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AW saint

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Everything posted by AW saint

  1. Got to give Livi their dues. Probably a smaller club etc but they punch above their weight each season.
  2. I am sure we have other targets. Deals fall through all the time. Pity for the player as he was keen to come to us. Lets see how they get on with an unhappy player
  3. Bruce Anderson is a good shout. I would prefer the Irish Lad however. Was hoping we would get Fletcher
  4. It's not time yet to go cap in hand to Main. Still very early in the window. I love big Curtis but we need to see what else is out there. We need upgrades on the current squad.
  5. Wonder if wee Jay will sign for county. Now that contracts officially end tomorrow will we see Fuad Sule sign
  6. Whilst I agree having Main back would be excellent I am not in favour of going back to a player who is moving on.
  7. All this talk about Hemming is pathetic. We need a competant keeper which he is. What we need more is creative players and someone to put away our chances. If we get the right frontmen then the rest takes care of itself.
  8. The strikers on our books dont have goals in them apart from Ayunga. Still think we need more creative players too.
  9. 100% real and its hideous. Seen it in Florida this week. Shocker of a strip
  10. Good grief I saw that numerous posts had been made since my last look and thought we must have signed someone etc. Nope madness has decended. Ffs
  11. I dont see Baccus as a tough tackling defensive midfielder. He links play and likes to get forward. He gets booked a lot too.
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