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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Yes it's almost as if Palestinians firing thousands of rockets into Israel has made Israel not want peace.

Erm... all of them. I don't have to disprove your facts you're the one that's claiming they're true. Where have I posted incorrect information on Palestinians?

You are aware that these rockets are pretty much glorified fireworks made out of bits of drainpipe and for every one which crosses the border one way, 2 computer targetted HE artillery shells go back in the other and despite them being precision targeted, they still manage to kill way more civillians than the terrorists do?

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To be fair mate, it's slightly different when the terrorists aim is the complete destruction of your state. It's not like there is any compromise position that will satisfy them

Terror groups have pretty much the same psychology as cults. The members reinforce each others ideas and help normalise extremist ideas.

People CAN be brought back from that but it's much easier to just make sure they don't join the group in the first place.

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You are aware that these rockets are pretty much glorified fireworks made out of bits of drainpipe and for every one which crosses the border one way, 2 computer targetted HE artillery shells go back in the other and despite them being precision targeted, they still manage to kill way more civillians than the terrorists do?


"Glorified fireworks" which can travel across the entire length of Palestine and nearly into Jordan.

EDIT - As for the rest, that's your opinion. It's not fact. There's a cartoon - I always thought it was silly - of Netanyahu saying "How about Israel only exists on Monday, Wednesday and Friday?" I genuinely never thought someone would be of the position that Israel has to make concessions to win over the Palestinian public. They withdrew from Gaza completely in 2005 and a few years later Hamas took over and thousands of "fireworks" a month were being sent into Israel. Clearly concessions on Israel's part aren't going to work. Israel are ready to come to the peace table - the Palestinians have to decide whether they want peace or war.

Edited by adam4267
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"Glorified fireworks" which can travel across the entire length of Palestine and nearly into Jordan.

EDIT - As for the rest, that's your opinion. It's not fact. There's a cartoon - I always thought it was silly - of Netanyahu saying "How about Israel only exists on Monday, Wednesday and Friday?" I genuinely never thought someone would be of the position that Israel has to make concessions to win over the Palestinian public. They withdrew from Gaza completely in 2005 and a few years later Hamas took over and thousands of "fireworks" a month were being sent into Israel. Clearly concessions on Israel's part aren't going to work. Israel are ready to come to the peace table - the Palestinians have to decide whether they want peace or war.

The Palestinians have to decide between peace and war, how very simple.

Freedom can wait, right? They get to live in the worlds largest prison camp, in squalor imposed by Israel, but they get to live in peace.

You also (as predicted) dismiss the facts that there's only one way to win a war on terror and the only times anyone ever did win a war on terror they used those tactics.

Why don't you tell us your long term solution or some other times people won a war on terror by your tactics?

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The Palestinians have to decide between peace and war, how very simple.

Freedom can wait, right? They get to live in the worlds largest prison camp, in squalor imposed by Israel, but they get to live in peace.

You also (as predicted) dismiss the facts that there's only one way to win a war on terror and the only times anyone ever did win a war on terror they used those tactics.

Why don't you tell us your long term solution or some other times people won a war on terror by your tactics?


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Ahh, thankis for proving my point.

Under the Ohrid Agreement, the Macedonian government pledged to improve the rights of the Albanians of the country. Those rights included making the Albanian language the second official language, increasing the participation of ethnic Albanians in government institutions, the police and the army. Most importantly, under the Ohrid Agreement, the Macedonian government agreed to a new model of decentralization.

Did you have a point of your own to make?

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"Glorified fireworks" which can travel across the entire length of Palestine and nearly into Jordan.

EDIT - As for the rest, that's your opinion. It's not fact. There's a cartoon - I always thought it was silly - of Netanyahu saying "How about Israel only exists on Monday, Wednesday and Friday?" I genuinely never thought someone would be of the position that Israel has to make concessions to win over the Palestinian public. They withdrew from Gaza completely in 2005 and a few years later Hamas took over and thousands of "fireworks" a month were being sent into Israel. Clearly concessions on Israel's part aren't going to work. Israel are ready to come to the peace table - the Palestinians have to decide whether they want peace or war.

Hamas rockets; unlike Hezbollah's have no targeting system, so they are in effect "glorified fireworks".

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To be fair mate, it's slightly differhen the terrorists aim is the complete destruction of your stadot like there is any compromise position that will satisfy them

that accusation could be equally levelled at israel on palestine tbf?

And if Hamas want the destruction if israel then why do they want a 2 state solution/roadmap and UN observers on the border whislt its israel who only last month dismissed either a 1 or 2 state solution ...not to mention still banning UN/Amnesty war crimes investigatrors from entering Gaza?

Edited by THE KING
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As I said "Many people choosing to leave" I didn't say everyone chose to leave. The term "ethnic cleansing" is incorrect, some people chose to leave - some were forced out.

Again, you're just trying to deflect from the fact you were spreading lies about Judaism.

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Ahh, thankis for proving my point.

Did you have a point of your own to make?

You're just wrong. You said that there has only been one successful anti-terrorist action in history and there is only one way to defeat terrorists. The Malayan emergency may or may not be the best way of dealing with terrorists but it is neither the only method of dealing with terrorists or the only time terrorists have ever been defeated.

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Hamas rockets; unlike Hezbollah's have no targeting system, so they are in effect "glorified fireworks".

So does that mean the nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were effectively "glorified fireworks" because they had no targetting system?

EDT - This is what the launch of a Fajr-5 missile looks like. Still a firework?


Edited by adam4267
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So does that mean the nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were effectively "glorified fireworks" because they had no targetting system?

EDT - This is what the launch of a Fajr-5 missile looks like. Still a firework?


Eh ..the Nukes were dropped in the middle of cities so the targets were perfectly hit fukwit?!!!!

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Eh ..the Nukes were dropped in the middle of cities so the targets were perfectly hit fukwit?!!!!

Pedant alert but while the Hiroshima bomb effectively hit the bull's eye as it where the Nagasaki bomb was dropped through a break in cloud and exploded a good bit north of the target, somewhere in the city's northern suburbs, certainly not in the middle of the city. Indeed some historical building which survived the bombing (and Japan's rapid economic growth and boom years (Kyoto was famously saved from bombing but ironically large parts weren't saved from the bulldozers in the 1960's, shamefully many traditional houses are still being lost today to the convenience of modern living spaces despite some preservation efforts)) still stand in the southern part of Nagasaki. Kinda goes without saying they were fantastically more useful than the weapons possessed by Hamas, but remember kids, always use absurdly ridiculous examples of comparison when trying to prove a point.

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Pedant alert but while the Hiroshima bomb effectively hit the bull's eye as it where the Nagasaki bomb was dropped through a break in cloud and exploded a good bit north of the target, somewhere in the city's northern suburbs, certainly not in the middle of the city. Indeed some historical building which survived the bombing (and Japan's rapid economic growth and boom years (Kyoto was famously saved from bombing but ironically large parts weren't saved from the bulldozers in the 1960's, shamefully many traditional houses are still being lost today to the convenience of modern living spaces despite some preservation efforts)) still stand in the southern part of Nagasaki. Kinda goes without saying they were fantastically more useful than the weapons possessed by Hamas, but remember kids, always use absurdly ridiculous examples of comparison when trying to prove a point.

true, comparing Hamas unguided rockets to Nuclear bombs dropped on Japan must be the worse attempt ever given in history

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