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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Not happy with this week introducing a new law of 20 years in jail for Palestinians who throw stones?!...Israel goes ahead with 500 new settler homes in Occupied East Jerusalem. .the Zionist genocide campaign goes on in the face of world opinion. .


Israels housing ministers reason for this........

Housing MInister Uri Ariel arrived this morning (Tuesday) to Kever Rachel (Rachel's Tomb), as today marks the yahrzeit (anniversary of death) of the Matriarch.

"Of Rachel it is written that she 'cried for her children' and called for them to 'return to their border'. And the meaning of this is that we return to here, to the Land of Israel, with the People of Israel,": the Minister began.

"And the time has come for it to be natural for us to build, without restriction, throughout Samaria and Judea, Jerusalem, and to build in all of Israel with no limits imposed by anyone or any other country. Building the Land of Israel is what we have learned from our previous generations," Ariel said.

Edited by THE KING
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Not happy with this week introducing a new law of 20 years in jail for Palestinians who throw stones?!...Israel goes ahead with 500 new settler homes in Occupied East Jerusalem. .the Zionist genocide campaign goes on in the face of world opinion. .


Israels housing ministers reason for this........

Housing MInister Uri Ariel arrived this morning (Tuesday) to Kever Rachel (Rachel's Tomb), as today marks the yahrzeit (anniversary of death) of the Matriarch.

"Of Rachel it is written that she 'cried for her children' and called for them to 'return to their border'. And the meaning of this is that we return to here, to the Land of Israel, with the People of Israel,": the Minister began.

"And the time has come for it to be natural for us to build, without restriction, throughout Samaria and Judea, Jerusalem, and to build in all of Israel with no limits imposed by anyone or any other country. Building the Land of Israel is what we have learned from our previous generations," Ariel said.

So after pretending to be an anti-apartheid campaigner, you are now coming out as pro-apartheid by saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to live in the West Bank or East Jerusalem?

Edited by adam4267
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So after pretending to be an anti-apartheid campaigner, you are now coming out as pro-apartheid by saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to live in the West Bank or East Jerusalem?

That certainly wasn't my interpretation of what the king's post. In fact it seems you have deliberately twisted it to suit your own agenda.
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So after pretending to be an anti-apartheid campaigner, you are now coming out as pro-apartheid by saying Jews shouldn't be allowed to live in the West Bank or East Jerusalem?

Did you just try to claim that if anyone who is against settlers backed by a nuclear armed military stealing land off some sheep herders, that person has to be pro appartheid?

It really only took them 2 weeks to brainwash you that badly?

How weak minded could you possibly be?

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That certainly wasn't my interpretation of what the king's post. In fact it seems you have deliberately twisted it to suit your own agenda.

He should have a job as an IDF spokesman only a brainwashed religous nut could construe that post to come up with that interpretation!

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More ethnic cleansing from Israel..I suppose Adam will tell us MSF are bigots though!...


..Tensions have increased in the hills to the east of Jerusalem where some 2,500 Palestinian Bedouins live. The tents and metal shacks where they live and keep their animals are being demolished by Israeli officials in an attempt to force them off their land and push them to live in urban areas in the West Bank.

Benoit Marquet/MSF

The tents of Bedouin communities who live in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are being demolished by Israeli officials in an attempt to force them off their land and push them to live in urban areas.

Edited by THE KING
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Did you just try to claim that if anyone who is against settlers backed by a nuclear armed military stealing land off some sheep herders, that person has to be pro appartheid?

It really only took them 2 weeks to brainwash you that badly?

How weak minded could you possibly be?

Who is stealing land? There is no-one living there and the land has no owner. When the international/ British media starts referring to Falkland Islanders or Northern Irish unionists as "settlers" then your argument could hold some weight - but currently it's just yet another example of Jews being held to different standards.

As for the "apartheid" part, yes, I beleive it is apartheid to say someone isn't allowed to live somewhere because of their religion. I personally people of all religions should be able to live in all countries of the world.

He should have a job as an IDF spokesman only a brainwashed religous nut could construe that post to come up with that interpretation!

I'm not religious but not surprised to see you're hatred of Judaism again surface

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As for the "apartheid" part, yes, I beleive it is apartheid to say someone isn't allowed to live somewhere because of their religion. I personally people of all religions should be able to live in all countries of the world.

Good to hear! So you think the Palestinian diaspora should be allowed to return home?

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If the Israeli or Palestinian governments want to offer them all a place to live, then yes.

