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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. The slagging of McGlynn today was comical, literally. One guy near me stood up and shouted "MAAAAGLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN" then sat down again. Fucking toad.
  2. You investing? Unless you've been living in a cave on Mars with your eyes shut and your fingers in your ears, we've got nae money.
  3. You really are a fucking arsehole. Typing in big size six font doesn't make your point anymroe valid. And if you're going to be a cock, at least be a correct cock, and spell his name right.
  4. Pfft. Lat season the bus broke down in Stranraer after the game. That was a fucking nightmare.
  5. John is indeed a great guy, always got time to stop and speak to you.
  6. Fucking gash. I've left my mate who goes to most of the games an offline message on MSN. I'm hoping that he comes on before dinner time.
  7. I want to nom something. Fucking starving, but all the take-aways have stopped delivering at this time
  8. Why don't they just say, sorry, it's sold out. I could probably accept that!
  9. Anyway, i've sent an email to TicketSoup, asking why I got the rror page. I bet I don't even get a fucking reply.
  10. I'd be quite happy for touts to plan on buying loads of tickets, then get f**k all. Then maybe i'd have a ticket.
  11. That never actualy materialised. We got loads of drop outs at the last minmute and we ended up having to pay the £15 aswell to cover the cost.
  12. That second one has been brushed to f**k, and she still looks rank.
  13. But you said, "You have the opportunity to win three points for yourself and prevent them getting three points at the same time" Surely this is the same regardless of who is it you're playing? Because if you win, the other team can't get 3 points, aswell.
  14. Honestly, i've no idea how you find her attractive She ooks like someone's smacked her puss with a frying pan! Seriously, look at the roundness and flatness of the face.
  15. But isn't that the same regardless of who you're playing?
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