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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. This is like a league-wide competition to out-diddy each other, for f**k sake. It’s 2 days til the game, maybe phone someone and get it fixed? Or buy a new one?
  2. Ben’s alright tbh. Slagging his appearance is well out, too. His content is pretty good.
  3. He’s got a real chance, does young Kieron. Could actually make us some mega money because the clubs down south spend crazy amounts.
  4. [emoji23] It’s been a while since we’ve seen this mooted on these forums. Have a greenie, for old times sake.
  5. I think Varian will emerge as our out and out number 9. Clearly the most rounded of the centre forwards as in the best in the air, can run in behind, can hold it up and is deceptively quick. He’s coming on to a game now. Berra has been a rock. I was concerned about him but he’s not looking in any bother at all, freak Hamilton 20 minutes aside. Zanatta I was confident we’d get a tune from from the start, so pleased to see that come to fruition.
  6. Well Ayr, I hate to say it, but on that evidence you are going down. Just kidding. I love to say it. Get down.
  7. BRS has been on the verge of a red card for a while. Can’t believe he hadn’t been subbed. Stupid, as well.
  8. What a stupid fucking red card to get. Idiot [emoji23]
  9. Couple Ayr boys on the verge of losing the rag, here. Reckon Muirhead could get sent off.
  10. I’d be really quite annoyed if I had paid any money for this stream. Why is the camera not on half way? And why is it just above head height?
  11. Really lacking in any form of enthusiasm for the football club right now.
  12. Tell you what, we can fucking do one. We’re a fucking disgrace. Can’t wait for the statement on this one.
  13. Aye, and not just because it’s going in and out of focus for the full 11 minutes either.
  14. Well, I’m not staying up any longer. Fingers crossed he’s still our player when I wake up.
  15. Yeah. Not even the right one, either. You’re quick, I’ll give you that.
  16. If we are genuinely going to accept the first fucking bid for our best prospect then we are a tin pot pile of shite club with no intention of progressing who need deleted. Pathetic.
  17. You’d think we’d just be refusing this and getting us all off to bed. The longer it goes the more likely it’s going to be bad news IMO.
  18. I’ll be absolutely fucking furious with the club if we accept this.
  19. Could be a bit of posturing by Hibs as well. They could know fine well we don’t have any cover and will decline the bid, but Tait’s head will now be turned.
  20. If Tait leaves tonight we are in a fucking terrible state. Hard to think of anything else that I’d rather happen less.
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