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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. FanTalk is a fucking joke. The modding on it is ridiculous.
  2. Why not just put me on ignore then? If it really gets on your tits so much?
  3. I can't think of any examples to be honest. Maybe it's just the way I speak.
  4. I dunno where this is coming from. I think everyone on here realised that that post is totally tongue in cheek and I meant nothing by it. Strange.
  5. Fair enough. I've got nout against you nor Adam, and his out burst was a bit out of the blue. I was only joking.
  6. Oh, I didn't even notice his post. Can't say i've done anything to ever upset him.
  7. Awesome? Is it awesome to have 3 feet of water complete with human feces under your floorboards?
  8. It's full of raw sewage aswell, because it's all the one drain... Fucking stinking.
  9. Jesus f**k, it's happened again. The water has soaked in under the floor of the folk who live next door and next door to him AGAIN, for the second time in 6th months. I took a few photos on my mobile just as it was beginning to go down, the water was easily a good 3 inches deeper than this about 30 minutes prior to these being taken:
  10. Really!?!? Fucking hell. This is easily the heaviest rain i've seen in this country.
  11. I swear there's a meander forming outside. The water must be a good 6 inches deep already.
  12. I've had to go and close my window because the rain was coming in and hitting the back of my TV. The thunder and lightning is now doing my tits in, and the rain is fucking obscene. Thsi can f**k right off, the ground at T in the Park is going to be an absolute marsh.
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