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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. That could have been Clyde, you selfish west coast b*****d.
  2. Sky Sports News are a fucking digrace just now. There's a club on the brink of extinction and Alex McLeish is talking about his new signings.
  3. I've just seen this. Are you actually saying that 'm8' is a word? Fucking hell.
  4. W.G.I.M.B - Surely the worst explanation of 'bigger than the club' in history? I'm embarrassed for him. That was truly cringeworthy. If it helps anyone, he's 'chopper' from FanTalk which says it all. RRFC1 - Why does he have to score to play well?
  5. RE Davo. I mighht my point clear on my Twitter updates, but just to re-iterate, the folk at the back of the stand need to get a fucking grip.
  6. I've set up a Twitter account called RaithRoversLive for the updates tonight and most other games. Helpful for whern the official updates aren't on.
  7. I found out who that was! Remember Steven who used to post on here? It was his wee brother.
  8. I'd take from that that the signing is going to be Kevin Smith. Edit: This is why, I can't see it being Damian Casalinuovo cause he's the new signing, I can't see it being Francisco Sandaza cause he's fucking quality and is a 1st team striker and I also can't see it being Jon Daly cause he's a 1st team player aswell. The only other striker that's been deemed as injured at Dundee Utd is Kevin Smith.
  9. Speking of the play-offs, how spawny have Airdrie been with them!? c***s.
  10. I mamaged to lose my neesburs ball tonight at fives, which means i'm gonna have to get him a new one. I'm skint already!
  11. I aways forget about this. iPlayer again...
  12. I'm absolutey guttin', but i'm determined this is the start of me eating well.
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