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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Ready to jettison Ethan Ross into the forth at this point.
  2. Think this yellow away strip might turn out to be a classic in a few years with this away trip planned. Would get one soon if you’re planning on it.
  3. Today has been fucking great. I’ll say it again. Today has been fucking great.
  4. Our social media game just now is fucking outstanding just now. Increased reach of tweets and a solid marketing strategy has led to both Tenerife and Las Palmas jumping on our tweets and their fans buying our strips. Turning clicks into money. Bravo, social media team.
  5. Agree with anything less than top 4 finish being a failure this season with that squad. It’s the strongest it’s been in the last 7 or 8 years easily, arguably longer.
  6. What a lovely man. I’m really, really gutted that I was just too young to really appreciate Paquito as a player. I remember him playing but it was before I’d developed any real comprehension of what I was watching. The fact he’s still so well spoken of after all this time is a testament to his quality as well as his character.
  7. Seems like the signing of a centre half has pacified everyone, eh? Not much news to report on this week. Wonder if we’ll see any loans in before the league campaign starts in a few weeks. Just really need cover for left back and maybe another option up front.
  8. Weighed it up but decided not to bother. Involved leaving the house about 9am and getting home after midnight. No worth it.
  9. We’ve sold stacks and stacks of the home kit this season and last, so the partnership seems to be going really well.
  10. I am equally disappointed but there will be a reason. The players are maybe being given the weekend off or something. I’m sure they’d have had it on Saturday if they could.
  11. Would’ve quite liked to have taken my wee boy along for his first time to Starks. There’s probably a reason why it’s not on Saturday, but with the free week it might have been a good chance to have it that day. Monday I’ll be working, same as most folk.
  12. There is nothing anyone can say that will convince me that Euan Murray isn’t putting that voice on.
  13. I think they’ve got 12 league 1 games. Ideally looking for a minimum of half of them to feature Falkirk getting beat in hilarious circumstances to make it worthwhile.
  14. I think suggesting that we sign a lowland league striker on the basis of one 90 minute viewing is jumping the gun ever so slightly.
  15. I was torn between Mullin or Smith but went with Mullin purely because people will be screaming at him week upon week upon week to get to the byline, never realising that it won’t ever happen. It’s happening already.
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