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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Both Morton centre halves booked already, both for clattering Jack Hamilton.
  2. Shocked to hear all the injured Morton players are fine.
  3. The thought of Quitongo up against Watson and Murray in a foot race is giving me nightmares already.
  4. Not a single doubt in my mind that all of Morton’s possible missing players will be fine. Muirhead especially won’t miss an opportunity to turn in a Van Nistelrooy-like performance in Kirkcaldy for the umpteenth time. Will be tight, like literally every game this season, one goal in it. I’ll go for 2-1 Rovers.
  5. Fans of daft wee diddy clubs fuming that the Kirkcaldy behemoth are cherry picking players from the Premiership. Good.
  6. Almost as if we had a plan for the defence all along.
  7. It’s not football related - there’s been a fall out between Millen and Murray. I’d be more than happy for him to still be playing every week based on football.
  8. Him, or whoever the f**k was supposed to be marking Tam O’Brien? Though choice.
  9. Pars would fucking love to sign Ross Millen. He’d be your best player by a mile.
  10. You’re too fucking stupid to converse with. As you were.
  11. You do understand that the club can sign a striker whilst still looking for another defender, right?
  12. You post your opinion, someone else posts theirs in response and then you jump down their throat for not being allowed an opinion. Everyone is posting their opinion. That’s the whole point of the forum
  13. Yeah, that’s no how it works.
  14. Have avoided this forum since last weekend because I assume it was full of complete slavers having mental breakdowns. Hopefully calmed a bit now. Looking forward to tomorrow, temps are to come up a good bit today and tomorrow so hopefully no doubts about it being on. Fancy us to win narrowly.
  15. It’s surely only so long until we start to see the “the board don’t want promotion” and “we can’t afford to go up” being trotted out by supporters of a certain age.
  16. Far too much of an easy trope. These guys are professionals. Dylan will know he holds the cards for the transfer window(s) but also that if his levels drop it’ll harm him. We’re going through a wee sticky patch and his form has dropped slightly. He’s also been carrying a wee knock. A totally normal thing to happen during a season.
  17. Seen a lot of posts about how we’ve not adapted to the loss of Stanton. Of course we’ve not, he’s our best player. Take any team’s best player out of their 11 and watch them struggle without them - from the very top levels of the game to the very bottom. I do think we need a wee freshen up and do also think we’ll get it. We now need a centre half for sure. I’m quite confident it’ll be Lee Ashcroft. I think we’ll see Gullan leave and a proper striker come in. I also think we’ll probably see Lewis Stevenson come in for the left back position. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a few more players go to free up space in the wage budget for new faces. Dan O’Reilly is an odd one. With some of the reactions from some of our fans you’d think we’d lost a prime Franco Baresi. Let’s not forget that he was kept out of the team by central midfielder Scott Brown for a number of weeks. Very good at attacking the ball but prone to rashness and I always got the impression that Murray wasn’t interested in breaking the bank to keep him. He’s not a Premiership centre half so doesn’t make sense to offer him a deal beyond the end of the season given our current position and ambitions. I don’t blame Dan for taking the longer term deal on more money. Anyone would do the same. Good luck to him.
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