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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Nah Lee McCullouch can get himself so far to f**k. A cretin of unspeakable volumes. Locke on his own I can just about deal with, him as well and it's a no from me.
  2. Yep, add me to the "he's here now so may as well get behind him" crew. Not my first choice by a long stretch but he's got a decent squad to start with. As long as he doesn't instantly sign his pals and makes good additions we should be fine. I withhold the right to change all this if McCulloch gets appointed in any capacity into the backroom.
  3. I'm off to boil my heid, just to continue today's good vibes.
  4. I was more thinking along the lines of through RaithTV, but thanks for your input.
  5. I'm sure I read somewhere that the new manager was to meet the media at a press conference at 2pm. I'm guessing it won't be broadcast anywhere?
  6. Aitken looks seriously weird in that photo. Like a wax work figurine.
  7. Took the words out of my mouth. A lesson in being dim from Chris numbers. Who exactly is at the wind up regarding Locke?
  8. I've yet to see anything other than "give him a chance" as a reason to not be against his appointment.
  9. It's really hard for me to put into words just how fucking angry I am at this. I get behind the board in EVERYTHING they do. Gave Murray the job, gave him a longer contract, helped him out by bringing Malpas in instead of just jacking him when everyone was calling for his head - fine, all fine. I really try my best to think of us a progressive club who give people a chance when others won't but what the actual f**k are we doing appointing this c**t? Eric is on here and in the paper as good as begging more folk to come along and support the club and we appoint Locke, a man with the tack record of an imbecile, who lists his fucking primary school and beating Hibs once on his ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC CV. The man is a fucking joke. Is this a "f**k you" to the fans because we didn't show up in greater numbers last year? A sort of, "well this is the level of manager you can expect if you don't come and support us"? Genuinely, and I mean this, if he appoints Lee McCulloch or Billy Brown into his backroom, I'll no be back until they're away. We're a fucking laughing stock AGAIN. well done Rovers, top fucking job.
  10. Had a dream that we gave the job to Ian Murray instead. What a tease. I'm absolutely livid about this, and I'm about as much of a 'happy clapper' as you get. It's just such a fucking shit appointment, lacking in any imagination. In what way is Locke a continuation of McKinnon? Not a fair swap, it's a shit swap. There's an outside chance that I might get my Saturday's back for the first time since I was 17, I was looking into the possibility of getting a season ticket - I'll hold off for a bit I think. Can't believe this is actually happening.
  11. I'll fucking greet if we appoint Locke. A massive, massive backwards step if it is indeed him. I've got faith in the board to do the right thing here, and he's definitely not the right thing. Don't let me down, Eric!
  12. McBookie is just like any other bookie, the price changes based on money taken. A lot of money probably came in on Locke today, thus the change in price.
  13. Locke into 2/5. I know I said I'm fully behind anyone the club appoints right, but Gary Locke isnae allowed.
  14. All this chat about who its going to be that gets the managers gig. I'm happy to put my cards on the table and wholeheartedly back the board to pick the right man, whoever it might be.
  15. Heard recently that Ray had Keatings lined up had Hibs gone up, but now that 1) they're staying down and 2) Ray's away there isn't a chance in hell it'll happen.
  16. I managed to get Trevor Sinclair into The Sun this time last year so it's not outwith the realms of possibility that bookies check up on forums etc.
  17. Folk being flabbergasted at the possibility of McBookie checking this thread. Of course he's checking it.
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