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  1. But if you take an under 12 at Rovers they get in free.
  2. Pars fans book O’Connell bar rovers end of the high st. Its huge and can take a few buses I’m sure they’d oblige.
  3. The Estuary is still open. Saw people in it after the Hamilton game. Its the kind of pub that probably doesnt have a landline.
  4. The 200club. An institution since the sixties which has donated thousands to club were given an ultimatum. fees will rise from £40to £150 whether you go to one game ten games or all the games. There had to be at least a£10000 donation every season. The 200club committee approached the board to see if there was any leeway. The answer was no.So take it or leave it. The 200 club have now vacated Starks. A shame alot of people spent alot of work supplying all the materials and labour doing the place up. The staff behind the bar were all unpaid members, All profits went to the Rovers. All the hard work by the committee selling raffle tickets, football tickets, dances,sponsoring players shirts, advertising signs.every penny went to help the Rovers. Sad times.
  5. Cant fans go in a double decker bus and park next to the stadium wall.
  6. Longer this goes on the more I think its Gary Bowyer.
  7. Not long ago 99% of Falkirk fans were wanting rid of him. well done John mcglyn.
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