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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. John Daly To put this to bed btw, Conroy at LWB would be an unmitigated disaster.
  2. I'm meeting Mr. Romero before it!
  3. I had this one boy on facebook who moaned about Hutton, and one boy in the comments who agrees with him, but he's been the only one.
  4. Who now? I don't imagine any of the current board members will want to step up. Turnbull has done a magnificent job, but he's made the correct choice. He's obviously not well and family comes first in that situation.
  5. Aye, let's go back to the time when we could just call people "coons", "nigggers" and "poofs". Ahh, they were the days.
  6. As a side note, i'd be willing to bet that "Mij" is the same person as "rovers_lad" and Vinnie on FanTalk. Posting style is far too similar.
  7. Having slept on this, i've decided i'm quite happy with McKay. It gives us actual competition for places in the wide positions, which means that at least one of him, Anderson, Scott, Vaughan or Conroy jus going have to miss out each week, which should in theory up their performance levels and give us a better output. Given that Conroy and Vaughan have been amongst our most productive players recently, it's harsh to drop either of them. I imagine McKay will start most games from the bench barring injury or suspension, but he's very obviously quick and likes a 1-on-1 so isn't the worst option to have for the last 15 of a game.
  8. I can't say I knew he was even out on loan at Morton. Guessing it didn't go particularly well?
  9. I know, eh? He had a better game on Saturday right enough. More of that please. Whoever it was that originally RT'd the old post from June on the Rovers page about the signing news being announced at 11pm - well played. Caught a few corkers over on Facebook. Boys will be crying into their lion bar cereal tomorrow morning when they realise what's happened.
  10. Apparently it's £750 for McKeown. I heard as much whilst at the Dunfermline game a few weeks back.
  11. Smith was after £700 a week apparently, Falkirk agreed to it and we didn't.
  12. So you don't think it'll be someone random, and that it'll probably be one of Murray's pals. Or maybe it'll be an ex-player. Or maybe someone random. You got the lottery numbers whilst you're at it?
  13. Paul Smith runs a business called Stirling Fibre with his step-father which consumes most of his time through the week and from which he makes most of his money, the football was something he continued purely for the fun of it. We are looking to go back fully full-time obviously, and he can't make that commitment. That's really all there is to it.
  14. I like Laurie, Christ I actually think I love him, but the thought of him at CB tomorrow is giving me the heebies.
  15. Selling two EH1 Festival tickets for less than face value. Pick up in Edinburgh area.
  16. He'll be insured so it's not as if he's costing us a fortune for nothing, but it is a royal pain in the arse having him sitting in the stand for so long. Edit: Good to see that FannyTalk jumped straight to "RIP HIS CONTRAKT UP!!!1".
  17. I ran up to a boy in the Super You & Me tent on Sunday who had a Morton top on and likely made a total c**t of myself. Anyone on here?
  18. Creamfields this weekend, really looking forward to it. Who else is going?
  19. That fucking unofficial Facebook page is calling for a protest after the game on Saturday. How embarrassing is that? I'll no bother going along for the time being, not because I'm not in support of Murray, but because I don't want to sit in the same stand as the majority of our support.
  20. Really unimpressed with Perry signing. The guy is absolutely woeful.
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