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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Did you get to see the handball by Thompson to give the free kick away? He seemed to be gesturing that he was pushed and that's what caused him to handle it, but I'm not so sure. Looked like he just had a brain fart and punched the ball.
  2. Ended up on John McGlynn's Wikipedia page just there. Apparently he's now the boss of Boeung Ket Angkor who are the current Cambodian champions. I think that tops the list of things I didn't think I'd read today. Edit: I see now that he's not the manager, but is a coach. Edit 2: It's not him. Different John McGlynn. Boo.
  3. Hartley sacked by Dundee. Fairly good chance he'll be our boss next season I reckon.
  4. Top 3 most mad I've ever gone at a goal, that one. I'm sure I've said it before but I was half way down the stand before I even realised what I was doing. One of those ones where you're running but in no particular direction or to even get anywhere. The dead cert handball that doesn't get given just prior to the goal just amped the crowd to fever pitch so when the ball hit the net it was fucking scenes.
  5. Stevenson has had a quick change of heart regarding never wanting to play football again - signed for Troon. What is it that Robertson is even out with? It's been so long I can't even remember what happened.
  6. Not a chance we'll keep a hold of M'Voto, and he probably knows it unfortunately.
  7. We should start a sign Gregory twitter campaign. Just bombard him every day until he caves.
  8. So, hypothetical situation - Hughes leaves at the end of the season and Dundee Utd bin McKinnon. Do we take him back?
  9. I'm honestly fuming at Roberts for that reaction at Yaw. He literally balloons the ball over the bar about 1 minute before in the highlights. A fucking charlatan of a footballer, and a total dick to boot.
  10. Very harsh. Not played a lot of games, but those he has played in he's been reliable.
  11. The retirement is his own decision to make, we need to respect it I suppose. I only wish we'd signed him ten years earlier.
  12. The story of his arrival reminds me of left back Goran Stanic, who apparently drove the 2,000 miles from Macedonia to Kirkcaldy in order to sign for us in 2003.
  13. Orange is the colour of the home outfield kit of the club he currently plays for. He's number 31, too.
  14. I'm not sure how I'll react if we play Stevenson in goals again on Wednesday. The fact that I wouldn't be completely and utterly shocked is testament to this clusterfuck of a season.
  15. Vaughan is under contract for next season - exceptional news given or current plight - the absolute last thing we want to do is annoy him by not allowing him to play for the rest of the season. We made our bed, it's time to lie in it. Let him get game time under his belt and hope he comes back to us and shows the same quality and endeavour that we all know he is capable of. On a purely moral point, I couldn't support the club knowing that we did that to him. Whatever the reasons for sending him to Dumbarton, we need to stand by them now.
  16. He's dealing with a group of players completely and utterly bereft of any form of confidence. A number of people have said it, and it sounds really simplistic, but he can't go on the pitch and put the ball in the net for the strikers. We had about 5 good goal scoring chances last night and barely worked the keeper. I've no doubt if given time, Hughes would turn us in to a good side; he doesn't have that time. We need something to turn for us soon or it's 10th place. It's an old cliche but we need a break - a soft penalty, a goal which is miles offside, a goal which didn't actually cross the line - because all the hard work in the world just isn't doing it. He's a motivator, hell I feel motivated just watching his interviews on RaithTV, but I fear the damage is done. We look every bit like a team who is going to be relegated.
  17. I had consigned myself to 9th, but now it appears it'll be 10th. At least there won't be any play off pain to endure.
  18. I was hearing tonight that we've offered the boy Stanton a contract for next season.
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