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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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This has been said by plenty of people already, but while I do have sympathy with Palestinians and regularly criticise Israel, this dick is clearly an anti-semite who only wants to slander Jewish people. Go away.

Of course we could all just ignore him. :rolleyes:

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Sources, schmources.

I used U2's "Mothers of the Disappeared" in one of my International Law finals papers....

Top work. I used 'In the firing line: The Jim Leighton story' on some shitey first year geography module project on Morocco.

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IT's appears to me that ICBM may actually be part of a global Zionist conspiracy designed to discredit any rational opponents of Israel by depicting such opposition as the preserve of lunatic wierdos.

I think you're onto something here, I'm sure someone could dig up a video.....

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Documentaries as a rule are fairly dreadful 'sources', because they can be aired without much prior scrutiny of the evidence.

Just yesterday evening I had to hammer an undergrad's paper down several grades for citing 'The History Channel' as a source for a research paper. Jesus fucking wept, The History Channel. You'd be as well taking your 'news' from Fox.

My point was that the same documentary does not become worse just because it is on youtube rather than tv. The material is what we should be judging, not the medium.

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What is YOUR particular beef with Israel anyway? Is it the formation of the state itself?

The Evolution of Political Zionism, from the Basel Program to the Balfour Declaration, 1897-1917. click here.

The Controversy of Zion. click here

"Friends of Israel" just happen to have been governing the UK since the Dutch Zionist Bankers came over in the late 1600's and bought the British Establishment as well as the UK throne. The proles in the UK don't even know how much of an influence those events have had upon the history of the UK and the social engineering of the people of the British Isles during the past few centuries. click here.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The Madness Of Markets.

The fact that Anti semitic bigots such as yourself and those with similar minds to you are not actually aware that you are Anti semitic bigots shows that you and anyone with a similar mind to you are of low intelligence. Look below for understanding of why you are Anti semitic.

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Or is it what has happened afterwards?

Such as this...Eternal war until Israel rule the entire world (with an Iron Fist). The Modern State of Israel was borne out of 2 World Wars and World Terrorism.


I don't see them ever stopping, Israel's religious leaders want Armageddon with a passion and it appears that the hidden hand is guiding Israel's enemies also.

Their Propaganda

Who says that Satan is not the prince of this world? click here.

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Is it simply down to something you dislike about the Jews?

Some history but no more so than some history of other people, including my own. Jews in general are not to blame for the world's problems, the world's problems are caused by all people irrespective of race, religion, color or creed. Leaders (misleaders) are mostly to blame. I have no issues with Jews as a people. I don't believe that Jews could be stereotyped any more than i could stereotype any other group of people on Earth. There are many different sects and people within Judaism and not all Jews are religious. I consider the Jewish people to be a very interesting people with an interesting history, especially the Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine. click here.

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Is it down to the fact that one and a half million arabs live INSIDE Israel and don't show any great desire to be fucking off out the road of their oppressors?


Arabic people are Semites as well as Hamites, this makes you Anti semitic. Are you proud of that fact?

Reference. click here.

Semite: 1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians. 2. A Jew. 3. Bible A descendant of Shem. 4. (Social Science / Peoples) a member of the group of Caucasoid peoples who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the ancient Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians. 5. (Social Science / Peoples) another word for a Jew

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What specific criticisms are you actually making and then we can get down to some sort of debate with you.

If i happen to see any intelligent replies to my posts that are worthy of an intelligent response, i may reply. I don't agree with much that you post on this forum Reynard but at least you try and die hard.



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IT's appears to me that ICBM may actually be part of a global Zionist conspiracy designed to discredit any rational opponents of Israel by depicting such opposition as the preserve of lunatic wierdos.

Only lunatics such as topcat spend their entire lives believing what they are told by the privately owned/controlled global media corporations that had too much influence over peoples thoughts previous to the age of internet. Today people are free to research subjects which the owners/controllers of global media corporations would prefer them not to look at. Wealthy elitists who also own/control various other industries corporations, particularly banks, oil and mining (precious metals, stones mostly) all over the globe. There is no hope for the topcats on Earth who believe in Hollywood fictions and school textbooks.

“Taxation is robbery based on monopoly of weapons” Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminati Papers

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If only the Palestinians would have democratic elections of their own. :(

And if hypothetically, they were to exercise their free choice, I'm sure that we wouldn't make it a condition that they only vote for who well tell them to vote for. Freely and of their own choice.

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We'll defend our country. The Middle East's ONLY democracy.

I always find it hilarious that a lot of the daft lefties that took up the cudgels for the Palestinian Muslim totalitarians who jail, torture and execute gays, beat women for wearing immodest dress and refuse to even let them have a vote in many cases or even an education in the worst cases,the Palestinians are not a democracy and are run by at least two warring terrorist groups, and they have sharia law.

In contrast, Israel is secular, allows gay pride marches, who have nudist beaches and allow women to have full participation in society, is a functioning democracy, and where there are more atheists living in Israel than live across the water from us in Ireland FFS! You have to wonder what it is these leftists actually see in the Palestinian cause or even why they sook the boaby of Islam with such relish as it stands for pretty much everything that they hate.:lol:

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Whose side are we on?

Most of you are on Satan's side, most unwittingly.

Have any of them got anything we want?

No but the hidden hand guiding them does. Hence the reason why the hidden hand finds it easy to manipulate you and use you as its mind controlled slave. The hidden hand having studied your species for millenniums knows you better than you know yourself. It knows what you want, what you don't want, etc and it controls your mind. It provides you with all the wants and needs that it has indoctrinated you into believing you want and need since birth,

Gold (precious metals & stones)


Drugs (illegal & legal pharmaceuticals)

The hidden hand also gives people other things that people do not want and need but have you believing that you do want and need such as religion, politics and the wars that come with them, bank bailouts, recessions, depressions.

What do we get if we win?

A One World Government based in Israel. click here.


Any more Gaza jokes yet?

"If they're bombing all the alcoholic scizophrenics, I'll be keeping my head down for a bit,"


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