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Does this work for you guys as parents?

Good question. Largely I'd say yes it does.

They know they've been bad if they are sent to the naughty chair. They cry if they're sent there. They know that after a short period of time they will be allowed off it if they say sorry and give a hug to whoever it is they were naughty with. And they will take themselves off there (crying) when told to usually, though sometimes they need actually put there.

Whether it actually deters them doing the same things again on the other hand I'm not actually sure. I would hope that it does as they get older.

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We use naughty step and it's working pretty well. :)

Of course in our day we were able to tan the living daylights out of them, that's frowned upon nowadays. :)

Being grandparents, we leave the chastising to the parents. I think the naughty step/seat has been used for all of ours, currently there are really only 2 to whom it would be applicable, grandchildren nrs 9 & 10, 11 & 12 are probably still too wee for it to mean anything, and 12 can't sit up on his own yet, so expecting him to sit on a chair is probably a seat too far. The older ones get sent to their room/I-pod confiscated/car keys taken off them etc etc for transgressing.

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Of course in our day we were able to tan the living daylights out of them, that's frowned upon nowadays. :)

Indeed, never did me any harm, etc, etc :lol:

I think they are a little young for having the living daylights tanned out of them anyway to be honest. Steven has occasionally had his fingers slapped when he won't leave things alone or been nipped back when he's nipping people (something Thomas never did) but I'm not sure it actually does any good either. Hopefully he'll grow out of that. He used to be a wee devil for biting but he almost never does that now.

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Jacks Granda, Charlie is three, so to expect him to be really interested in his little brother is a bit unrealistic.

Rowan, it does seem that second children are more challenging, although it's probably to do with the fact that there is so much to do in so little time.

Well, instead of it just being LM and Harry off to Bristol for the weekend, we're all booked to go. Should be hectic as we are staying with my sister-in-law, who has two kids of her own and a husband who is about as mature as a ten year old. Looking forward to it!

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Yup thats what im getting at.

We have a Naughty corner, all fine n well sitting there, usually has to be placed there but he does stay there. He cant say sorry but i get a kiss n wee cuddle but maybe a couple hours later whatever he has done bad he may try it again.

Luckily we have not had to get him much in trouble as he generally is a good lad, tmes may change when next baby arrives in April.

Wife not doing so great physically but other than that doing ok at 26 weeks

How old is the child? Sounds like theyre a little young to understand. Are you explaining why theyre there?

The technique we used was - put child on naughty step, explain why theyre there, leave them for 1 minute for each year of their age, go back, explain again why they were put on the naughty step, child apologises, hug, thats it.

Naughty step works well for both of ours. Its more of a threat now than anything. I cant remember the last time either were actually on the naughty step, usually "do you want to sit on the naughty step?" is enough.

I think we're quite lucky though, that both of ours are, basically, well behaved kids. Just the thought of getting told off is enough to have Molly on the verge of tears and, while Ethan is always into things, that often he shouldnt be, its more down to inquisitiveness than being naughty.

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That's the wee yin back from the sick kids hospital today. Operation went well on friday, bye bye to the Nasal Gastro tube and that big plaster on her cheek, she now has the Mic-Key button fitted. She's still in a bit of discomfort, but her smiles are starting to come back :D

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Hope the recovery from the op is quick, heedthebaa! :)

My wee man is mental. He is currently climbing up on the sofa, shouting "Buzz flying!" and jumping off... Also, funny story, kids are not stupid are they? He's had far too many sweets and things over the Christmas holidays and keeps asking for more. The other day he came running through from the kitchen and said, "mummy, sweetie please". I said no, so he thought for a second and said, "mummy, chocolate please". I said no again, so he went running back through the house. 2 seconds later, he came back with his coat and said "I go granny's. Granny get sweeties". She bloody would give him sweets, too. Cheeky monkey!

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Guest The Phoenix

How old is the child? Sounds like theyre a little young to understand. Are you explaining why theyre there

Pretty sure the naughty step is for G_Man not his child.

My daughter uses the naughty step for my grandson, Matthew.

I cry, inside, when he gets put there. :(

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Hope the recovery from the op is quick, heedthebaa! :)

My wee man is mental. He is currently climbing up on the sofa, shouting "Buzz flying!" and jumping off... Also, funny story, kids are not stupid are they? He's had far too many sweets and things over the Christmas holidays and keeps asking for more. The other day he came running through from the kitchen and said, "mummy, sweetie please". I said no, so he thought for a second and said, "mummy, chocolate please". I said no again, so he went running back through the house. 2 seconds later, he came back with his coat and said "I go granny's. Granny get sweeties". She bloody would give him sweets, too. Cheeky monkey!

cheers reina, yeh she's healing fine.


Granny's can be painful sometimes. My mum was always sneaking my two sweeties when they were younger, now they're older, it's moved on to homemade banoffie pies :rolleyes:

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cheers reina, yeh she's healing fine.


Granny's can be painful sometimes. My mum was always sneaking my two sweeties when they were younger, now they're older, it's moved on to homemade banoffie pies :rolleyes:

Those are a bit harder to smuggle. :)

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