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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Hopefully its just PATG. Everyone who I'm going with stays in Edinburgh and we'd have nae chance of getting over to Kirkcaldy for a ticket.
  2. Really disheartening to get f**k all for Bates cause Gary Locke is pals with Davie Weir. I don't grudge Bates the move, its one he can't really turn down, just heavily shite to get nothing for him unless he plays 800 games then gets sold for £10m.
  3. I'll be incredibly surprised if we got a fee at all given we've got three players currently on loan from them.
  4. Still, at least we've got the Hearts love in to look forward to. f**k our board for their pathetic decision to employ this c**t.
  5. Michael Stewart regularly comes in to my work. Thoroughly nice bloke, too.
  6. Nothing quite like nurturing our own talent and that, eh? Fucking scunnered with this. Really hope Lewis goes away and bangs them in between now and the end of the season to show Locke what he's missing out on.
  7. What the f**k, man? This is just ridiculous. f**k off Locke.
  8. I'd have killed to have Stevenson about 8 years ago. Now, well, not so much. Full time training might make a difference given he's only 32. Our squad is obscene, though.
  9. Surely we don't send Vaughan out on loan? He has quality, just needs a run in the team. I'll be gutted if he goes.
  10. Gary Locke is very good friends with Davie Weir. "Contacts" probably means him.
  11. Val McDermid on Celebrity University Challenge just now. Incredibly clever woman.
  12. I can only assume we've got Crawford in for very cheap so Locke can get a good look at him for next season, or as a longer term replacement for Thompson who is, I think, only here til January. Means he'll be properly fit and ready to go into the first team right away. If Locke deems him good enough then you'd guess he'll extend Crawford's contract til the end of the season.
  13. Am I right in saying that the Dundee Utd game week after next will be £20?
  14. Ah, my mistake. I thought the game was at Starks. 3/1 maybe slightly too long then. Tonight will be a decent indicator.
  15. Unsure how a team who haven't won a game this season being 3/1 away to us is a massive steal, tbh. We've not been playing well but I'd say its pretty much spot on.
  16. Let's not be silly. Do you honestly think Gary Locke and Darren Jackson are standing on the sidelines week after week thinking, "Callachan is having a nightmare again, better keep him on and play him next week as well"? To be continually picked at Championship level you need to be fulfilling the designated role within the team given to you by your manager. Neither of us know what that specific role is, but he clearly does enough in the eyes of the current management team, and the four before them, to nail down a starting place in our team.
  17. Have you ever considered that he's not being dropped or subbed because he's doing exactly as is asked of him every week? Just because you don't know what he's supposed to be doing doesn't mean he's not doing it.
  18. I know I'm what could probably be described as a Callachan fan boy but it speaks volumes that John McGlynn rated him, Grant Murray rated him, Ray McKinnon rated him, Gary Locke rates him, all the other managers make constant comments about him being a very good player, several other clubs have tried to sign him in the past few seasons but our fans don't like him so he must be shite.
  19. It's a bad situation to not have a home game for two months, absolutely, but perhaps our starting point should be not having a squad of about 25 first team players. Edit: and not adding to it on a monthly basis!
  20. Any potential moaning from the club about that situation (shite as it is) must surely fall on deaf ears given that we signed a player in that time.
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