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Rate yourself out of 10

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Personality - 6. Above average - I mean I'm not talkative at all, tbh, and have few interests outside of football and Stupid Sexy Sturgeon, but in terms of self-awareness/not being a social hand grenade I'm far, far better than when I was at school, where I was a firm 1 or 2 up until about 5th year/6th year.
Appearance - 6, getting worse as time goes on. Can scrub up to a 7 or 7.5 when I can be arsed.
Driving ability - 7.5, again from being probably a 3 or a 4 when I first passed my test! One minor crash where I burst a tyre a few years back, other than that I've driven for about 5 years with no mishaps and learned to anticipate the most common f**k-ups made by other drivers at certain roads (cars cutting in due to queue's of traffic turning right, cars deciding to pull out from stationary right in front of me etc.)
Footballing ability - 4.5 on average I'd say. Have rare, rare games where I'm a 7 or 8 but they are few and far between, and I'm particularly brought down by being awful defensively. Prolly a 6 in goals at fives.
Cuntbaggery - 3. Have my moments but by and large most people think I'm the most placid person they know - kind of linked to the driving, in that I'm really very patient and not one of those drivers in a huge rush to go nowhere.

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