In that case shouldn't the Palestinian government be able to refuse new Israeli settlements in their territory? By the way, as regards Israel taking over land where nobody lives:

The Introduction of Utilization of Vacant Lands Laws

These regulations granted the Ministry of Agriculture the ability to acquire any unutilized lands that are "neglected" or "abandoned" by its owners to ensure proper and efficient use. Using Article 24 of Law 5709 of these regulations, the Ministry of Agriculture legalized some Kibbutz seizure of neighboring Palestinian villages' lands (Jiryis, 1973).
These laws were used in conjunction with security laws to confiscate lands. The Army would declare an area as a closed military zone, barring farmers from reaching their fields. At a later point the Ministry of Agriculture issued confiscation orders regarding these fields due to 'neglect' by their owners. And then the army officers would issue permits for the settlers to whom the lands were assigned by the Department of Agriculture.


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In that case shouldn't the Palestinian government be able to refuse new Israeli settlements in their territory? By the way, as regards Israel taking over land where nobody lives:

Israel isn't building any settlements in territory controlled by the Palestinian government.

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Are you saying that the West Bank is Israeli territory? If so I hope everyone will get a vote.

Part of it is controlled by the Israeli government, part of it is controlled by the Palestinian government, part of it is controlled by the Israeli military

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Part of it is controlled by the Israeli government, part of it is controlled by the Palestinian government, part of it is controlled by the Israeli military

Do non-Jews get a vote in areas controlled by the Israeli government or military?

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Do non-Jews get a vote in areas controlled by the Israeli government or military?

Sorry I was wrong earlier.

Area A is full Palestinian control - Israelis are not allowed to enter these areas without request. (Mainly Palestinian cities)

Area B is joint Israel-Palestinian security control and only Palestinian civil control (Mainly Palestinian rural areas)

Area C is sole Israeli control - Palestinians are generally not allowed to enter these areas without request (Mainly Israel settlements, empty land and areas of security importance i.e the border with Jordan)

As for your question, all Israelis regardless of religion are allowed to vote.

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JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli government committee on Monday advanced plans for 500 settler homes in East Jerusalem, an official said, in the face of disapproval from the United States at construction on occupied Palestinian land.

The Interior Ministry panel's preliminary approval of the new homes for Ramat Shlomo, a neighbourhood built on West Bank territory captured in the 1967 war and annexed to Jerusalem in a move not recognised abroad, was kept low profile in an apparent bid to avoid friction with Washington.

A week ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered plans for some 600 housing units for Ramat Shlomo and 400 others for Har Homa, another East Jerusalem neighbourhood, to be advanced.

Palestinian officials have voiced alarm, echoed in the international community, over the settlements, viewing them as a main obstacle to founding the independent state they seek in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital.

An Interior Ministry spokeswoman did not immediately confirm Monday's committee decision, details of which were relayed to Reuters by an Israeli official on condition of anonymity.

The official said Israel hoped to avoid publicity around the move, one in a series of logistical and legal stages before construction begins. The number of new homes planned for Ramat Shlomo had been reduced, the official said, because of environmental concerns.

In Washington, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the reports contradicted the Israeli government's stated goal of a peace agreement.

"This flies in the face of that," Psaki told reporters at her daily briefing, saying the United States had seen reports of the planned construction but not any details.

"It is unfortunate for this to move forward given not just the view of the United States, but the view of many in the international community," she added.

The European Union asked Israel for clarifications about Netanyahu's promotion of the Har Homa and Ramat Shlomo projects.

Netanyahu, whose relations with U.S. President Barack Obama have long been strained, also drew criticism from the White House earlier this month after some two dozen Jewish families moved into homes purchased in an Arab neighbourhood of East Jerusalem where about 500 settlers already live.

Peace Now, an Israeli anti-settlement movement, has warned that moving forward with the Har Homa and Ramat Shlomo plans could further inflame tensions in East Jerusalem, the scene of daily confrontations between stone-throwing Palestinians and police in riot gear.

Israel regards all of Jerusalem as its "indivisible and eternal" capital, a claim not recognised internationally, and says Jews have the right to live anywhere in the city.

Some 500,000 Israelis have settled in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, among 2.4 million Palestinians. The World Court says settlements Israel has built there are illegal, a view Israel disputes.

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Sorry I was wrong earlier.

Area A is full Palestinian control - Israelis are not allowed to enter these areas without request. (Mainly Palestinian cities)

Area B is joint Israel-Palestinian security control and only Palestinian civil control (Mainly Palestinian rural areas)

Area C is sole Israeli control - Palestinians are generally not allowed to enter these areas without request (Mainly Israel settlements, empty land and areas of security importance i.e the border with Jordan)

As for your question, all Israelis regardless of religion are allowed to vote.

Do non-Jews in areas B or C get a vote for the Israeli Government?

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