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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. MMSM is being an erse! I'm offering to buy him his drink on Saturday night if he has nae money, and he's saying no! Just take it!
  2. He should have. If he wanted £800, the asking price should have been £1000.
  3. I had a half pizza in batter and chips, with salt and brown sauce, and a glass bottle of Irn-Bru to wash it down. It tasted great, but by f**k i've had an unhealthy day
  4. As a rule of thumb, if there's nipple on show, it's nae for a forum.
  5. I'm sooooooooooooooooooo fucking bored. I can't wait for college to start to so I actually have some substance to my days rather than sitting about the house all day every fucking day.
  6. Right , 3am is late enough, I want to sleep now, and you think I can?
  7. Exam results tomorrow, i'm really, really, really not looking forward to it
  8. MMSM is being a bam. There's a party organised for the end of the summer at our pals house sometime between the 14th and ther 19th, and instead of just bringing his bird and killing two birds with one stone, he's going to go somewhere with her first and then come, or vice versa. There's beds available upstairs, FFS!
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