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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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It appears that it is you who is posting "dumbassery". smile.gif


I need at least three more long videos before I can be convinced of this.

Oh: and something that a reasonable person would regard as proof, like cited, authentic documentation.

But three videos that I'm not going to watch would be fine, too.

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SS-IMDB is an admitted Anti-Semite. His views on this are more laughable than Ron Paul.

If i'm an "admitted Anti-Semite" according to you, you are an admitted Pedophile as well as a bawbag. smile.gif

What is laughable about Ron Paul's speech in the above video? smile.gif

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Everything you said was nonsense though! I mean criticising the Palestinians for the nick of Gaza? Seriously? Considering (in the article I linked) that the Israelis even control how much cement gets in, and bulldozed the place left, right and centre. And thats just for starters. Yet again, your post is a work of fiction, backed up by no evidence and with considerable bias. I've been surprised of late by just how many topics you actually do this on.

In your opinion. Which frankly, isn't worth a f**k on this or any other issue in spite of your overinflated view of your own self worth.

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If i'm an "admitted Anti-Semite" according to you, you are an admitted Pedophile as well as a bawbag. smile.gif

What is laughable about Ron Paul's speech in the above video? smile.gif

You are a Holocaust denier. Therefore you are an Anti-Semite.

The laughable part about Ron Paul's speech is that it is a speech by Ron Paul.

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You are a Holocaust denier. Therefore you are an Anti-Semite.

The laughable part about Ron Paul's speech is that it is a speech by Ron Paul.

What is a "holocaust denier"?, fannybaws. And refer me to the posts where i have given you the impression that i am a "holocaust denier". You shouldn't have any trouble quoting the post or posts where i admit to being a "holocaust denier" if what you say is true. On you go and hurry back with the quotes, fannybaws.

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SS-IMDB is an admitted Anti-Semite. His views on this are more laughable than Ron Paul.

You are a Holocaust denier. Therefore you are an Anti-Semite.

The laughable part about Ron Paul's speech is that it is a speech by Ron Paul.


What is a "holocaust denier"?, fannybaws. And refer me to the posts where i have given you the impression that i am a "holocaust denier". You shouldn't have any trouble quoting the post or posts where i admit to being a "holocaust denier" if what you say is true. On you go and hurry back with the quotes, fannybaws.

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I think what becomes clear reading this thread, is that posters who are bias towards one side or the other, shouldn't really be taken seriously. Although clearly well-informed there is nothing that will alter the viewpoints of either Reynard or ICBM on this issue.

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You're more like the spoiled little brat who has a tantrum while mature adults involve themselves in adult discussions.

Or are you just a p***k end? smile.gif

If i'm an "admitted Anti-Semite" according to you, you are an admitted Pedophile as well as a bawbag. smile.gif

What is a "holocaust denier"?, fannybaws.

On you go and hurry back with the quotes, fannybaws.

What is a "holocaust denier"?, fannybaws.

On you go and hurry back with the quotes, fannybaws.

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Although clearly well-informed there is nothing that will alter the viewpoints of either Reynard or ICBM on this issue.

Either you've been reading a different thread or consider the publication of crackpot videos as credible sources of information.

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I think what becomes clear reading this thread, is that posters who are bias towards one side or the other, shouldn't really be taken seriously. Although clearly well-informed there is nothing that will alter the viewpoints of either Reynard or ICBM on this issue.

Either you've been reading a different thread or consider the publication of crackpot videos as credible sources of information.

Quite so.

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That's Hamas own charter. Doesn't look like it leaves much wriggle room for a peaceful agreement between them and Israel. Israel has offered TWICE to go back to the original borders offering the two state solution. Twice it was rejected. The leadership of the Palestinians have absolutely zero interest in having their own land at all. The aim, as described in their charte,r is to cleanse the middle east of Jews. There will never be peace because of groups like these. Lets go back to the very day Israel was created as a state. The local arab population were tipped the wink to get the f**k out of the area while arab tanks rolled in attempting to rid the world of the Jews. After they got their arses handed to them on a plate we have seen variouswars and scuffles and we are always going to see it until Israel is crushed eventually. I fully agree with a two state solution, but that simply will not appease the extremists as it's not ACTUALLY what they want.

One of the things that favours the Zionists is that they understand how western society thinks and operates. Given so much power resides with the US and those naive enough to think of them as allies that is important.

Hamas on the other hand does understand and probably doesn't care about the perception of western society. As a result of that they have no guile, they say what they mean and yes the want to clear the area of people who they believe are interlopers.

Many Israelis feel the same way about the Palestinians, some even express these views with equal candour but they are given little mainstream publicity and are dismissed as unrepresentative. The israeli leadership is less honest about their intentions, they are more subtle. They claim they want peace then, for example as someone has already pointed out, refuse to do anything when settlers ignore their own courts.

As for making peace offers it is easy to offer something when you know it will be refused. Hamas does not believe in a two state solution, and whilst many including myself believe it is the only way forward, I can sympathise with those who refuse to recognise any legitimacy of a Jewish state; there is none unless you are a religious zealot.

There is an oppressor and an oppressed in this situation, there has been for decades. I am on the side of the oppressed but I'm fearful that their suffering is not going to end anytime soon. Other posters have already pointed out the origins of Hamas so I'll leave that one be.

BTW I don't think you believe half the pish you post on here, nonetheless you seem to derive an immense pleasure from posting it.

Back on topic. I'm in total agreement with Granny Danger. smile.gif

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