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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Happy enough to give McHattie the benefit of doubt given we need a left back, he has near enough 100 appearances in the top league as well as a championship winners medal from recent years.
  2. They don't call him Dave the Save for nothing. Best Rovers keeper I've seen, genuinely incredible at times a few years back. The triple save against Ayr probably the best piece of goalkeeping I've seen in the flesh. Would be a terrific acquisition for anyone in league 1 or 2.
  3. Surely Arbroath don't train in Arbroath? Perth or Dundee, no?
  4. Folk always say this about injury prone players. No agent will allow his player to sign a PAYP contract, I'll be surprised if there's a single player in Britain on one.
  5. By the same turn of the coin this is a daft attitude to have. Don't be butt hurt that players aren't falling over themselves to sign on the dotted line for Raith Rovers.
  6. I like Rory, I think he's got decent aspects to his game and I wouldn't be sad if he signed on again, but his positioning is really poor. We've lost so many goals over the last two seasons due to him not being in the right place. I just think it might be worth investigating other options.
  7. McKeown would be a poor signing for any Premiership side. Never seen a full back so inept at defending the back post.
  8. I think any good feeling I'm harbouring towards Ray would pretty quickly evaporate should he come back and cherry pick three of our best players for a team in the same division.
  9. Turns out it was Michael Doyle, who's just signed for Morton. Never mind.
  10. There was a full back Alloa had who was really impressive, his name escapes me. I feel like he's probably a RB as opposed to an LB though. Was McKeown not being sounded out by Falkirk? With them presumably signing McHattie that's one of the better options available to him likely out the window. I wouldn't rule out McKeown signing on again with us, he's just playing the waiting game.
  11. Was our released/retained list not to be published today?
  12. Surprised Accies kept Longridge on, most on here seemed happy he was punted out on loan to us. I'd have been happy to keep him, showed what he was all about once he got himself properly fit. I've heard McKeown was going abroad or to England, might be total shite though. What about Grantie though? Ohhhh, Grantie Grantie, Grantie Grantie Grantie Grantie Anderson
  13. Would agree with LB and Yoss, speaks volumes that he was hooked after an hour in the first Hibs game and didn't get on at all in the second one. Good when we were the team on the front foot but gave the ball away too much otherwise. He's a definite keep if possible, though.
  14. Looking at Rory McKeown for "a more physical defence"? The same Rory McKeown that went the entire 2014/15 season without a booking? -3/10, abysmal attempt.
  15. Just me that isn't too pessimistic about Jackson. Seems a fairly normal appointment.
  16. Here he is, looking at me like butter wouldn't melt. He's just getting to the teething stage which is keeping us on our toes.
  17. Rangers fans referring to themselves as "the Bears" Criiiiiiinge
  18. Hearing from other stewards just now that there was in fact Rangers players trying to punch Hibs fans when they were getting in their faces at the end. Can't wait to see the highlights now.
  19. Would've taken Halliday getting fucking maimed at the pitch invasion tbqh.
  20. The long and short of it is essentially that Sevconians are happy to Lord it over everybody else for as long as they see fit, but need to run on the park and try to punch anyone who bends it up them. Hopefully there's a few of them with really sore faces as well as egos tonight.
  21. I was working on the segregation section in the upper deck, had to really, really bite my lip and try remain professional when Hibs got the winner. What a fucking scene, I've never seen anything like it. A bit ugly with snapping the bar and that but f**k it, it's nothing that can't be fixed. Genuinely fucking delighted for the Hibs fans tonight. Fully grown men balling their eyes out and hugging each other whilst Rangers fans, who were giving it the biggest licks 2 mins prior sat with their heads in their hands. Edinburgh should be a quiet night out tonight.
  22. I'm still fucked off about the whole thing, believe me. But ranting on and on about it is going to help no one. What's done is done. If McCulloch comes in it'll set me off again, though.
  23. Not sure McHattie is a Rovers fan. He was year below me at school and if he was he kept it to himself. Always thought he was a Townie.
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