Judaism?

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Two French teens arrested for plot to blow up synagogue. http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-news/1.613364

Wonder how long it will take criticism of what the Israeli Government are doing, now that it's accepted in the mainstream, even in America, to turn to good old fashioned anti-semitism. Not long methinks.

Standard Israeli propaganda 101.

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Come on, "hearts and minds"? I don't think the George W. Bush book of anti-terrorism is what Israel should be following.

And what was leaving Gaza in 2005 and giving complete control to the PA if not an attempt at peace? When Fatah controlled it things were good. When Hamas took over things went bad. Whatever Israel has tried to do to solve the conflict in the last 50 years hasn't work. The initiative for peace has to come from the Palestinians (like Abbas, who wants peace). As long as some want to destroy Israel and continue terrorism there will be no peace process. When the terrorists want to destroy your country and murder all your people there is no way to 'appease' them.

In all of history the only time anyone ever won a war on terror was us in malaya and hopefully soon us in NI.

Both times it was hearts and minds which changed things.

Killing terrorists doesn't work unless you make sure they won't be replaced by new recruits.

You can casually dismiss these facts all you want, there's only one way for Israel to win and they aren't even attempting it. They're happy with the status quo.

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