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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Incredible stuff. I'll never get to experience that type of thing. What I'd give to have been the age I am now when that was all happening. I'm sure many of the older fans who were there never realised at the time that that was the absolute peak of our wee club's existence. You dunno how lucky you are!
  2. I'll upgrade my one great day to three actually, Aberdeen away and Dundee away were both brilliant.
  3. You oldies have had all the fun. I reckon in my 19 years of following the Rovers I've had one truly brilliant day - the day we won the 2nd under McGlynn. I popped my ankle ligaments on the morning of the challenge cup final, my last ever game of football, and spent the entirety of the game in A&E at the Royal. I was in the Novar with everyone afterwards but it just wasn't the same. I think that's why I've got much higher tolerance to match performances than others, I've never experienced the proper highs.
  4. Did that happen in the same season? Bloody hell I was born 10 years too late.
  5. I also had an obese French teacher. Where did you go to school?
  6. Matthew Elder on Twitter, not usually wrong. Leicester U21 player of the year last year, scored on his only appearance for the first team and scored an international hat trick. I'm already giddy with excitement.
  7. I'm absolutely not raging, champ. I was one who stood up for Wighton throughout his time with us, saying that has a lot of potential and that he has age on his side and will still have growing to do. But the fact of the matter is that he scored 1 goal in 21 games for us, and looked painfully out of his depth against the teams in the top half.
  8. Mental that Hearts are trying to get Wighton in. He offered absolutely nothing on loan with us in a division below.
  9. Stuart Cargill, who was top scorer in the super league last year, was released by East Fife aged 18. Joe Dunbar (remember him?) played for Newtongrange Star and by all means was superb for them, came to us and couldn't get in the team. The truth is that whilst there will be the odd hidden gem playing at a low level, the majority are by and large are playing there for a reason - they're not good enough to make the step up. To claim that there's loads and all we need to do is pick one is daft in the extreme.
  10. I said this after the 2-1 home win against Dumbarton. I seem to remember Paul Watson being a particular non-applauder as well.
  11. Stephen Reynolds is the one. A complete charlatan. I saw someone say Iain Williamson - mental. He was a decent player for us.
  12. I think Megginson just ran out of chances to be honest. A few great cameo appearances as a sub but didn't do enough any time he was given a start. I wish him all the best.
  13. Craigen is our most technically gifted player, to suggest he's a "passenger" is laughable. The only player I've ever seen for us who can take corners and free kicks with both feet. Him and Callachan don't hide and always make themselves available for the ball even when things aren't going well, thus why they're getting it tight just now. The way McKinnon is talking in that interview it sounds like we tried to sign Sutton outright, but because he's got 18 months left on his deal it was too expensive.
  14. Grant Anderson and Matthew Elder have just followed Connolly on Twitter. Sounds like a done deal.
  15. I think I need to write this down and staple it to my arm or something.
  16. Excellent signing to be honest. He's not a striker, but Ray has said we're bringing in someone to have a look at him. It's a shame El Alagui is on such ridiculous wages cause he'd be an great capture. Proven at this level. We almost have a full squad, I feel a bit giddy.
  17. I was on that bus!! Literally pushing the bus out of the mud as it rocked back and forward trying to get a bit of traction. I think someone found an old bit of carpet behind the stand and managed to get it wedged under the wheels to get it moving.
  18. I'm 23. Bamboo is what my mates had said as well. We'll go with that.
  19. Mine and my bird's anniversary today, so we're staying in Glasgow tonight. Which nightclubs are likely to be busy? Edit: Also just noticed it's my P&B anniversary. That's the real celebration here.
  20. Yep, he scored that one on my 16th birthday. He got a double that day I'm sure. Fantastic player on his day.
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