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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Changing the lyrics of Geordie Munro to "I'd rather stay home with Greg Tade" kinda secures your place in Starks Park folklore.
  2. I'd say Jefferies being relegated twice in a row outweighs Murray's failings by a country mile. A bizarre comparison.
  3. One of my favourite ever days following the Rovers. Part of me is definitely a bit sad Murray has left, although I imagine it's just that a decent bloke has lost his livelihood that's nagging at me.
  4. Feel for Bert, he's a top guy but unfortunately it just didn't work out for him. I imagine someone connected to him will read this, so thanks for your hard work and the cup win, something no one will readily forget.
  5. Serious questions need to asked about Grant Murray's judgement if Dave McGurn hasn't been offered a new deal. Leaving him to, as someone else mentioned, rot on the bench whilst we concede 4's and 5's again is diabolical management. In McGurn, the fans actually have someone who they universally like, and if Murray is going to let him walk away from the football club whilst he stays, it'll be the biggest travesty in recent times at RRFC.
  6. I've et to see Cuthbert have a good game for us. He's been poor.
  7. Fee wouldn't be "quite paltry", he's been at the club for eight years. Would have been at least £100k.
  8. @RaithRovers_FC: Stand by for some very positive re-signing news within the next hour on http://t.co/jN8dd8juY2
  9. Keatings would be a fantastic signing, but fairly certain he'll end up back at Hamilton or a similarly sized SPL side, as will most of the released boys from Hearts.
  10. He trains with them through the week, as far as i am led to believe he only plays games with us. Naturally we'll be taking another step to being fully full time next season, and it probably makes sense that he'll go, as shite as that is.
  11. I'm pretty convinced McGurn is going to sign for Morton in all honesty, I believe he trains there twice a week already. Think all three of the goalies will go and we'll get Letheren from Dundee and just use the 19s as back up. Having thought about it, I'd move on Cuthbert, Fox, Moon, Elliott, Nade, Scott & Stewart, which would save us a small fortune in wages per week. Hopefully we can sign some players who aren't just from this league this time.
  12. I was away to post the same thing. Really does go in depth about his personal life and battles with various demons in his younger years, worth a read.
  13. I think I'm absolutely in the minority here but I'd keep Elliot. I know he hasn't scored in however long but he's an excellent player on his day. Admittedly it hasn't been "his day" for a while, but he still has a lot to offer.
  14. This is madness. He'll surely knock them in for fun at this level.
  15. I'll do the honours:WHOOOOOSH. Edit: To answer your original question, I'm sure it's Michael W that lives down that way.
  16. Return bus for a tenner to Inverness. Still the train for me. Good gesture from the club though, hope plenty take them up on it.
  17. Back on Murray's side after that. Moreover, well done to the board for not giving in to us lot and sacking him. Took their time and got someone in to help him instead and it's turned out to be a great appointment. Well done to the board and the whole backroad team for what has been a very enjoyable last few months.
  18. Had to laugh at FanTalk there. The boy Tam, who constantly slates the management team/midfielders/defence/strikers/tea ladies has come up with the solution to our goal scoring troubles - Derek Riordan. The man who couldn't get a game for Alloa and is now a free agent is the one we need to bring in to cure what ails us. What a time to be alive.
  19. Loan signing to be announced via twitter within the next 24 hours according to Rovers Digest email.
  20. Dale Carrick of Hearts is the striker we're attempting to sign on loan.
  21. One thing i've learned about Ross Callachan's extended run in the team is that a staggering amount of people think he's called Ross Callaghan. He's only been with us for over a decade.
  22. f**k going there. I really wouldn't ever consider going to Ibrox to see us play, it must be the least enjoyable away day in the league.
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