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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. The P&B guys have pulled out of our fixture on Sunday, leaving me with jack shit to do. Oh aye, and I just found out that my big, fat, stupid cousin is doing the same college course as me.
  2. I sometimes get that. I usually find that it's my body discharging itself of all the static electricity that i've built up over the day. It's kind of like a jolt.
  3. I had a weird dream last night. I've been thinking about getting my hair cut for a while now, cause it's getting to that length where it's too long to kinda spike up if you like, but not long enough to keep down and straighten (up ye). I dreamt last night that I was being chased from someone, and I couldn't see where I was running cause my hair kept on going in my eyes. This has convinced me to get my head shaved again. (I kept on doing that slow motion running thing aswell, which is particularly annoying when being chased by an axe weilding Frenchman)
  4. I need to get my haircut again 4 all over awaits. I don't fear it anymore.
  5. I woke up to go for a drink about 15 minutes ago, and now I'm wide awake. Must.Sleep.Must.Sleep.
  6. Women just can't comprehend that. My last bird just couldn't understand that the Rovers were 3 weeks in a row. "And you're playing football before it, AGAIN?" Yes, I always have, and I always will, you silly, over possesive bint.
  7. I know which adert it is I hate!!! The new Aviva one with the Plymouth Argyle supporter. It makes me want to punch the screen. That has got to be the worst accent anywhere in the world. Ever.
  8. The giraffes on that is the funniest thing i've seen in a while. There's tears pishing down my face.
  9. I want to complain about a very annoying advert, but I can't remember which one it is, and this is annoying me.
  10. I just came unbelievably close to shitting my pants. Not nice at all I'm currently on the porcelain throne, squeezing choco water out my bowels.
  11. Finally!! It's done and I managed to get the whole of GoodGreef onto it As for my new PTTGOMN, The Dundee fans starting their crowd w**k pish in the us v them thread in the first div section. Are they like that all the time?
  12. The home computer here is the biggest shed of sheds i've ever used. It just restarts itself and it's doing my fucking head in. I need to get new music onto the iPhone, but the computer won't even stay on for long enough for me to load iTunes. FUCKING SHED.
  13. I echo the previous sentiment about this c**t. And this song.
  14. I think I know who it was. It sounded suspiciously like a girl who lives down the road, and her and this other girl saw me tonight, so i get the felling it might be her. I want her to phone back so I can out her as the culprit on the phone! AHAHAHAHA!
  15. I just had a very, very strange phonecall. "Blocked" calls, so i answer and I just put it next to my earphones so they could waste their minutes/credit listening to my banging tunes, but I headrd someone talking, so decided to mute it and speak. Samantha is apparently outside my house right now waiting to pick me up
  16. I hate that! My school had a craze that if you got a number 13 bottle on a Friday the 13th, then you were to smash ti and go home, cause the night would be a shit one for you. I don't think I ever laughed quite so hard.
  17. Is that not the fucking Asda Price stuff though? It'd take the wallpaper clean off with so much as a whiff.
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